7 thoughts on “Totally looks like

  1. MIchelle looks akin to a baboon with a nervous problem! The character next to her in the above photo is mighty good looking in comparison!

  2. What is in her soul is even more ugly. Imagine traveling from Bellingham Washington to San Diego, the over to Los Cruses New Mexico, Then north to Minot North Dakota, and every man woman and child are dead? That is what monsters like her, and her POOFSTER husband want to do to these states of America.

    MONSTERs do exist. Important to tell our children that it is Daddy’s job to keep the monsters away. I think that is where the militia is the only answer to what is coming. Need to put a stake in the hearts of the beasts that are drooling for the taste of our blood.

    1. Star Trek: Season 1: Episode 1

      Was McCoy’s old girlfriend…OK, was merely a shape shifter that looked like her. he he

      1. You do understand, of course, that it was part of the t.v. ‘programming’ designed specifically to set the American public up for the coming fake ‘alien’ invasion (as per the Iron Mountain report)?

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