US Officials Expect Israel to Launch Ground Invasion of Gaza

By Dave DeCamp –

US officials said Sunday that they expect Israel to launch a ground invasion of Gaza within the next 24-48 hours after the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu formally declared it was at war with Hamas, The Washington Post reported on Sunday.

A spokesman for the Israeli military said in a video posted to X that Israel has 100,000 reservist troops amassed in southern Israel near Gaza. “We have amassed around 100,000 reserve troops who are currently in southern Israel preparing to execute the task the Israeli government has designated the IDF to do,” said spokesman Jonathan Conricus.

“Our job is to make sure that at the end of this war, Hamas will no longer have any military capability to threaten Israeli civilians. In addition to that, we are also to make sure that Hamas will not be able to govern the Gaza Strip,” he added.

Over 1,000 people have been killed in two days of violence since Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on southern Israel from Gaza on Saturday, which included a ground assault and rocket fire. Israel responded by cutting off power, fuel, and all imports to Gaza, which has been under blockade since 2007, and launched major airstrikes on the besieged enclave.

Fighting in southern Israel was still ongoing on Sunday afternoon, and Israel continued to pound Gaza. As of early Monday morning in Israel, the death toll includes over 629 Israelis and 420 Palestinians.

Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed that they had taken captive 130 people from Israel into Gaza, including some Israeli soldiers. They want Israel to release thousands of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the Israelis.

Hamas gunned down Israeli civilians in its attack, including at a music festival near Gaza. Israeli strikes on Gaza have also killed civilians, including dozens of women and children. One man told AP that 19 members of his family were wiped out in a strike on his house. “This is a safe house, with children and women,” he said.

Because Gaza is under blockade, its residents have nowhere to flee, and a major Israeli ground assault on the enclave will incur massive civilian casualties. Over 2 million people live in Gaza, one of the most densely populated places on earth.

The US is strongly backing Israel as it’s preparing to invade Gaza. President Biden told Netanyahu more military aid is on the way, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced the deployment of an aircraft carrier strike group to the region.

The Washington Post also reported that Israel has requested heightened cooperation with the US on military intelligence-sharing related to southern Lebanon. Early on Sunday, Israel struck Lebanon after Hezbollah launched rockets at Israeli military posts in the disputed Shebaa Farms area, signaling the possibility of a two-front war.

6 thoughts on “US Officials Expect Israel to Launch Ground Invasion of Gaza

  1. As I have said in the past repeatedly destroy/nuke Israhell and the middle east will find peace. Those joo’s start shit with everyone because the have support from DC. How many U.S. politicians have dual citizenship with Israhell? Thats where our tax money goes without our approval, I’m don’t support Israhell and I’m pissed, I don’t support this latest little war but those joo’s sure seem to start alot of shit. Look back right here on The Trenches over the years and see the videos of IDF sniping schoolkids- that image never left my head and they were laughing while shooting. Nothing going on Israhell has been as brutal if not more and they target elderly and the children as a priority to sent off more psychological casualties. It’s a shame the innocent are dying and all those politicians are sitting back pushing buttons and making billions in profits and thinning the herd.

    1. Yeah, and what word has come to mean more in the last century than “FALSE-FLAG?” The atrocities we are seeing today (vile, cruel, and disgusting) are a blood theater to remind us who’s in charge. Blame is placed here and blame is placed there, but the camps of CNN and NPR, etc. keep making sure you know who to blame and who is innocent, that is to say, pure as the driven snow. Would anyone from CNN ever say to the viewers: “This is a very suspicious new event and you must entertain the idea that a government can and will kill its own people. In fact that has happened many, many times in the past.” No, CNN et al will keep towin’ the “victim” line, while suffering expands, land and resources are stolen, and the quest for global domination moves ruthlessly toward its CHOSEN goal.

      But maybe, just maybe, this current debacle will bring more to the table of truth and the fight it prompts. But now, when we should be taking care of our own, here at home, looks like we have to AGAIN help OTHERS:


  2. The buzz, the buzz, it’s infuriating. I heard one commenter saying they need to garner the support of the American people and that would mean they need to perpetrate a false-flag on our soil, kind of another 9/11. Deception is very deceptive.

    And remember a year or so back when all those Ukrainian flags (the blue and yellow) were popping up everywhere? Now we are starting to see Israeli flags having their moment. In fact, in The UK…


    1. But in the streets and the universities, both sides are fighting each other. Both flags are being torn in half. But how does a people who have been imprisoned and dehumanized for decades, deprived of the bare necessities of life, bombed to bits, prove itself the true victim of cruel deception, especially when the media sides with the oppressor?!!

      What work we have to support the truth as we see it, when all we wanna do is live free on our own land. They bring in the misery everywhere, and the misery always brings death and death can only be fought by those who choose to live. What is this strange planet we find ourselves on???


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