Police Shoot and Kill Man Just 5 Minutes After He Makes a Cheerful Post on Facebook

tommyFree Thought Project – by Cassandra Rules

Family of Tommy McClain are speaking out against Eureka Police Department’s version of events which left McClain dead and his cousin tasered and hauled off to jail in California last Wednesday.

Nichole Mottern explained to the OutPost that McClain was living with her, her husband (who is McClain’s cousin) and the couple’s two children.

The trio had gone out earlier in the evening to celebrate her husbands birthday, when they arrived back at their townhouse, her husband was intoxicated and went up to bed.  

According to Mottern, her and McClain were chatting in front of the house, when she ran inside for two minutes to go and check on her husband.

She says she saw an officer lurking around the back of her house, then run towards the front.  She ran to the front door and was blinded by the lights off the officers.

“The cops were out there screaming, ‘Put your hands up! Put your hands up.’ I put my hands up,” Mottern told the OutPost. “Tommy was already out there. He sits out there and smokes cigarettes. He came out from beside the porch… He started to put his hands up. He walked out into the grass… [The officers] were telling him to come.”

“A cop yelled, ‘He’s got a gun.’ They all fired,” Mottern explained, “I saw him getting shot from all different angles. First shot fired and then they all fired. It wasn’t one cop. It was them all. There were a lot of cops… He crumpled down into the ground. There was nothing in his hand.”


To make this killing seemingly even more uncalled for, McClain had liked and commented on Mottern’s Facebook post only five minutes before being fatally shot to death.  What could have possibly occurred and provoked officers to shoot a man who was sitting outside checking Facebook?

The officers then proceeded to handcuff his lifeless body in front of his family, while not allowing them to approach him.

Mottern’s husband ran outside and was obviously distraught, he was then tased and arrested.  Mottern recorded video of the aftermath.

Warning- it is heartbreaking.

The police claim that a gun was recovered at the scene, but are not being forthcoming with any details, including if the gun was on or near McClain.

His family asserts he was unarmed, while a neighbor claims it was justified- providing no actual details.

Chief Mills would like for us to feel sorry for the killer cops, telling the Outpost, “I’ve talked to some of the family members and my heart aches for them. But my heart also aches for my officers. The whole thing is a tragedy.”

Meanwhile, four year old Valerie is struggling with the loss of her father’s cousin, who lived in their home.

In a drawing done in school Valerie drew McClain with his hands in the air and told her teacher, “The cops thought Tommy was a bad guy, but he wasnt.” and “His hands are up because the cops are ready to shoot him.”

"My 4 year old came home today with this drawing the teachers noted what she said the drawing was about. Why are the cops who did this getting leave from work and therapy but yet my family has to suffer? ???? This is crap! Bring Tommy back to us!!!" reads the post on the Justice for Tommy Facebook Page

It is extremely frightening how quickly cops arriving can turn deadly.  We may never know what actually happened in those five minutes between his cheerful post on Facebook and his death.  One thing is for sure, so far there have been far more questions than answers.

A fundraising page has been set up to help the family cover funeral expenses.
Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/family-man-killed-police-week-checking-facebook-shot/#CBlYL9AEsgTBHgCT.99

7 thoughts on “Police Shoot and Kill Man Just 5 Minutes After He Makes a Cheerful Post on Facebook

  1. Another day goes by, and another innocent American is murdered by a gang of pigs who were brainwashed by the ADL to believe that every American is their enemy. As a result of their long string of murders, every American is quickly becoming their enemy, even if they supported police in the past.

    The cops are being set up to be the targets of angry mobs. This will justify the involvement of the military in a “law enforcement” role, because there are still too many Americans who believe that these killer cops serve some kind of useful purpose in our society.

    They’re a useless gang of brutal thugs whose only purpose in the past was to extract wealth from the citizenry, and now the brainless pawns are being used to carry out the traditional communist “reign of terror”.

    No American is safe as long as these sick bastards patrol our streets in search of people to harass or kill, and if your pretty wife gets pulled over for a dirty license plate, expect that she’ll be raped by cops, because they’ve achieved the ability to do that with impunity now, too.

    “Don’t want to get raped? Don’t get pulled over” — recent pig spokesperson who needs a noose.

  2. the back lash is going to be brutal

    I dont want to be any part of it, but i feel unfortunately we all will be affected by this in due time

  3. It’s time people, time to take matters in our own hands. We can’t vote this shit away, they aren’t going to stop and it can only get worse. A dash cam or smartphone video may help your family get restitution although the courts may not allow the evidence because they’re in on this shit. It’s time people, time to put up or shut up as we are on the brink of total enslavement. We need to prune back our police, military, government, and, most of all, Wall Street. Time’s a wastin’ or would you like to wait for the Swat teams going house to house for mandatory gun confiscation. It’s really up to you and all American Nationals to decide now how you would prefer to spend your remaining days, as a slave or a free man!

  4. This is why people don’t give a rat’s derrière when a police officer is killed. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, cops prove that every single day.

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