Get plugged in to your local occupy participating in the coordinated shut down! The following ports are scheduled to be shut down on 12/12/11: Continue reading “Coordinated West Coast Port Blockade Actions & Schedules”
As we close in on the 2012 election there is a mad scramble to put the mechanisms for mass voter fraud into place. The left wing commies are up in arms in opposition to voter identification laws which are being enacted in many of the individual states, saying that the requirement will exclude minorities and the poor from participating in the polls.
I believe if you cannot show proof that you are a lawful citizen of the United States and the state you live in you not only should not vote, but should be arrested and detained until your citizenship can be ascertained. After which, if you are a citizen you could use the decree from the court that released you from custody to obtain legal ID. Then you could vote.
Continue reading “Prepare for Voter Fraud in the 2012 Presidential Election”
Saturday night Mike Huckabee hosted a presidential forum wherein the GOP presidential candidates, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul, and Mitt Romney, (Jon Huntsman declined to participate), were questioned by three State Attorneys General, Pam Bondi, Ken Cuccinelli, and Scott Pruitt.
Let us take a look at this production and those who sponsored it. Mike Huckabee portrays himself as a Southern Baptist preacher, a man of God. Mike Huckabee, who makes frequent trips to Israel, has become a spokesperson for the Zionists who control that country. Mike Huckabee, this so called man of God, supports Israeli aggression.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Fares Well in Huckabee’s Zionist Forum”
We all remember back in December of 2010 when the Lame Duck Congress was considering extensions of the Bush era tax cuts for the top 1%, the millionaire and billionaire individuals and trillion dollar hedge funds. The argument was put forth that the tax cuts were not funded, to which the neo-cons responded saying the tax cuts did not need to be funded because they represented a tax increase if they were not allowed to continue. This is a classic example of double speak wherein down is up, unless they need it to be down for their advantage.
Today it is being debated as to whether tax cuts for the middle class and working poor should be continued, and in this instance the neo-cons are purporting that furthering the tax breaks is unfunded and hence expenditure we cannot afford.
Continue reading “The Arrogance of the Corporate Elite Knows No Bounds”
The alternative media can mark a success in bringing out the truth that the mainstream propagandists are, and have been, using the long term unemployed, who have exhausted their benefits, to create the fraudulent unemployment number that they are and have been putting forth as a fact. 315,000 long term unemployed were deducted from the backside of the unemployment rate last month bringing it to 8.6%.
We must remember that when the mainstream manipulators were reporting a 9.6% unemployment rate they actually put it on the screen that the “real” number was 15%, which was still a lie because the real number is closer to 30%. Now if they have dropped the unemployment rate by cutting numbers off of the back end, then those numbers have to be added to the true number.
Continue reading “Lies and Deceit Cannot Defeat the Ron Paul Revolution”
The unemployment rate drastically dropped to 8.6% as a result of revised calculations. It is said 120,000 jobs were created last month and after revising/changing the job growth numbers for the past 2 months, and of course taking 315,000 99ers from the number on the back end, the lie is perpetuated.
Admittedly 225,000 new jobs a month have to be added in order to just keep up with the flow of new employees coming into the system. This being said, how can the unemployment rate drop in the face of an average of 400,000 new jobless claim filings per week and only 120,000 new jobs being added in a month?
Continue reading “Drop of Unemployment Rate to 8.6% – Pure Fraud”
402,000 new unemployment filings for the week and the mainstream propagandists buried this report almost as quickly as it came forth. We all should remember this is the Christmas shopping season. As for the availability of jobs, even if temporary, this is as good as it gets.
Although there is no way to prove it, I have to believe that the past weekly jobless claims reports were padded in order to drop the unemployment rate during a time when hundreds of thousands could be taken from the number from the back end, as people who lost their jobs 99 weeks ago were dropping from the rolls.
Continue reading “Elitist Lies will not Work on the Down and Out come Christmas”