Well another week has gone by without one damn job being created and weekly new jobless claims at 423,000.  How many months, hell years, is it going to take for it to become unquestionably clear that the traitors in our government have absolutely no intention of doing anything to change the status quo?  The corporations continue to make record profits and US jobs continue to be downsized or sent out of the country and time keeps rolling by.  Of course companies like Caterpillar, GM, Harley Davidson, and scores more continue to build more facilities in foreign countries where they intend to process more of our raw resources into products without we the American people receiving one thin dime.

Apparently a large portion of the construction of the new Bay Bridge in San Francisco was outsourced to China, more than $500 million worth.  The company granted the government contract said that the use of Chinese labor in constructing elements of the bridge was necessary to curtail costs and hasten the construction of the bridge.  Bull bull bull bull bullshit!
Continue reading “Another Week, Another 423,000 Jobs”

All business of the American people has come to a screeching halt as our issues have taken a back seat to the Israeli interests as dictated by their fifth column operating within our government.  I think the people of the United States are beginning to see that our phony government’s contention of neutrality in reference to the Palestinian question is nothing short of a bald face lie.  The Israeli government says “Jump” and the dual citizen Israeli-Americans dominating our government say “How high do you want us to make them jump?”

In trying to justify the fact that our president is displaying himself as an Israeli lapdog, CNN, the Communist News Network, ran a piece entitled, “How important is the Israeli vote?”, putting forth the contention that our candidates for president need to kiss the asses of the Israelis if they want to be elected.  Israeli-Americans make up 1.7% of the US population, yet this minute minority enjoys the highest standard of living our country has to offer plus grossly disproportional power in every aspect of our government.  Why?  Because the Kosher mafia makes up a substantial part of the international banking cartels.
Continue reading “The Jew-nited States of America”

Well we are back to class warfare again.  The rich are coming forth in the mainstream propaganda they own and baring their souls in conveying how being taxed might hurt them.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not for any more taxation, as what is needed is to recover our 30 trillion stolen dollars.  Really, that would be a plenty to fix everything.

Anyway, I saw one fellow on MSNBC; I believe he is a Republicrat Congressman though I did not catch his name.  He said his business is bringing in a measly $6 million per year and after he pays all his overhead and “feeds his family” all he has left over to do anything in the world he wants to with is a mere $400,000.
Continue reading “Class Warfare and the Poor Rich”

Ron Paul won the California Straw Poll with 44.9% of the vote.  And of course the event has been sparsely reported, if at all in the mainstream, as Rick Perry and Mitt Romney did not attend, giving the excuse that they are campaigning in South Carolina.  South Carolina has a population of 4,625,364 with 8 electoral votes.  California has a population of 37,253,956 with 55 electoral votes.  The fact is Perry and Romney did not attend the California GOP Straw Poll because Ron Paul’s win was a foregone conclusion.

No Republican has won the State of California since George H. W. Bush did in 1988.  This coupled with the fact that crowds of Ron Paul supporters, consisting of Americans of the American race in every age group, were out in the streets with signs and shouting “President Ron Paul”, would seem to logically indicate that the event should have been front and center in the headlines.  Instead the propagandists brought the level of campaign reporting down to a minute amount in an attempt to allow the event to pass by unnoticed.  In short they did not report on Ron Paul’s win because they weren’t reporting on the political race at all.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Takes California Like Grant Took Richmond”

Rick Perry’s Texas State Executive Order making the Gardasil shot mandatory for girls as young as ten years old has been front and center in the news.  It is interesting to listen to the various factions argue back and forth ad nauseum without ever touching on the nuclei of the question and that is the necessity of a mandate verses personal liberty.

I know the mainstream has talked all around this issue but in every debate concerning mandatory vaccination, the ultimate logical conclusion is always avoided like the plague, pun intended.  If your children are going to enter a public school (which I would not recommend for more reasons than I can count) theoretically you must have them vaccinated in order to stop the spread of contagious diseases.
Continue reading “Good Communists Inoculate Their Children When Commissar Rick Perry Dictates Gardasil Shot”

An Egyptian mob burned Israel’s embassy in Cairo, Israel’s ambassadors to both Egypt and Turkey have been forced to leave those countries, the Palestinians are petitioning for a vote in the UN for recognition of a Palestinian State, and a CIA predator drone was shot down near the Afghan/Pakistan border.   All this as Iran brings its first nuclear power plant online, bringing renewed assertions that they are building a nuclear bomb.  Things are pretty much shaping up exactly as predicted.  And of course the United States is coming out on the wrong side of every issue in joining with Israel to play both ends against the middle.

The call from the Israeli insurgents within our government is to block the Palestinian State with the UN and in fact deny Palestine recognition within that world body, while at the same time we have backed the recognition of Libyan Al Qaeda in the UN.  This is hypocrisy born of cold calculation as the world power elite push their World War III agenda forward.
Continue reading “Jewish Conquest in the Middle East through the US”