The Insanity of Christian Zionism!

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I have heard a few things recently from David Duke. I have an instinctive negative reaction whenever I hear the name, and it is obvious that I was conditioned by the mainstream media to react this way. The only thing I can recall factually about the man was that he was a bigwig in the KKK, was supposedly a terrible racist, and held a congressional seat from Louisiana in the era of Bush the senior. I don’t claim to understand his history, or just what evil he was supposed to have committed, but all the things I have seen recently have been regarding the zionist jews, and not the blacks, which I had the impression was what he was about. Anyhow, I found this video factually correct, and as a Christian who struggles with the zionist mind control over the American Church, thought you might find it interesting, or, if you deem it appropriate, an submittal for discussion on TWFTT. If you have any info on his background that would show his current persona is a deception (because I know the notorious can lie directly to us with a straight face) it would be great to have Henry and/or JD discuss it on the program.



God Bless The Republic

Death to the New World Order

3 thoughts on “The Insanity of Christian Zionism!

  1. I must admit that I, too, had that same mindset where Duke is concerned; however, in light of my “awakening” and knowledge of how “they,” in this case, the media, will put out a smear campaign on someone that opposes “them,” I am rethinking my old opinions of Duke. I am inclined to agree with him. I know that israel is run by “fake” jews…and what Rev 2:9 says seems to apply directly to those who run israel, and this country as well. Does anyone really know what they are doing to Palestinians? Pure evil. We will be Palestine soon…no one will help us either.

  2. David Duke is attacked at the very mention of his name on main stream media. Speaking the truth against Zionism is not an easy thing to do on the National stage. I have listened and agreed to many of his views. He’s been pretty marginalized by the Zionist propaganda the past few years so they don’t consider him a threat. That’s probably what’s kept him alive to this point. Insofar as to this video and message, I couldn’t agree more.

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