Three people were killed and 22 were injured after a car plowed into a crowd watching the Oklahoma State University homecoming parade on Saturday.
Police said that Adacia Chambers, 25, who was not part of the official parade, was arrested for driving under the influence after she drove into a crowd in Stillwater, Oklahoma, around 10.30am.
According to witnesses her Hyundai Elantra was driving at speeds of up to 50mph, ran into a parked police motorcycle and left the spectators running for cover as some were thrown ’30 feet into the air like rag dolls’.

Paramedics and helicopters rushed to the scene and officials have said that three people have died as a result of the injuries they suffered.
Captain Kyle Gibbs told reporters that eight were critically injured and flown from the scene by air ambulance.
They were taken to Tulsa as well as to Oklahoma University Medical Center in Oklahoma City.
Seven others were seriously injured and seven had less serious injuries.
“Oklahoma State University is saddened by the tragic parade incident earlier this morning. Our thoughts & prayers are with those affected.” the school tweeted according to NewsOn6
Witnesses at the scene were shocked by the incident as it occurred.
‘At first we thought it was part of the show,’ Konda Walker, a 1991 OSU alumna, told the Stillwater News Press. ‘People were flying 30 feet into the air like rag dolls.’
Others first thought that the parade had been targeted with a bomb.
The Sea of Orange parade takes place each year before the school’s homecoming game, and features student associations and members of Greek life as well as marching bands.
The route takes the groups up along Stillwater’s Main Street until it intersects with Hall of Fame Avenue, which leads to the OSU stadium.
Chambers’s car came south on Main Street and hit the end of the parade route, according to officials.
Gibbs did not say whether Chambers was visibly drunk, but added that there was probable cause for arresting her for driving while intoxicated.
Chambers is not believed to be an OSU student.
Oklahoma State President Vaden Burns Hargis said that the university had thought about not playing their homecoming game against Kansas, but has decided to go on with the game and ‘remember’ those who had died in the incident.
An employee at a restaurant near the crash said that National Guard units had pushed people blocks from the intersection where the incident occurred.
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‘At first we thought it was part of the show,’ Konda Walker, a 1991 OSU alumna, told the Stillwater News Press. ‘People were flying 30 feet into the air like rag dolls.’ some people watch way too much tv……… An employee at a restaurant near the crash said that National Guard units had pushed people blocks from the intersection where the incident occurred. Why were there national guard units there? condolences to the families and friends of those who died
The national guard were there to acclimate people for the zionist imposed martial law, which they hope to implement when the People rise up to regain their freedom. Of course the quasi-military had NO business at a damn parade [posse comitatus], but ask any zionist if they care about us, the “goy cattle.”
A lot of times they have the military in parades in order to encourage military-worship among the sheep — especially children or those of recruitment age. They want these young lambs to think, “Wow, look at these guys being worshipped as heroes! I want people to worship me like that, too!” That’s one of the key ways the ZOG propaganda machine keeps a steady supply of recruits for its Imperial Troops.
Of course the same applies to military-worship spectacles during baseball and football games as well as other large public events.
Time to ban assault cars!
Time to ban high all high capacity parades!
Yes enough already! When, when I ask you, will the carnage stop? If only one human life is saved by banning all parades, then we call all say: “It was worth it.” Life is too precious to die at a parade when we can save everyone with a total parade ban. Please write your CONgress traitor about this! Thank you for saving future parade-goers lives.
“An employee at a restaurant near the crash said that National Guard units had pushed people blocks from the intersection where the incident occurred.”
wow…I’ve never gotten drunk enough for the national guard to be called in, and I didn’t know they responded to traffic accidents.
And they pushed the crowd back blocks from the incident? They must be practicing a new technique for preventing witnesses from seeing too much that contradicts “news reports”.
I say Kansas state sent her in to take out the quarterback before the game. If you’re planning something like this yourself, make sure you’re sober when you do it. Then you can always say “I’m old and I stepped on the wrong pedal. Call my insurance company and let me get the hell out of here.”
UPDATE: 7 p.m.
Hospital officials say a 2-year-old has become the fourth person to die after a woman suspected of driving under the influence plowed into an Oklahoma State University homecoming parade crowd.
In addition to the four deaths, more than 30 were injured. They included eight who were airlifted to hospitals with critical injuries.
dsu, hands in the pocket,national guard.
sorry osu for your loss
Four dead and more than 30 injured? Wow, that would actually be considered a national tragedy if a gun had been used.
Was the National Guard marching in the parade? One picture shows men in fatigues. What the hell are they doin’ there? Necessary security they felt was needed for this parade? How could they have possibly known that the “National Guard” had to be called up for this event? Suspicious is as it smells, a little “fishy” to me. ( Condolences to the souls lost.)
Tequila and stupid people don’t mix. I saw the dumb broads mug shot somewhere else this morning and she had a , “I COULD CARE LESS” mug on her yap. String the bitch up.
Today it’s 4 dead, and 44 injured.
Stupid AND drunk are a bad combination.