“Smart” apartments are spying on everything we do


Coming to an apartment and home near you, “smart’ sensors that spy on everything we do.  

According to the video, IOTAS’s CEO, Sce Pike claims their surveillance technology allows your home to know you and becomes your ALLY! If spying on us in our homes is considered our ally then I’ve got a ‘bridge‘ to sell you in Arizona.  Fyi, IOTAS is also dba as pluscitizen.com.

IOTAS’s partners with property developers and owners, to install apartments with smart outlets, light switches, and motion sensors before they’re rented. The typical IOTAS apartment has about 40 sensors in it!

Good luck trying to op-out of a “smart” apartment filled with over 40 surveillance devices. Sorry, I meant  40 sensors.

Esource reveals how truly invasive IOTAS’s “smart” sensors really are…

“As it learns about an occupant’s behavior, IOTAS’ mobile app will occasionally make suggestions for new automation programs that users can approve or reject…”

Click here to see IOTAS’s mobile app.

Don’t forget many of these “smart” devices use biometrics like voice, facial recognition and fingerprints. Would you willingly give the government, sorry I meant private corporations your biometrics?

IOTAS will soon be coming to a property near you….

“In the coming months we’ll be rolling out a beta program with partner properties across the country, and can’t wait for you be involved.”

“Iota” is the ninth letter in the Greek alphabet and it means not an iota of truth, keep that in mind the next time they claim “smart” apartments are more efficient.

“Smart” apartments aren’t about saving energy, they’re really just “smart” ways to CONTROL & spy on EVERYONE.

Utility companies also want to profit from spying on renters and homeowners…

With the ability to control (and measure in real time) the majority of energy end uses within a rental unit, IOTAS’ system may potentially offer the ability to yield substantial energy savings, andthe company is already in discussions with a major utility around setting up a multifamily pilot program later this summer…”

A look at IOTAS’s ‘partners‘ page reveals “smart” sensors are all about control

“Right now entrepreneurs everywhere are bringing to life everyday objects by integrating smart technology; allowing us to learn, control and enhance our daily experience.”

Seriously, who wouldn’t want to invite the government and private businesses into your apartment and home? Is this another sick DHS joke?

IOTAS’s website also reveals there’s a financial interest behind spying on everyone…

The business opportunity is enormous, estimated by some to be $70 billion by 2018 with as much as 9 billion new connected devices. This movement is coming to the home in a big way, and IOTAS will help lead the way for rental properties.”

When there’s so much money to be made you can bet utility companies and the government want a piece of the action.

A report by Juniper Research predicts “smart” homes will generate $100 billion by 2020 with over 20 million connected (spying) appliances by 2020.

Statista predicts American “smart” home revenue to grow to $22.4 billion in the U.S.

Even insurance companies want to spy on you in your home…

“The company has also seen interest from property management firms looking for unique ways to appeal to potential customers, as well as from insurance companies that might be able to use some of the data…”

 Renters will have to PAY for the privilege of being spied on… 

“IOTAS believes that the real estate industry has untapped monetization opportunities, and wants to be the connector between players in this area. To prove it, IOTAS will share 10% of gross revenuegained from the resident subscription of our service…”

Isn’t that wonderful, residents will be forced to PAY to use IOTAS and as an added bonus, IOTAS will give owners a 10% cut!

But what if IOTAS’s “smart” sensors break or stop working? Won’t owners have to send their maintenance people in to fix it? Nope, IOTAS will send their own “support staff” to fix any broken “smart” sensors.

Another company called NWP Services Corporation provides smart metering, locks, thermostats and billing services to apartment renters and real estate owners.

Renters are billed extra for every apartment that uses NWP.

“For some properties this is just going to be the ticket for entry but for others there is going to be a clear [return on investment]. It feels like the market is now ready for this” Ron Reed NWP’s CEO said.

NWP processes approximately one million bills per month!

Whether it’s “convergent billing, utility billing etc., NWP charges renters a fee…

Each resident remits their payment to NWP, either online through our electronic payment processing program or by mail. NWP then transfers the funds into the property’s bank account, less the billing fees. Where regulations allow, fees are generally passed on to the residents, so there is often no charge to the property.”

Fortune magazine revealed the true driving force behind “smart” apartments is corporate and owner profit…

“Connected lights, which could be set to go off when the resident isn’t home or turn on when night falls, are harder to justify, although NWP is trying to come up with a financial rationale.”

Esource, also revealed there’s so much money to be made Apple, Google and Comcast are developing “smart” ways to bill renters and owners…

“Although it’s certainly a young company emerging into a field already seeing extensive activity by major players like Apple, Google, and Comcast, IOTAS seems to have a fairly mature offering and a sufficiently different approach…”

The new Amazon Echo is a voice command “smart” device that has a SEVEN piece microphone array which listens to every spoken word!


One thought on ““Smart” apartments are spying on everything we do

  1. None of those devices are ever going to find their way into any home I live in, that’s for sure.

    I’ll accept an Internet-connected computer and phone in my house, but nothing more than that.

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