Protest: Dog Sent To “Death Row” By Government After Biting Trespasser

Activist Post – by Joe Wright

The right to occupy one’s own property free from intrusion is once again under attack in the United States. By now the stories are legion of police entering private property (many times in error) and outright killing non-threatening family pets.

However, the latest incident from Guilford, CT is particularly egregious as it involves the defense of private property after a crime had already been committed against it.  

As reported by local news outlet,, in August 2017 a neighborhood teen was bitten by Simon, a mixed-breed dog, after the teen had breached the fenced property.  A recent press release distributed in Simon’s defense adds the detail that the teen “deliberately cut the fence separating their yards and illegally trespassed (law 22-357) on Young’s yard where Simon was playing.” Moreover, the youth “was brandishing a lacrosse stick in a threatening manner. Simon feeling threatened bit the teenager on the leg (In his own yard).”

Nevertheless, it wasn’t long before the town’s Animal Control Officer removed Simon from his property for “evaluation.” That evaluation has resulted in Simon being kept in animal shelter lock-up ever since, 18 months, and he is now scheduled to be euthanized … despite being medically cleared.

Here is an early video report from WTNH News 8 that offers additional perspective about the pending death sentence (or “disposal order” as sensitively stated by the Town Selectman, Matthew T. Hoey III, in this report):

This situation has led to outrage from many in the community who gathered on January 12, 2019 in front of the Guilford Town Hall to protest the decision and demand Simon’s release. It is apparently now up to the Department of Agriculture to grant a stay of execution.

As Simon’s owner, David Young, poignantly stated to the media: “Had that armed intruder had a gun, Simon would have been a hero.”

Whether you are angered by the treatment about this specific animal or not, it’s another chilling message given to homeowners who feel that their home should truly be their castle.

If you would like to learn more about Simon and his family, please visit Save Simon The Dog for more information or contact the Young family here to find out how you can help.

Joe Wright’s articles can be found at

Activist Post

8 thoughts on “Protest: Dog Sent To “Death Row” By Government After Biting Trespasser

  1. In Colorado, he would have been put down. IF you are bitten by a dog and it requires medical anything, the dog is taken care of.

  2. Guilford Town Hall Picketed for Save Simon Rally:

    Roughly 30 people gathered in front of Guilford Town Hall on Jan. 12 for a rally demanding the release of Simon, a mixed-breed dog currently held at the Guilford Animal Shelter and slated to be euthanized following an incident between the dog and a minor in August 2017.

    This is the second rally held to lobby for the release of Simon as the case currently awaits a ruling before the Department of Agriculture (DOA). The dog’s owner, David Young, has come before the Board of Selectmen (BOS) numerous times, imploring it to reverse the decision made by the town under the previous administration. Simon bit a teenager who was trespassing on Young’s property. Young says that Simon was just protecting his property; the police report lists concerns from neighbors afraid of a dog who had previously attacked another dog and was kept in a yard that’s not completely fenced.

    At the rally, Young argued that he still believes the town can take action on this issue.

    “The town knows they made a mistake and they know this looks bad, so they are going to dig in their heels rather than just let this go,” he said. “…Simon has never gotten out. A couple of the neighbors who have an agenda to kill my dog say, ‘Oh, he gets out all the time.’ He’s never gotten out and he has never had any issues in seven years.”

  3. I always considered my dogs (All who have since passed from age) as part of our family…..I would not be lobbying some fkn politicians or any other SOB to save one of my family, I do whatever it takes to free my dog(s) and become a fugitive for doing so or die in the attempt.

    Now, imagine what the fk I would do to any SOB or Assembly of Govmn’t ccksckers who harmed or threatened to harm on of my human kids? ie, these CPS Maggots taking peoples kids all the time.

    Like I keep saying, the system continues to attack, assault, shoot, kill and maim ALL the Right people and peoples family members, you want to know why I know this? Because, you haven’t seen anything near as a retribution against this criminal system as will take place when they DO the same to the WRONG people…

    Maybe this is how the shit will get started with simple enforcement of tyranny to the wrong Mthrfkr’s….then they can all run around crying foul and terrorism and every other buzzwords they like to use….

    History will show who the Bad Guys are, always has, always will…and justifiable resistance to outright naked tyranny is apparent and evident in the very act itself…..not the media narrative after the fact…that’s the lie’s to protect the system.

  4. February 1, 2019

    Anybody that knows anything about Connecticut knows it is a Communist State. This article proves it. We all just read a dog comes under the protection of the 4th. Private property. All for Oath of Office?

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