Virginia High School’s Confederate Flag Ban Sparks Flag Rally in Protest

Breitbart – by Warner Todd Huston

A Bedford County, Virginia, high school sparked a student rally in support of the Confederate flag after administrators enforced a ban of the historic banner.

After school administrators at Staunton River High School in Montea, Virginia, enforced its policy, telling students that the Confederate flag was banned from vehicles in the school’s parking lot, a group of students said they organized to sponsor a parade of cars festooned with the rebel flag to express their First Amendment rights.  

Virginia High School’s Confederate Flag Ban Sparks Flag Rally in ProtestAccording to WDBJ, CBS Channel 7, students Chas Goodson and Zachary Barton were told to leave their flags at home but felt the school was attempting to shut down their Constitutional right to free expression.

“We’re doing all of this to stand up for our First Amendment rights,” Goodson told the media.

The pair of students said they outfitted their vehicles with the Confederate symbol in memory of recently-passed country music legend Merle Haggard but were confronted by school administrators over the flags.

The pair also noted their ancestors served in the civil war and the flag was a nod to their ancestry.

“We are very proud of our heritage and we want to be able to show it,” Barton told Channel 7. “We were given our First Amendment right for a reason and we want to be able to use it.”

School administrations hastened to claim they have no intention of stomping on anyone’s First Amendment rights but feel it necessary to “limit distractions” for the students.

“We have to limit any and all things that we determine are a distraction to the school day,” Bedford County Public Schools spokesman Ryan Edward said on Friday.

Edwards further noted that large banners and flags had already been banned on vehicles in the school parking lot, even if they are large U.S. flags.

But the students who organized the parade of autos said their response isn’t over. Students and parents also went to the campus and marched with their flags too, some representing a group called “Battle Flag Rally for Freedom.”

“It’s not about hate. It’s about the heritage,” said Jason Wright, a Staunton River High student. “When schools try to take away our American flags and stuff and tell us we can’t fly them at school, that’s not right.”

The students say they intend to rally again sometime next week.

The “Battle Flag Rally for Freedom” group has a Facebook page where they describe themselves as a peaceful group.

“We promote peaceful rallies for the support of Confederate and American values. We support the Constitution of the Confederacy & the U.S.A. no hate,” the Facebook page says.

The group has held rallies in many cities in the south, including Vicksburg, Mississippi, and Salem, Virginia, among other places.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston, or email the author at

5 thoughts on “Virginia High School’s Confederate Flag Ban Sparks Flag Rally in Protest

  1. So, the US Flag nowadays is more half stick then in top for reasons equal to someone has a fart gone sideways. Never mind the story behind “Oh say can you see” (the flagpole kept up by a pile of dead bodies.) Any other non issued icon of population support has to be banned to avoid having people uniting under something or deity forbid standing for something…

    Attacks can be done without using bombs or bullets to attack the morale and spirit of a people. Now see them warm open arms of the world community, and like Xerxes you only have to give up your rights and bow to the UN…
    There are always traitors that will go the extra mile for a small pouch of silver coins. Funny what them school administrators want to implement in the children in the name of “Education”.

  2. It’s refreshing to see high school kids knowledgeable of their constitutional rights, and standing up for them.

    I had written them off as too brainwashed to be of any assistance, but thankfully, I misjudged them.

    1. You may not be to disappointed about the youth, then again, it is the older generations trading away their rights (As Americans), for some temporary safety and security and not to piss off authority and endure its wrath.

      To Add, I ran into them Youth, in College during Political Science.. Dumb as a brick comes to mind.

  3. “School administrations hastened to claim they have no intention of stomping on anyone’s First Amendment rights…”


    “It’s not about hate. It’s about the heritage,” said Jason Wright, a Staunton River High student.”

    Exactly right. The very thing those communist indoctrination centers are designed to do… destroy our heritage.

    Glad to see SOMEONE (other than Trenchers) taking a 1st amendment stand.

  4. A few suggestions to the high school kids.

    1. Walk away from zuckerturd’s ‘jew’book. Use your brains and develop
    an end-to-end encrypted anonymous ‘wall’ and anchor it on darknet
    out of the reach of the school, pigs, and ‘jews’
    2. At high school age, you’re old enough to ditch the indoctrination center and
    educate yourself online in anything. Home school yourself.
    End the brainwashing cycle. Have the good sense to keep your kids
    out of the indoctrination re-braining facilities and responsibly
    educate them yourself with free internet resources.
    3. Fly the confederate battle flag and remember it’s a symbol of rebellion
    against the ‘jew’ bankers that instigated the war and invaded the south.
    4. Understand what usury and debt free money is and why it’s important to
    know about this.
    5. Please help take the country back from the ‘jew money-power.


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