Police are putting GPS trackers into countless retail items


Imagine, going to a store to purchase cough syrup and finding out, the police put a GPS tracking device inside the bottle and tracked you every where you went.

Now imagine, going to another store to purchase a pair of sneakers and finding out the police also put a GPS tracker inside them as well.   

What’s even more disturbing is how store owners are letting cops put GPS trackers into all sorts of things. An LA Times article, reveals that store owners are letting cops put GPS trackers inside retail items.

Companies like eAgile, Purdue Pharma, Pegasus Technologies and Vitality have created RFID-enabled caps that can be attached to prescription bottles to track people. eAgile uses an ultra-high frequency RFID chip called eSeal.

“Purdue donated 100 hand-held RFID scanners to law enforcement and cargo theft investigative agencies throughout the country. This was so that RFID tracking could help police to solve cases of drug theft.”

According to SpyGadgets “Pill bottle GPS trackers” cost $295.00 a piece and use GPS satellites and cell phone triangulation to pinpoint a suspects’ exact location in real time. Vitality’s caps also report a patient’s drug usage to doctors and family members. Would anyone like to bet, that cops also have access to a person’s drug usage?

Police use GPS trackers to secretly spy on everyone

When someone attempts to steal an item, with a GPS tracker hidden inside, a silent activation signal is sent to the police, who begin tracking you the moment they get the signal.

Ask yourself, how many times have you purchased an item and the store alarm was accidently tripped? Now imagine, that same scenario, being played out thousands of times a day across the country. A computer glitch automatically notifies police of a possible stolen item, the cops don’t have time to check with each store to verify if it’s a false alarm. Instead they activate the GPS tracker and start building a case against you. Can you see where this is going? Can you guess what’s going to happen next?

Imagine, police secretly using a GPS tracker to spy on you for months without a warrant.

“If somebody steals an object and the police don’t arrest them for six months and just collect information about how they’re living their life, that could be problematic” said Jay Stanley, a policy analyst with the American Civil Liberties Union.

A recent Appeals court ruling said, police don’t need a warrant to use ‘Stingray’ surveillance equipment to spy on innocent Americans.

Do you really think, GPS trackers are any different?

Police use GPS trackers to build a database on everyone

According to an article in the NY Daily News, police use GPS/RFID trackers to create a database on everyone.

The “bait bottles” are part of what Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly calls “Operation Safety Cap.” It also includes building a database of almost 6,000 licensed pharmacists in and around New York City.

Police are putting secret GPS trackers into everything

According to an article in Tech.Mic, police are putting GPS trackers, in purses, bikes, boxes of Air Jordans, bottles of prescription drugs, etc. all without a warrant.

“Police all over the US have used GPS trackers for some time on a variety of vulnerable objects — anything from bikes to boxes of Air Jordans.”

“The technology allows us to secrete the system in a variety of items and is only limited by our imagination,” the Tustin Police Department said.

An Associated Press article warns, police in 33 states are putting GPS trackers into everyday objects.

The AP article also revealed this sad fact. Police are putting GPS trackers into items, because most people plead guilty and don’t challenge the legality of GPS trackers.

Nestle put GPS devices inside candy bars

Liquor bottles equipped with RFID tags

In the near future, consumers can expect to see ThinFilm RFID tags on just about everything, unless we stop it.

Last year, the Supreme Court ruled GPS trackers are a form of search and are illegal without a warrant.

“It doesn’t matter what the context is, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a car or a person. Putting that tracking device on a car or a person is a search,” said Jennifer Lynch, a senior staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

The Supreme Court’s ruling will force lower courts to consider whether attaching a GPS tracker to someone or something is a reasonable search, Lynch said.

Imagine a future, where police use facial recognition to identify you in real-time the moment you enter a store and every purchase you make has a hidden tracking device implanted on it.

This has to stop, Big Brother has no business tracking everything we purchase!


12 thoughts on “Police are putting GPS trackers into countless retail items

  1. This absolutely must STOP! This is a breach of our 4th article to our Bill of Rights. Where is the petition to sign for this? This is how we demand our rights are not infringed upon, right?

    1. All I wanna know is when does the shooting start ?
      I’m tired of asking for my rights back , tired of useless petitions , tired of lip service
      Sick of it all

      1. Just to be clear, I am not disagreeing with you Katie .. standing at your shoulder , pissed as everyone should be

        1. The last part of my comment was pure sarcasm. And I stand shoulder to shoulder with you also, EOTS.

          Daily we sit and read about another tyrannical breach of our Bill of Rights, infuriating.

          Not sure what will rouse us to arms, should have happened long before I was born.


  2. Part of the problem also involves the retail stores too! If they would stand up and say NO! to illegal requests from law enforcement, this shit couldn’t happen.
    This is being done without warrant, which indicates that law enforcement must be asking the retail stores if they can do this. Simple solution: just say NO to asshole commie cops!

  3. We have much to be angry about, but I want to caution people that RFID and GPS are not the same thing and generally aren’t even related.

    Typically, RFID tags can only be read at short range by a dedicated reader. It’s a lot like a bar code that needs to be read by a laser. In order for one to be used to track you, there would have to be readers everywhere you went. And of course, there would have to be some way of associating that particular tag with you personally. How does anyone know you bought THIS item instead of THAT identical item off the store shelf?

    RFID chips are reportedly easy to destroy with a few seconds in a microwave. They can also be detected with an RFID reader, should you wish to invest in one.

    A GPS tracker learns its location by collecting satellite signals, after which it periodically sends location data to the cell phone network. Before long it will run out of battery power, especially if it’s too small to hold a decent-sized battery. Also, GPS trackers can’t be hidden just anywhere and still work. They need to be put somewhere that the (very weak) GPS satellite signals can be received.

  4. BMF you made some good points. To answer your question about how the police would know which item you purchased, a silent alarm is triggered that sends a GPS signal to a satellite which notifies police in real-time whether the item is moving or has stopped moving.

    When it comes to RFID signals I’ll use an EZ-Pass as an example. Two years ago it was discovered that police were tracking EZ-Pass users throughout NY.

    Newly Obtained Records Reveal Extensive Monitoring of E-ZPass Tags Throughout NY:

    As you can see, it really doesn’t matter which device police are using to track people with.

    1. Hi Joe,

      In order for a tracked item to be used to track a specific individual, the item has to be linked to that individual either when he acquires it or at some point afterward. This is what happens with those EZ-Passes — which, as you’ll note, are quite large and visible and could be removed at any time.

      I suppose if an item on a store shelf had a tracker in it, the pigs could find out who had bought it simply by tracking it to a home address. However, there are still major technical problems with doing this on a mass scale.

      The chipping of pets is a useful example here. No doubt you’re aware that pets are often microchipped in case they get lost and then found. But those chips cannot be used to actually FIND a lost pet. They’re passive RFID chips. Although they don’t need a power supply, their range is minimal, and they can only be read at very short range by a special reader that “bounces” a signal off the chip.

      GPS receiver chips can be made small enough for implantation, but the associated circuitry, battery, and antenna needed to transmit location to a cell tower or satellite would make the complete GPS tracker too big to implant. This is why there are no GPS tracking implants for pets — just short-range RFID.

      Similar considerations apply to the idea of putting GPS trackers in consumer products. There are times when it can be done, and it’s good that you’re raising awareness of that. But a GPS tracker needs a power source, and its battery will gradually die even while a product is sitting idle on a store shelf or stock room. Putting those trackers in all items would be prohibitively expensive, and they would be easily found and discarded by those who cared to look. They won’t even fit in many products, or would be too shielded to function.

      So yes, tracking is a concern and people need to be aware of it. My point is that it’s not as easy to do as one might think. Is it done with cell phones? Yes. Vehicles? Yes, it can be. Any hollow item of sufficient size can hide a GPS tracker. But the widespread use of GPS trackers in non-powered consumer products would be prohibitively expensive, easily detected, and would only work until the batteries ran out.

  5. “Imagine, police secretly using a GPS tracker to spy on you for months without a warrant.”

    As opposed to SWAT teams not-so-secretly breaking into the WRONG homes in early a.m. ‘drug raids’ without a warrant.

    “Imagine a future, where police use facial recognition to identify you in real-time the moment you enter a store and every purchase you make has a hidden tracking device implanted on it.”

    Imagine an even likelier future where the pigs don’t care about facial recognition anymore.

    If you’re not one of THEM, then you’re the ENEMY, regardless of who you are.

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