As the critical matter from the reactors of Fukushima continues to burn into the surface of the earth, contaminating ground water and sea water and moving ever closer to a hydrovolcanic explosion, the proverbial China Syndrome, the catastrophe that Fukushima represents remains virtually removed in the US mainstream media.  The fact is Fukushima is more a disaster with every passing day.

Many cancer patients within the United States are being denied medication reportedly as a result of shortage, the cause of which none seem able to explain.  Do you think it could be possible that Fukushima and the shortage of cancer medications in the US could be linked?  Do you think that if the United States had a real media that there just might be investigative reporters tracking Fukushima and its affects which are growing greater day by day?
Continue reading “Fukushima – Mainstream Media Genocide”

The New Hampshire Union Leader has put forth a decree naming Newt Gingrich as the GOP candidate for 2012, putting out the signal that the one party system controlled by the top 1% has made its decision.  It will be Newt Gingrich and Barack Obama and then a billion dollars worth of commercial ads pointing out in detail that both are low down thieving criminals.  And then it will be time for we the American people to do our part in this election, summoning up our wisdom and going forth as proud Americans to vote in the least sleazy and evil of the two.

Well you know what, you international elitist scum bags?  It is not going to happen.  Your days of controlling the 99% are over.  We will elect Dr. Ron Paul as president in 2012, either through a GOP ticket or an Independent one.  The false left-right paradigm has been exposed and you do truly look ignorant in trying to perpetuate a fraud that is now common knowledge among we the people.
Continue reading “The 1% Set Course for their Demise”

Unemployment continues to rise as consumer prices soar.  More homes are being foreclosed on.  More retirement accounts are being exhausted by those who cannot find jobs.  Corporate theft is running rampant and what is the latest line being put forth via the mainstream propaganda machine?  How about getting rid of child labor laws and reinstituting debtor prisons?

As incredible as it might seem these are the proposals being put forth, and why not?  The corporate elite are so out of touch with reality that they can only be compared with the French aristocrats prior to the implementation of guillotines in that country.
Continue reading “End Child Labor Laws, Institute Debtor Prison, A Return to the Grapes of Wrath”

Black Friday saw occupy protests throughout the US and of course the mainstream propagandists had the protests in Egypt put front and center, with many protesters in Egypt complaining of police brutality.  Believe it or not the low down dirty Egyptian police are even attacking journalists.  There are now calls from the international community for the military in Egypt to turn their authority over to a civilian body to arrange for elections.

Now let’s take a look at our own situation.  Our protesters have fallen victim to brutality including some of our journalists.  So where are the calls from the international community for the socialists in our government to step down?  And if things further deteriorate in the United States and the police open up on unarmed protesters, killing some, will the UN order a no-fly-zone over the United States?  The Chinese could bring their aircraft carriers to enforce the UN dictate.
Continue reading “Will the UN Intervene to Stop Brutality Against Protesters in the US?”

The US government is urging all US citizens to leave Syria as the aircraft carrier, USS George H W Bush, stations itself off the Syrian coast.  Looks like it’s time for another no-fly-zone/carpet bombardment/full scale invasion of yet another sovereign country in the Middle East.  And as Syria is a close ally of Iran, how about two invasions for the price of ten?

Russia has also dispatched three warships off the Syrian coast.  All of this taking place as relations between NATO and Russia deteriorate.  You see the United States wants to position missile defense systems in Romania and Poland: Project Shield.
Continue reading “Neo-Con Push for Syrian Invasions”

Free Speech for People, introduced by Rep. Jim McGovern (R-MA), was advertised as a Constitutional Amendment designed to get money out of politics and return the election process to the people.  However yesterday, the true intent of the legislation was revealed and that is to say corporations would be stopped from buying our elections, but labor unions and non-profit organizations would not.

This legislation is socialism in the absolute.  Labor unions are corporations as are all 501 c (3) entities.  The argument against corporate purchase of our elections was that corporations are working collectively to nullify our individual will.  Labor Unions are collectives and are repugnant to individual determination.
Continue reading “Free Speech for People HJ 88 (the Free Speech bill) will be debated in Congress”

For the past week we have observed a four way tie in the GOP polls between Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Herman Cain.  These polls are phony to start with and anyone who believes them to be accurate in any way is a fool.  With Paul’s projected rise in the polls attempts were made to attack him as a front runner.  But the only thing the propagandists could attack was his platform, because Dr. Paul has no scandal in his past, and as the attack was waged the support for Dr. Paul’s platform surged.

So now with another debate tonight, the propagandists have rushed new polls to front and center, showing Ron Paul in fifth and sixth place, even behind the pathetic plastic Perry.  Any credibility these propagandists might have had left is destroyed as their polls now defy math and logic.
Continue reading “Pollsters Scramble to Eliminate Ron Paul from Tonight’s Debate”