SB1414 is a proposal to make it a felony to purchase chiIdren for s*x in California.
Woke activist groups OPPOSE this bill by complaining that it will harm the LGBTQ community and people or color.
Dems already watered down the bill.
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) July 8, 2024
When is that San Andreas fault going to do it’s thing and send Califuckia on it’s way? I’m patiently waiting all these decades and it hasn’t happened yet and yet I remain hopeful. The land of stupid and the freak show it is really not going to be missed by me. I was stationed there in the 70’s and it was a total waste then and has only gotten worse. I had alot to see and it was pretty in alot of places but the shitholes it had got worse and spread, politics was crazy and the laws were nuts. Compare that to today and it really is a 3rd world shithole I’ve been to over sea’s. That place is never ever going to get straightened out, It’s to late and to far gone and it’s a shame because it was an American state now it’s the state of chaos and confusion.