6 thoughts on “Spring – It’s Coming!

  1. It is here!The little crocuses popping up like weeds(good weeds),frogs doing their little nightly mating calls,and the need to get stove going and bringing in more wood mostly a thing of the past.I do still expect a few cold nights when stove warranted but not too many,time to track down tackle box and make sure rod and reel ready for the season!

  2. I cannot watch the video, it says Error, unsupported video type or invalid file path. I do not know why??

      1. Thank you Paul, now my problem is, it downloaded, but this dumb computer that I am on, well it is touchscreen, but my monitor is not touchscreen, so I can’t find where it downloaded it too!! I will keep searching for it on my machine!! Thank you again!!! 🙂

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