10 thoughts on “Soldier Speaks Out: F*ck Your Job They Are Coming For Your Kids!!

        1. for the same reason we have a ‘surgeon general’…………it’s all a military operation

  1. The idea of kidnapping kids in a school for some made up variant lie
    Might be the wake up call these stupid sheeple need
    And it could start the war they don’t want
    This could get interesting

  2. he is spot on…….
    https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/07/09/vaccine-coadministration-on-children.aspx?ui=20cf4063e3ae72c9834269f44bc8686fb210277ff9b73fc7c047d4240514ef24&sd=20201102&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art2HL&cid=20210709&mid=DM931317&rid=1204114434 ‘COVID and Flu Jabs To Be Coadministered to Kids This Summer’

    ‘The ACIP also warns providers about increased reactogenicity with the combined shot as they expect more adverse reactions. Data suggest that flu vaccines increase your risk of death from COVID-19’
    ‘This also will be the first influenza season2 where nearly all available flu vaccines are quadrivalent,3 rather than trivalent. This means flu shots will contain four vaccine strain influenza viruses — two influenza A viruses and two influenza B viruses.’

    up to this point only seniors (age 65 and up) received the quadrivalent ‘vaccine’

    1. per Dr. Judy Mikovits: ‘It’s the flu shots that fan the pandemics’
      imho this is premeditated murder

  3. Home borth is correct….the “hospital birth SSN” thing is one reason we had our daughter at home…the “all public school students must be vaccinated” crapola is a major reason we home schooled…. No excuses folks! So many are working from home or unemployed getting stimulus money or whatever…. you got the time–home school, dangnabbit!

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