Shock Video Shows California Highway Patrolman Mercilessly Beating Unarmed Woman

Now the End Begins

Let me preface this story by saying that all the police that I personally know here in Florida are fantastic people, excellent law-abiding officers and strong Christians. But story after story from all across America seems to show a rising tide of excessive police force in the Obama age. What has been your personal experience with law enforcement? Please comment below.

An unidentified California Highway Patrol officer is under investigation after getting caught on video beating a woman about the head a dozen times with no apparent indication that he was in danger. KNBC-TV reported on Thursday that the incident was filmed Tuesday afternoon in Los Angeles by motorist David Díaz as he was making his way onto Interestate 10.  

Díaz’s 90-second clip begins with the officer catching up to the woman on foot. She appears to walk away from him, before the officer takes her to the ground. After a brief struggle, the officer begins pummeling her with punches to the head. The woman can be seen covering up and not fighting back. “He basically got on top of her, and it’s basically a UFC ground-and-pound move,” Díaz told KTLA-TV. “It’s basically full force, punching her in the head.”

After the flurry, a second man enters the frame and helps the officer restrain the woman. KNBC reported that the other man was a plainclothes officer at the scene.

“She was screaming,” another witness, Daina Tate, told KNBC. “Two men were on her. They had her arms up. She couldn’t defend herself. She looked totally helpless and terrified. It was shocking, and you can’t really call the cops on the cops.”

A third witness said to KNBC that the unidentified woman was not wearing any shoes at the time of the encounter and was carrying “lots of bags.”

The CHP did not identify the circumstances leading up to the encounter, but released a statement saying it was under investigation.

“As a matter of policy, every time there is a use of force by our officers, there is a review conducted to determine whether the use of force was appropriate,” the statement read. “That will be done in this case, however, since there is an ongoing investigation, it would be premature to comment on this specific video segment without reviewing the entire incident.”

15 thoughts on “Shock Video Shows California Highway Patrolman Mercilessly Beating Unarmed Woman

  1. Just another day with the California Highway Patrol. It won’t end until we take up arms and put a stop to it ourselves.

    1. Believe it or not, NC, CHP used to be the ‘nicest’ cops in the whole state. Very polite, courteous, etc. That was a while ago, though.

      Fifties & sixties.

        1. If that comment was directed at NC, why the hell was it in reply to my subsequent comment to him? If that was the case, I apologize for my previous (now deleted) comment. Be more concise, and that wouldn’t happen.

          Btw, NC is no fool either.

    2. Exactly, NC, “It won’t end until we take up arms and put a stop to it ourselves.” And this is what I believe will be the flashpoint. And it will be ugly. And we will be safer and better off once the thugs in blue and khaki are eliminated.

  2. Are you shitting me, florida cops are fantastic people, where the hell is this writer from disney land???, florida cops are nothing but arrogant jack booted thugs that will arrest you for looking sideways at them, bullets are to good for these bastards!!!!

    1. I couldn’t determine if the woman was Black, or not. If she is Black, Islamic, or Latino; then yes, we will see another Rodney King event. If she is white… then the CHP will be vindicated as using appropriate force to subdue her.

      Although, regardless of her race, this CHP should have called for back-up if he couldn’t arrest an “unarmed” woman without punching her out. I don’t know if I could have sat in my car and watched that happen. Unlike the CHP’s, I have a conscience. I would see my wife, daughter, or granddaughter in that woman’s situation, and be eternally asking myself WHY no motorist stopped to help her.

  3. So where are all these so called good police people keep talking about? I never see them stop a beating like this. It never happens.

  4. Everyone here knows how the cops love to beat the sh*t out of innocent people. Saw a local cop the other day that had his shirt sleeves rolled way up trying to show off his muscles. Probably beats his wife, kids and the dog!

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