Sent by “Jolly Roger”

I’m not “‘into politics” either, and if I had the option, I’d like to ignore the whole subject, but I happen to know that our lives are in immediate danger, and that they’ve been put in this danger by politicians, and this danger won’t go away by ignoring it.

The endless “war on terror” will now make it legal for the military to arrest American citizens on American soil without charges, without probable cause, or any form of due process, and throw them in jail forever, without ever seeing a court, a jury, or a judge. There have been no terrorist attacks or attempted attacks that did not involve elements of our own government, and the entire “war on terror” was always intended to arrive at this point. Hopefully you’re not too blind to see what’s happening here.
Continue reading “I'm Not into Politics”

The New York Stock Exchange surged up yesterday on the news that the United States would be bailing out Greece’s and Italy’s central banks.  How much more money is to be borrowed in the names of our grandchildren to GIVE! to these foreign banks cannot even be ascertained at this point, but it will be billions if not trillions.  The grandchildren of the Germans were supposed to pay for this bailout but the German people said no.  So the responsibility for these banks in other countries of course naturally falls upon the people of the United States.

As previously mentioned the stock market has soared as the rich are already pocketing the money that hasn’t even been printed yet.  Remember a couple of weeks ago when those bastards were standing out in front of the stock exchange behind their wall of hired mercenaries (the police), saying they needed to get to work to feed their families?  Well today they are scooping up that wealth borrowed in the name of our grandchildren, who will be the indentured slaves to their grandchildren, who will fly around in private jets and travel to the islands they own on their yachts.
Continue reading “Have Americans Become too Cowardly to Save Themselves?”

Deadlock.  No budget can be passed.  No extension of unemployment benefits.  No bills to reign in the ever increasing power of this insurgent government.  No bills to force the prosecution of the international terrorist banksters who have brought our country to its knees can be passed.  It seems it is just impossible to move a piece of legislation these days.  Well not all together impossible or actually even that hard, if it is a piece of legislation designed to complete the implementation of the police state in the US.

S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act, was introduced November 15, 2011.  Two short weeks later the bill is before our Senate.  Section 1031 of this proposed legislation, if passed, would allow for the arrest and indefinite detention of US citizens by the US military within the borders of the US.
Continue reading “Insurgent Coup Attempt via National Defense Authorization Act”

The stock market’s up, record Black Friday sales, record Cyber Monday sales, oh come all yea faithful, it’s that time of year again when we start attacking the poor and unemployed for being poor and unemployed.  How many of you out there know that if we stopped sending unemployment checks unemployment would end immediately?  No, it is true.  You see if we stop sending the checks and kicked all the unemployed off of the unemployment rolls, the unemployment rate would go to zero, because the unemployment number is calculated by using the number of unemployed receiving unemployment benefits.

The neo-cons are now pushing to stop any renewal of federal unemployment benefits; hence all unemployment would stop at 27 weeks.  And then they can come on FOX News and say the economy has been renewed and of course as previously mentioned, they will have the numbers to support their claim.
Continue reading “Will the Government End Unemployment in 2012?”

Friday night US forces engaged two Pakistani outposts on the Pakistan Afghanistan border, resulting in airstrikes on the Pakistani positions, killing 25 and wounding another 25.  Of course the Americans are saying the Pakistanis shot first while the Pakistanis are saying it was the other way around.  I think it is hard for the Americans to claim complete innocence on this one as the Pakistanis involved in the conflict were in their own country, warding off invaders from across the ocean.

It seems that as sure as the attention and focus of those trying to stop more wars in the Middle East turn to one situation, like a proposed air strike on Iran by Israel, the war mongers take to killing Pakistanis in the middle of the night.  I think the industrial war complex is determined to complete the conquest of the Middle East for the Israelis to the point that they no longer care where World War III breaks out, just so long as the deed is accomplished before the American people can put Ron Paul into office and shut them down.
Continue reading “Pakistan – He Said, She Said – We’re Dead”