Except for a few clips from Thursday night’s CNN debate, Ron Paul has been effectively removed from the mainstream false reality. Right off the bat the chant began again, “Ron Paul can’t win.” But then what does that mean? Is it Ron Paul can’t win because he lacks the ability and support? Or is it Ron Paul can’t win because the elitist status quo will be destroyed if a way is not found to stop him?
In listening to the chants of the people outside the Florida debate, who were not elite and thus not allowed to go inside and be a part of the audience, I would have to defer to the latter. Though those in the audience of the debate were pushing the notion that it must be one of the three stooges, the much larger crowd outside was chanting, “End the Fed”, “Don’t listen to the media”, and “Ron Paul, Ron Paul, Ron Paul”.
Continue reading “Socialists and Neo-Cons, Welcome to the Ron Paul Revolution”
The CNN GOP debate in Florida last night was very informative indeed as Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich established beyond a shadow of a doubt that they both profited from the bailouts of Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac. The fact is both are elitists who were instrumental in, and profited from, millions of Americans losing their jobs, homes, and retirements.
Of course Rick Santorum established that his greatest want is to be as successful as Romney and Gingrich and procure his own pile of wealth in selling out our people through the presidency.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Kicks Bunta in CNN Debate in Florida”
Another week of wheeling, dealing, and stealing is passing us by, and if you try to follow every aspect you will surely go insane. We are living through the largest theft of property to ever occur on this planet, which is made truly amazing by the fact that everyone is aware of what is going on. The members of the international corporate mafia are shaking their heads, saying, “I can’t believe they haven’t stopped us yet.”
I have to believe that a majority of the population is now awake, but awake isn’t good enough. Though it is tough to become proactive without resource, the alternative is akin to sitting in your living room and watching a thief carry your TV and stereo out the door, and failing to stop them because you cannot believe it is happening.
Continue reading “Patriots of America, Prepare for the Fight”
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GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney released two years of tax returns for 2010 and 2011. In these two years Romney “earned” $42.6 million and paid $6.2 million in taxes at an average tax rate of 13.9%. Romney’s tax rate was so low because his income came from capital gains, which is to say, he had a couple hundred million in his portfolio which returned him the $42.6 million dividend, which is to say Romney didn’t hit a lick or produce anything for the money. It is simple, his money made him the money and isn’t this the way of things? The top 1% are getting paid just for being rich.
All the elitist neo-cons are coming forth and saying we should not hate Romney because he is successful. So why didn’t that reasoning work for Al Capone? The neo-con elite would try to put forth the assertion that Romney made his money honestly. Really?
Continue reading “Mitt Romney – He’s One of Us”
Last night’s NBC GOP debate in Florida would have to be considered par for the course. Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich took about ten exclusive minutes to argue as to who among the two is the sleaziest…Mitt Romney for making hundreds of millions of dollars dismantling US factories and moving them to China, or Newt Gingrich for making millions lobbying for Freddy Mac.
Rick Santorum is hard to take seriously. It is like having a friend with a brother-in-law who sells insurance, so you spend a couple of hours listening to a bad salesman trying to sell you a product you neither need nor want.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Wins NBC Florida Debate, Hands Down”
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, on his way to a Senate session in Washington DC, was detained at the Nashville Airport in Tennessee this morning. Apparently Senator Paul, after going through a full body screen was told that there was an object on his knee. The Senator raised his pant leg to show there was nothing there and offered to take another dose of radiation by going through the screen again to resolve the issue. This is when Senator Paul was told he would have to undergo a full body pat down, which he refused and this is when he was detained.
People, we are talking about a United States Senator here who was on his way to the Capital. The U.S. Constitution protects federal lawmakers from detention while they’re on their way to the Capital. I guess that is another part of our Constitution that is no longer in effect as a result of the Patriot Act and the Indefinite Detention Clause in the National Defense Authorization Act signed by Obama on New Year’s Eve.
Continue reading “Senator Rand Paul Detained by Federal Gestapo”