This is what the Zionists really want….all of this land because they believe God promised it to them. They want to ethnically cleanse millions of people for it.

One thought on “This is what the Zionists really want….all of this land because they believe God promised it to them. They want to ethnically cleanse millions of people for it.

  1. Correct on Hagee hating Jews. Proof: Hagee claims Christ is NOT the Messiah of the Jews (never mind Christ said He came for the Jew first in the various Gospels), and thus opposes prosletyzing in Israel (and most Christian Zionists agree, which is why they don’t go ove there and try converting Jews…I guess they don’t want to be spat upon!). Hagee speaks out of both sides of his mouth–he bows down to Israel and Zionism, but hates Jews, and by not wanting them to accept Christ is saying he wants them in Hell. And he calls himself Christian? (Rick Wiles of TruNews calls him “rabbi Hagee”)

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