WEF ‘Young Global Leader’, Ida Auken, delivers a sales pitch for a future without ownership, whereby products, tools and appliances are rented and shared—in what’s known as a “circular economy”—instead of owned outright.

8 thoughts on “WEF ‘Young Global Leader’, Ida Auken, delivers a sales pitch for a future without ownership, whereby products, tools and appliances are rented and shared—in what’s known as a “circular economy”—instead of owned outright.

  1. Regarding an appliance or utility, she keeps asking, “Why do you want to own it?” Well, maybe I want to sell it and make a little cash. She wouldn’t like that. She’d rather have us hooked into a system where every more is calculated.

    The whole message behind this is: You’ll be poor and we’ll be rich. It also has a back-drop of: You’ll be tracked, controlled, and if necessary, punished, so be a good little slave and follow orders.

    She forget to add that they’ll also OWN anything you cherish or value, including your very own mind and soul. What an awakening awaits her when she realizes the great number of those who have their minds intact, uncorrupted, and are ever ready to protect what’s theirs and fight for it. Freedom is not a good thing to mess with.


    1. and if you’ll notice.. she is not American. she doesn’t know anything about owning anything because she is a subject and perfectly fine with it. I’ve probably told y’all before but if I haven’t.. I am a plumber. been a master plumber since 01.. and in the past ten years I can tell you horror stories about new appliances.. they refuse intentionally to make a better product. it’s called planned obsolescence.. in 1975 I was 9yrs old.. we got our first color (console) tv . it was 500$!!! and by god we had it til I got out of the Navy in 1989.. they build stuff so cheaply that it is less expensive to replace your new faulty unit that they don’t even make you send the broken one back to them!!! oh and the TV we had.. Magnavox.. anyone under 40 wanna guess where it was made!?! from a manufacturing based economy to a consumer based economy in less than 30yrs.. and to answer her idiotic question of why would I want to own anything.. if I own one.. it’s never out of stock!!

      1. Reminds me of that old saying from Huxley’s “Brave New World”:

        ‘Ending is better than mending.’

        And funny how she says they’ll build it better for leasing than for owning. Why is that, lady-robot? Could it be because they deem us not worthy of quality craftsmanship, and they see us as inferior to them?

        Growing up I was told you can cut corners on other purchases but when it comes to buying shoes, you have to find a way to buy the best. Now I know all good people deserve the best, of whatever they choose to obtain.


      2. As for TV, in the late 90s a friend gave us for free a 1975 SONY Trinotron that lasted until 2019! Now we have no TV set but do not need one. Ah, the good old days… And my Windows 7 Toshiba laptop from 2010 STILL WORKS JUST FINE–I use it to watch DVD movies. Yep, planned obsolescence. But too bad Microsoft, I ain’t buying some danged Windows 11 laptop or downloading it, not when W7 laptop works just fine. (Note–we don’t have “smart” devices either, IoT crap.)

  2. Right, you psychopath! We the People will “own nothing and be happy” while you WEFers will “own” it all while Satan owns you…have fun and “be happy” in the outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. So what’s next? Pay for the “service” of breathing fresh air? Sunshine? Rain? But keep up waking up the world and humanity, you psychopaths….!

  3. I don’t know who said these two quotes, but…

    “Some days you feel like you’re surrounded by idiots. Other days you realize it’s not just some days.”


    “‘But what can I do? I’m just one person,’ said seven billion people.”


    1. Clarifying: That first quote refers to the robot-lady in the vid, not the many smart people who oppose her and her ilk.


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