Police are giving American addresses color coded threat ratings!


Real Time Crime Centers (RTCC) are privately funded computer systems designed to monitor the network of cameras and sensors in a city. The RTCC’s will field all 911 calls, and give officers access to any city camera — including police body and dash cameras and new traffic cameras.  

“The RTCC center also allows officers to access a massive array of surveillance cameras.”

RTCC’s got there start in NYC in 2005. RTCC’s are popping up across the country, they’re in St. Louis, Philadelphia,  Boston and Los Angeles.

Any high-priority 911 calls, defined as in-progress or life-threatening crimes, will now be filtered through a database to assess any possible threats an officer may encounter while responding.

“The database goes through all public information for the call’s location — from arrest records to pizza deliveries — and gives the address a rating. Green means minimal threat, yellow a possible threat and red a major threat.”

“The RTCC system shows officers three pieces of data: the threat level, the criminal history of anyone living at the home and a list of known friends and family members. This list sometimes includes possible phone numbers and addresses of these associates.”

Police Chief Jerry Dyer acknowledged that it was possible for a home to be given a red threat level because someone associated with it once had a violent conviction.


9 thoughts on “Police are giving American addresses color coded threat ratings!

  1. Of course, “policy” will dictate that all red labeled locations will get the SWAT entry and assault teams.

  2. “We got a level red threat rating on that call, so we just shot everyone as soon as we arrived, because we were in fear for our lives.”

  3. I want the FOIA to show me what their plans are for me ( yes i already know , just humor me ok)

    I think it should be public knowledge what color code they give to everyone

    so we can form our color code for them

  4. Spooky, yesterday I mentioned in a comment that I wouldn’t doubt they have us all “pegged” with a color coded “threat level” and now it is reality.

  5. Wasn’t this already reported in the NDAA and FEMA files that we have been telling everyone for years now and everyone thought it was a conspiracy theory? When will people wake up? These psychos won’t stop until they are dead.

  6. Cheap way to fight back is to find out the names and addresses of the people running the system and “SWAT” them with fake 911 calls. Once they start experiencing what they inflict on others the State will find a lack of private sector vendors to enable the expansion of the police state.

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