The Bohemian Grove is Tax Exempt – Financial Records Leaked

Published on Jul 7, 2015 by Mark Dice

The Bohemian Grove is TAX EXEMPT! Financial Records Leaked – IRS Filings Shocking Details. The secretive and strange Bohemian Grove is an elite men’s club hidden deep within a 2700-acre redwood forest in Northern California, where each July the most powerful men in the world gather for what’s called their annual Summer Encampment.

Is this mysterious meeting “just a vacation spot” for the wealthy and well-connected, or is it something more? Does it operate as an off the record consensus building organization for the elite establishment? What major plans or political policies were given birth by the club? Do they really kickoff their gathering each year with a human sacrifice ritual? Is this the infamous Illuminati?

After getting his hands on some rare copies of the club’s yearbooks; obtaining an actual official membership list smuggled out by an employee; and having personally been blocked from entering the club by police—secret society expert Mark Dice uncovers The Bohemian Grove: Facts & Fiction, in paperback on or download the ebook onto your tablet from Kindle, Google Play, iBooks or Nook.

2 thoughts on “The Bohemian Grove is Tax Exempt – Financial Records Leaked

  1. They know the alleged government (criminal cartel in occupation) is a fraud. They know taxes are a joke on the people(useless eaters) so why would THEY pay? In fact how could they? The money is fake.

  2. Of course it’s tax-exempt. It’s a church that sacrifices young children to Satan, but it’s still a church.

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