Police Gone Wild: Domestic Terrorist Edition

Published on Oct 3, 2014 by Agent4YHWH

My original video upload was taken down by youtube under the guise of “copyright infringement” but then later reinstated after I proved my use of the material was legal.


4 thoughts on “Police Gone Wild: Domestic Terrorist Edition

  1. We are not Palestinians, we are Americans and we will defend ourselves from this Bolshevik, Zionist overthrow. Israel your days of Erhnic cleansing are nearing an end. Your Goyims are well armed and well read, to come at you with everything we have. Change your ways Parasites,or we will change them for you!

  2. The American police have became a world wide Joke as to what they are. It is there own fault and there job to corect themselfs and those over them. The Judges and there superiors need take control of them. Or they can continue as a rabid dog pack on the street. But today it looks like people are starting to gun down rabid dogs on there own do to the failing of anamal control.

    1. Are you kidding ,the judges and their superiors are exactly why they have become the thugs that they have become. To even think for a minute that the ones commanding them are going to stop the carnage is INSANE! The criminal courts back them all the way if it is at all possible because they are just that criminal conspirators that are in on this!

  3. Our neighbor at our cabin is a state trooper. He seems nice enough, but he is fully indoctrinated. I give him a wide berth whenever possible but am congenial when I have to be around him.
    It’s an odd situation but at least I know what he is.

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