Trump Celebrates “A New Record” As Stocks, Bond Yields, & The Dollar Soar

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Another day, another trade-deal headline saying nothing new but good enough for the algos…

US equity markets love it…

Surging to new record highs, a fact not missed by the president…

But he probably will not be happy that the dollar is also soaring…

Source: Bloomberg

Gold is, of course, getting monkeyhammered…

And interest rates are also spiking…

Source: Bloomberg

Housing markets won’t like that much.

And as rates rise, will gold catch down to global volumes of negative-yielding debt?

Source: Bloomberg

One thought on “Trump Celebrates “A New Record” As Stocks, Bond Yields, & The Dollar Soar

  1. I love these comments from zerohedge. Somebody’s AWAKE!!

    “No, I won’t enjoy seeing the greatest fraud in history continue to climb in fake value.
    No, I won’t enjoy seeing another few trillion in buybacks enriching the corporate directors of the biggest pig corporations to ever exist.
    No, I won’t enjoy watching more and more stores go out of business to support the fraudulent business of Amazon.
    No, I won’t enjoy seeing my heating bill go up to $100 a month because oil will go north of $100 if there is a “trade deal”.
    No, I won’t enjoy paying $8 a gallon for gas when oil goes back to $100.
    SO screw you President Trump. Yes, you are better than Hillary would have ever been, but that doesn’t excuse cheerleading the greatest fraud in history.

    666D Chess
    16 minutes ago
    “Yes, you are better than Hillary would have ever been”… Wrooooooong, Trump and Hillary are exactly the same ****. Sorry, man, the Illuminati conned you once again. 

    Zeusky Babarusky
    16 minutes ago
    When given a choice of having to contract gonorrhea or syphilis, which one would you chose based on one being better than the other? I am down to chosing neither.”

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