Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Bused Across US into Cities


LAREDO, Texas–A glimpse into the reality of the thousands of illegal immigrants being released into the U.S. by the Obama Administration was captured on video in a Greyhound Bus station in Laredo, Texas this weekend. The illegal immigrants who cross as incomplete family units simply enter the U.S. illegally, turn themselves in to U.S. Border Patrol agents, are processed, and then released with a notice to appear at a future date for court proceedings. U.S. taxpayers then fund bus tickets for the illegal immigrants to go to the U.S. city of their choosing. Approximately 95 percent of the illegal immigrants never return as promised for court proceedings, according to Hector Garza, a Border Patrol agent and spokesperson for the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) Local 2455.  

“The majority of these people crossed the border illegally and where then dropped off here at the bus station so they could continue to their final destination, and that destination is an American city near you,” said Garza. “This right here is border insecurity at it’s best. Our border is not patrolled, it’s not being secured … our federal government is releasing thousands and thousands of illegal aliens into our communities.”

Follow Brandon Darby on Twitter: @brandondarby 

Brandon Darby is managing director of Breitbart Texas.

3 thoughts on “Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Bused Across US into Cities

  1. I saw a white unmarked bus yesterday in Allen, TX just off of the I-75, as I was going out to eat with my wife. We got out of our car in the parking lot to see the entire bus unload with at least 50 passengers, ALL were Mexicans and Latin Americans, dressed like you and I and were going to eat at some of the chain restaurants in the plaza that we were in. I almost flipped shit out of anger, as they were walking around nonchalantly like the area was theirs! 😡 It looked like an army of immigrants invading the plaza area.

    My wife thought it might have been a tour bus from Mexico, but there were no markings on it. Basically, it looked like this kind of bus in the video, only all white and no markings.

  2. I don’t understand why the border patrol agents don’t just say, “TO HELL WITH THIS!”, pack them up on the bus and transport them across the bridge and back into Mexico? Who the hell is gonna know? Who’s gonna say anything? Take half of them and send them back. No one will know. I just don’t get it. We got so many of them as it is, I’m sure DC is not going to miss a few thousand, right?

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