Watch as Anti-NRA Protester Explains Why You Shouldn’t Be Able to Protect Yourself With a Gun If Your Life Is in Danger

MRCTVTheBlaze – by Jason Howerton

When MRCTV’s Dan Joseph talked with protesters outside the National Rifle Association’s headquarters in Fairfax, Va., earlier this week, he was able to really encapsulate the anti-gun crowd’s argument against the Second Amendment.

When asked if a person who believes their life is in danger should be able to defend themselves with a firearm, one protester simply said, “No.”  

“Only a law enforcement officer should be allowed to use weapons,” she said. The same woman also told Joseph that he shouldn’t be able to carry a gun in a bad neighborhood, because he shouldn’t be walking around in a bad neighborhood in the first place.

Another protester claimed that 30,000 people die every year to gun violence, and it’s all the NRA’s fault.

“People who go out and buy a bunch of guns” are just paranoid and misinformed, a female protester argued.

There’s plenty more footage from MRCTV below:

13 thoughts on “Watch as Anti-NRA Protester Explains Why You Shouldn’t Be Able to Protect Yourself With a Gun If Your Life Is in Danger

  1. ignorance is bliss.

    I think their attitude would change if someone broke into their house and raped/robbed them and they couldn’t do anything about it.

  2. Holy Crap. These people do exist. I thought that it was just a rumor that people with no brains can actually breath and speak words.

  3. Wow, I wished he’d ask them who they voted for in the last presidential election or was that too obvious.

  4. It should he becoming clear to most (conscious) people that we are no longer one nation. The divide in what people believe to be righteous is a border to border chasm.
    Maybe it’s time we send all the Nanny lovers to one area and let them deal with themselves instead of gumming up the works and lives of people desiring to lead free lives.
    You can’t reach these people. Not now and not ever. Let em wear their chains for they are not my People.

  5. Oh crap these people make my eyes bleed!
    30,000 from gun violence? 25,000 are from police shootings, 4950 are from self defense, the last 50 were just plain stupid.
    We stand our ground, Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.
    An unarmed citizen is a target.

  6. ““Only a law enforcement officer should be allowed to use weapons,” she said.”

    I can’t wait till she gets tazed by a cop for a traffic stop or jaywalking.

    “The same woman also told Joseph that he shouldn’t be able to carry a gun in a bad neighborhood, because he shouldn’t be walking around in a bad neighborhood in the first place.”

    People shouldn’t be walking around in a bad neighborhood? I have a question, if the entire country becomes one bad neighborhood, where do we walk? Where does she walk for that matter? In addition to that, if a person is poor and can only afford to live in a bad neighborhood, then where should that person walk or should that person just be locked up the house for the rest of his or her life?

    So because it is a bad neighborhood, rather than try and get someone to fix the problem or clean up the neighborhood, we should just ignore it. GREAT ARGUMENT!!

    ““People who go out and buy a bunch of guns” are just paranoid and misinformed, a female protester argued.”

    When SWAT raids her house for growing that garden or not mowing her lawn in time, we’ll see how fast she changes her mind on the “paranoid and misinformed” issue.

    Are we sure these idiots weren’t paid off by Pee-Wee’s friends (Bloomberg)? Otherwise, I can’t believe they are really that stupid.

  7. Lol the big woman in black was funny… Your just trying to twist my… my… my… oh what are they called… oh yeh, my words! lol… what a set of total inbred people. Begging the cars to sound their horns… Nobody supports you people, get it through your thick indoctrinated foolish heads! You are pathetic idiots that are the poster children for indoctrination and dangerous government…
    God bless us all…

  8. What’s great about these half wits, is their argument
    is defeated by their own talking points, lol that’s great
    as it has been said, let them eat cake..

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