The Rise of “This” Devil Empire Is Now Here & It Will Floor Every Christian Out There

Before It’s News – by Lisa Haven

A mysterious organization known as United Religions Initiative (URI) has taken it upon themselves to unite the world religions into one. Yes, you’ve heard me right! They are recruiting churches, pastors, and leaders from every continent to unify themselves into a “One World Religion” similar to that of the United Nations for the world.

Why is it that everything seems to be going global? Our government, our banks, and now our religion? The truth is this entire event was prophesied years ago in the bible when It told us that every tribe, tongue, and nation would serve the Antichrist— a dictator who would rise in the latter days, despise God, and rule the world. Could it be that we are on the brink of such an empire? I do believe it’s possible, especially now with the unification of religion.  

It has also been spoken of in bible prophecy that a false prophet would arise and precede the Antichrist. This man would cause all to worship the “image of the beast,” which is a perfect representation of the One World Religion now underway.

With this in mind I couldn’t help but link URI with end time bible prophecy. The two are almost inseparable. Here is the stunning report…

“If the nations of the world are working together for peace through the UN, then how can the religions of the world be brought together for a similar purpose?”

For More Information See:

List of Churches:

9 thoughts on “The Rise of “This” Devil Empire Is Now Here & It Will Floor Every Christian Out There

  1. These idiots also support ideology like “Diversity is our strength”.

    Double speak, once again. They really mean “YOUR diversity is OUR strength”.

    They also focus a lot on “anti-hate”. You know, secret code lingo…

    A house divided against itself can not stand, but I will bet you shekels to matzoh balls they’ve got a “world leader” in mind that will bring us all together as one. Scary stuff.

  2. Ah, yes. The Protocols are being followed religiously(pun intended). It will only happen if the people allow it to happen, and quite frankly, I’m not too encouraged from what I’ve seen lately of the will to resist. I pray I’m wrong.

  3. took our culture, stole it, hid it from us and destroyed our people but keeping our culture hidden from us so that we never know we are the lost tribes of the children of Israel because many of the so called native americans don’t know they use to write Hebrew letters and that Hebrew artifacts were found in the midst of them when Esau conquered them.
    i’m not familiar with Esau but I plan on looking into it. if true, sure would explain a few things.

  4. Unfortunately the CIA/Mossad has infiltrated so many Christian religions to bring this all about – it’s an organization of Christians – can’t think of the name right now, but that is how they have convinced these churches to join them in the propaganda moving us towards Communism and this one world religion…same way they the self chosenites were able to scam the Christians into believing Israel was important………Israel is very seat of satanism… can read up on how the CIA spends millions every year controlling Tibet and Buddhism, the Khazar Zionists have a very long lived sinister plan to deliver the entire planet to satan…this plan is pretty far along and people will need to put a stop to it pretty quickly and with the force of the majority or mankind is finished. We know pretty much what needs to happen – the question is can we do it? They are fast tracking everything now – knowing that their window of opportunity will close if people begin to revolt by the millions and that is happening….you’ll just never see it on Tell-a-vison or the Zionist owned presses…….here’s another part of it:

    1. “Unfortunately the CIA/Mossad has infiltrated so many Christian religions to bring this all about – it’s an organization of Christians – can’t think of the name right now”

      Fellowship churches?

  5. From Protocol of Zion:

    “… it is indispensable trouble in all countries the peoples relations with government so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the INOCULATION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the goyim see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.”
    – Protocols of the Elders of Zion, written 1897

    1. Insidious deception documented in The Protocols of Zion. All true, laying right before our eyes, is the plan for total enslavement of the human race. It’s all been revealed yet, dumb de dumb, “Oh, your a conspiracy buff, huh!” That’s the ticket, call them conspiracy theorists and flush their argument down the toilet and wipe your hands clean of the affair. That’s how they dispose of dissenting views.

  6. Just a thought since I think about the end-times a lot…the number 70 is important in the Bible, especially “70 years,” for intance, the 70 years that the southern kingdom (Judah) was in Babylonian captivity before the Persians released them. In the year 2018 in May, the bogus synagogue of Satan, aka Isreal, turns 70 years old. Only God knows when the end times will happen, but it could be 2018 might be the year it happens, and Satan comes back posing as Christ to bring about the false peace (meaning that the next couple of years could be devastating for Earth.) I’m no prophet, but folks we do need to prepare.

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