2 thoughts on “President Trump EXPLOSIVE Speech at National Security VETO Signing Event at White House

  1. Oh brother! Explosive?! Hmm, I wouldn’t say so. Just last week ICE came out saying they no longer support Trump because he failed them on immigration & now they’re actually acting as limousine door openers for the illegals. Ann Coulter comes out & says Trump totally betrayed his base by not fulfilling campaign promises & that nothing has been built on the border. Yet Trump in this speech brags about what has been done at the border & not to long ago he said we need lots of immigration for all the jobs & great economy. The economy is NOT great, manufacturing is down & has been for some time now as well as new construction, it’s down also.

    So who’s the liar here. Again, this is designed to keep a persons heading swimming & not to be able to come to a decisive conclusion as to the facts, the real facts of the matter.

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