Published on Mar 15, 2019
President Trump Oval Office Speech after signing his first VETO of his Presidency over National Security
From the Trenches World Report
Enforce our Bill of Rights
Published on Mar 15, 2019
President Trump Oval Office Speech after signing his first VETO of his Presidency over National Security
Oh brother! Explosive?! Hmm, I wouldn’t say so. Just last week ICE came out saying they no longer support Trump because he failed them on immigration & now they’re actually acting as limousine door openers for the illegals. Ann Coulter comes out & says Trump totally betrayed his base by not fulfilling campaign promises & that nothing has been built on the border. Yet Trump in this speech brags about what has been done at the border & not to long ago he said we need lots of immigration for all the jobs & great economy. The economy is NOT great, manufacturing is down & has been for some time now as well as new construction, it’s down also.
So who’s the liar here. Again, this is designed to keep a persons heading swimming & not to be able to come to a decisive conclusion as to the facts, the real facts of the matter.
Real piece of work, isnt he?