Playing God: Scientists Have Created A Human “Entity” That Has No Mother Or Father

By Michael Snyder – Conservative Firing Line


Scientists all over the world continue to “play God”, and we are all going to have to live with the consequences.  Every single day, incredibly bizarre experiments are being conducted in secret laboratories all over the planet.  I have frequently warned my readers about the very deadly diseases that are being developed in such laboratories, but other types of extremely sick experiments are happening as well.  For example, it is being reported that one team of researchers has now been able to create a human “entity” that does not have a mother or a father.  In fact, it was created “without using sperm, an egg or a womb”

Scientists report they have grown the early stages of a human embryo-like entity without using sperm, an egg or a womb.

The ’embryo model’ even releases hormones that triggered a positive pregnancy test.

This is like something out of a science fiction novel.

Why in the world would they even consider doing something like this?

They are telling us that using such “entities” will make medical research easier, and frankly that makes me want to vomit.

There is no way that doing this sort of thing should be legal.

But it is.

This team of researchers was able to create a human “entity” without a mother or a father by starting with naive stem cells

Instead of a sperm and egg, the starting material was naive stem cells which were reprogrammed to gain the potential to become any type of tissue in the body.

According to the BBC, chemicals were used to encourage these stem cells to develop into four unique cell types that are involved in the earliest stages of human embryo development…

  • epiblast cells, which become the embryo proper (or foetus)
  • trophoblast cells, which become the placenta
  • hypoblast cells, which become the supportive yolk sac
  • extraembryonic mesoderm cells

Those cell types were then “mixed in a precise ratio”, and what happened next is extremely alarming…

A total of 120 of these cells were mixed in a precise ratio – and then, the scientists step back and watch.

About 1% of the mixture began the journey of spontaneously assembling themselves into a structure that resembles, but is not identical to, a human embryo.

Professor Jacob Hanna of the Weizmann Institute is the leader of the team that conducted this research, and he claims that the “entity” which was produced “is really a textbook image of a human day-14 embryo”

‘This is really a textbook image of a human day-14 embryo, [which] hasn’t been done before,’ said Professor Hanna.

If such an entity can survive to that stage, could it go all the way and actually become a full-blown baby?

Now that this breakthrough has been achieved, it is just a matter of time before someone tries to do that.

And just imagine the implications if this eventually starts happening on a widespread basis.

Babies could literally be grown on a massive scale all over the globe.

Instead of having children the natural way, parents could just order a baby that meets certain specifications.

And any babies that came out with “defects” would inevitably be discarded.

Alternatively, it is easy to imagine entire armies being “grown” by tyrannical rulers just like we have seen in certain science fiction movies.

Would such “entities” be truly human?

Would they even have souls?

There is so much that we don’t know, and hopefully this sort of work will be banned so that we will never find out.

Unfortunately, there is very little holding the scientific community back at this point.

Most of the general population has no idea what is going on in these secret labs, and most of our politicians don’t seem to care.

And so “science” will continue to advance all over the globe with very little resistance at all.

In addition to experiments that are creating new life, researchers are also searching for ways to cheat death.

In recent years, swapping blood with the young has become a very hot trend among America’s billionaires.  Here is just one example

Until recently, Bryan Johnson was paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to infuse one litre of his teenage son’s youthful plasma into his own ageing blood stream every month. “I’ve never paid more attention to what he’s eating … because that was going into my body,” the 46-year-old American tech entrepreneur says on new podcast The Immortals. He also pumped his own plasma into his 70-year-old father’s body to help improve his declining physical and cognitive health: “It was one of the most meaningful moments in his entire life. And it was the same for me.” Johnson continues to pay $2m a year for a research team to investigate how we can live longer – and he is certainly not the only rich guy in Silicon Valley dedicated to the search for eternal life.

Guys like Johnson have more money than they will ever need.

But they know that their days are limited.

So in a desperate attempt to “buy more time”, they are literally injecting the blood of young people into their own veins.

This is another thing that shouldn’t be done.

And it is probably dangerous.

But nobody is going to stop them.

In fact, the pace of scientific change will continue to march forward at an exponential rate.

Given enough time, our world would be transformed into something stranger than anything that Hollywood has ever dreamed up.

But our scientists won’t have enough time to do that, because the truth is that time is running out for our society.

Our self-destructive tendencies will soon absolutely overwhelm us, and no amount of “research” will be able to turn things around at that point.

13 thoughts on “Playing God: Scientists Have Created A Human “Entity” That Has No Mother Or Father

  1. Wow! The last 5 lines of that article are probably the most defeatist statements I’ve ever seen on the Trenches! And the link “time is running out for our society” goes to an Amazon page for a book about religious end times prophecy? How is this even allowed here?!!!

    1. Just to be sure, not telling anybody how to run the site in terms of what gets posted obviously. Was just a bit surprised the way this article ended up sounding is all. Would rather have seen the writer giving out some positive message at the end instead of that absolute defeatist sentiment (for want of a better word)!

      I mean, just read this again & see how it sounds to you –


      But nobody is going to stop them.

      In fact, the pace of scientific change will continue to march forward at an exponential rate.

      Given enough time, our world would be transformed into something stranger than anything that Hollywood has ever dreamed up.

      But our scientists won’t have enough time to do that, because the truth is that time is running out for our society.

      Our self-destructive tendencies will soon absolutely overwhelm us, and no amount of “research” will be able to turn things around at that point.

      1. I have commented to Snyder about the fight ahead. Still can’t say if he’s locked and loaded. But I do know that for years he looked directly into the heart of the beast. I don’t see that as defeatist, because when we really look there we come out of ignorance or denial and can then be part of the solution.

        I never saw the link to Amazon. I posted this to highlight how perverse the science has become and how it’s rapidly worsening. And though I know we’re about the business of stopping it, I think he’s right that they are attempting to transform our world into something very strange, and unnatural. For instance:

        “Instead of having children the natural way, parents could just order a baby that meets certain specifications. And any babies that came out with ‘defects’ would inevitably be discarded. Alternatively, it is easy to imagine entire armies being ‘grown’ by tyrannical rulers just like we have seen in certain science fiction movies.” In other words, slave-making.

        It’s not beyond them to do such macabre things. Their methods are persuasive and coercive. I would hope that as more become aware of what’s going on in some of these laboratories we’d gain support in the fight to stop it. It’s all the same fight; their tampering with nature and stepping on our lives. This dark science is violating so many Articles, especially the 4th. I can’t wait ’till we obliterate all the anti-nature perversions.

        Snyder is wrong in saying “Nobody is going to stop them.” Of course we know that we will. He must be made to understand that we are not innately “self-destructive,” but rather an intensely determined people, determined to live free. There are many reports that intentionally or unintentionally give partial truth or distorted truth. If we want to showcase something valuable therein, what can we do but qualify the stuff that’s off the mark? It seems to be the nature of investigation and truth-telling these days. So again, I don’t see it as defeatism to look into the heart of the beast. It’s a “KNOW YOUR ENEMY” type of thing. And we all look through our own lens.


        1. Thank you for the follow-up comment galen & I agree. I should’ve added first that I totally understand the main topic being discussed – I’ve read about & known about their twisted “science” pretty much since I first read the original Frankenstein book! Fictional maybe but definitely a very “steiny” subject! So yes it needs to be exposed constantly whenever we get hold of evidence. One can only imagine what’s been going on behind closed doors for a VERY LONG time. I just recoiled when the article ended like that is all. I’ve seen that a lot in the “alternative media” over the years – detailed articles elaborating on what’s being done to us but then ending with “there’s no hope so don’t bother fighting it” – so my guard is always up. Unfortunately that’s very much how I see this whole “end times” branch of religious belief manifesting itself everywhere online at the moment (but that’s just my personal opinion so not looking for a debate on that!). Importantly I’m never necessarily attacking the messenger even if some readers might construe it that way occasionally. As cliché as it sounds I live for the truth to burn through all the lies & to see the enemy defeated above all. Thank you again galen & thanks to Henry again for allowing us to discuss these issues further in the comments 🙂

      2. No, by God you’re not going to tell anyone how to run this site. We put up the enemies propaganda all the time. Why? So we can shove it down their fucking through, that’s why. But that’s not what you did. You attempted to cast aspersions on the site, and on Galen. Now to your quotes, this is how a Trencher answers: “That nobody is going to stop them.” Trenchers response: I will fucking stop them with a bullet to their treasonous head.
        “In fact the pace of scientific change will continue to march forward at an exponential rate” Trenchers reply: The only place you are going to march is up 13 steps to a rope over a trap door after being convicted of treason under the inalienable law of Dec. 15th 1791.
        “Given enough time, our world would be transformed into something stranger than anything that Hollywood has ever dreamed up.” Trenchers response: It sure as fuck will, as it will be autonomy, liberty and freedom.
        “But our scientists won’t have enough time to do that, because the truth is that time is running out for our society.” Trenchers response: Time is running out mother fucker, that’s why you’re putting forth this desperate bullshit, as you know you’re finished.
        “Our self-destructive tendencies will soon absolutely overwhelm us, and no amount of “research” will be able to turn things around at that point.” Trenchers response: You’re right, there’s no turning around. You have painted yourself into a corner, and its not research you have to worry about. It is a hot war with free Sovern nationals, and you know it. That’s why you try to sell this drivel. You are finished and you know it.

        Instead of this, Ally, you attempted to cast dispersions on this site and on Galen. Mis-fucking-stake. You do not attack this site, and you do not attack another Trencher. After my wife was murdered, three people put this site back on the internet and this broadcast back on the air. Admin did the bulk of the work. I of course was the 2nd person. The third person was Galen. Because I trust her. You can apologize to the site and to Galen, get the fuck off the site, or I will throw you the fuck off the site. Your call. Just to be sure.

        1. Sorry Henry, I replied to galen’s comment before I scrolled down & saw yours. I’m apologize again if you thought I was attacking anybody – I most certainly was not. I’m not sure what to add to my reply to galen above to make that any clearer. We’ve all gone through hard times, some harder than others & our individual ways of dealing with all those situations & learning from them varies greatly as well. Maybe my way of expressing my thoughts in comments is just not clear enough or too “different” or something & that leaves me open to being misinterpreted. Maybe I’ve just been commenting too much lately as I’ve had more free time while work has temporarily slowed. Whatever the reason though it’s obvious to me now that I can’t just throw my ideas down in words here without fear of being misunderstood or offending someone. To that end I’ll just go back to being a silent reader like many, many others & like I was over the years before I felt the urge to add my first comment. I only wish all of you guys the best with the struggle that we ALL face & I’d rather not be considered an annoyance or hindrance or worse in that path. Best wishes, thanks & DTTNWOE!!!

          1. Ally, I appreciate your struggles here. I know none of this is the least bit easy for any of us. I learn a lot from you, mistakes and all. That rock of correction comes down hard sometimes. I believe you are a smart and dedicated trencher. I will tell you that there is huge value in what we all just went through today. Today, before tuning in, I received news of the passing of one of my dearest friends. Then, I heard news that one of my other friend’s cabin burned to the ground. It was an already hard day, and then, I went through a rough time with what happened here today. The point I am trying to make is that as hard as it was here, today, I, too, learned, in a hard and humbling way that stopped me in my tracks, how a Trencher gets to the next level in the fight we are all in. Mistakes and all. My heart took quite the beating today. We’re strong. We can take it.

          2. Thanks Diana, much appreciated as always. Very sorry to hear about your loss & bad news. Sorry also if I contributed to the heart bashing! I’ve certainly had my share lately so I do feel for you & others here who have experienced loss recently. It’s never my intention to get on the wrong side of anyone here & I feel a little sadness that my words were misinterpreted but it’s time to take a breather for a while anyway – work’s picking up & I need to replenish the energy supply to keep fighting on other fronts. All the best guys!

  2. Ally, you’re welcome. In my mind, you are a highly valued Trencher with a powerful arsenal of knowledge. I believe that sometimes, unintended friendly fire ends up hitting the wrong target. Otherwise, I know you are a great shot. I look forward to what comes next after that foot heals. I have shot myself in the foot too. Ouch! I was feeling the burn for all of us, yesterday. Now, I have no doubt we are all stronger for it.

    1. Henry is protecting our rights and this wonderful website. Ally we cant be deafeted even though it feels that way WE will have to be strong. We all have a plate full of sht to deal with … Your and Henry’s brother Ken your my sister love you. Henry is a man who will not fail and will never give up. Thanks Henry

  3. Can’t remember who said it, but… “We are hard-wired to be resilient.” I like that. And, “Much happens while we sleep.” I said that.

    I’m choking on the vid posted here today of the invaders crossing through Panama on their way to our homeland. It clogs up everything in me that wants to relax. For two seconds I’ll step out of rage and present these, only because I want to and because I am more than my rage:

    I used to run a dating service for chickens, but I was struggling to make hens meet.

    My wife told me to stop acting like a flamingo, so I had to put my foot down.

    A termite walks into a bar and says, “So, is the bar tender here?”

    What did the buffalo say when his kid went to college? Bison.

    What’s black and white and goes round and round? A penguin in the washing machine.

    What did one hat say to the other? You wait here, I’ll go on ahead.

    I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. I’ll let you know



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