What Is This?

We saw this monstrous thing in town today, didn’t know what it was. We had traffic backed up, they had to lift up the traffic lights to get it through. Wondered if anyone at the Trenches might know.

26 thoughts on “What Is This?

  1. “I know what this is. It’s a snow cone maker. Yea, that’s it.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger from the movie, True Lies. Lol

  2. The local newspaper reported on this huge load having come through Wed. also. Today is Friday and saw the same thing.
    Also, went through Brenham, folks saying it backed up traffic also.

    It was wrapped in a murky wrap stuff. The back of it had a shimmery heat dancing from it.

    Maybe a nuclear piece? Those pointy objects maid me think of missiles.
    This thing was humongous. I’ve seen some large objects, but never this large.

    1. This shot was actually from the local newspaper. Would have gotten some photos had I had the capability.

      Put a call into someone who lives in another town that it went through also. They actually saw the same thing Wed.. They said they had to unbolt a light pole to get it through as well as cut trees down.

      They said they’d call the commissioners court next week as they are the ones to issue the permit to let this thing through.

      They though it was maybe a large compressor.

    2. Agreed. Need more angles.

      Hubby says that the photo looks like it was taken on Hwy. 36…. Was it headed South (toward the refineries), or North? After Hwy. 36, did it head around to 290 , take a Right to Austin, or stay on 36 to the Blue Bell Ice Cream Plant?
      Did it head toward, or away from, A&M or UT? No way it would get under the Hwy. 21 overpass… LOL
      Extremely Poor road planning.
      Should NOT have been routed that way. Along with having to remove the trees and lights, the roads aren’t rated for that kind of load… they’re asphalt… Could not have been issued legal permits for that.

      1. Angel, I’ll get back with more details as I find them out.

        I know it went through Brenham and Columbus, Flatonia and Schulenburg. Where it was heading, not sure.

        1. Hmmm…Wrong way for the Blue Bell Plant… or even Shiner… more like it was going toward Gonzales…possibly the oil fields…

  3. I really hate to say this.. .
    My first impression. …
    .. was…
    A big white penis with an
    I’m sorry. ..
    But I’m twisted.
    And you made me this way.
    You fkerz.
    So be it.

    1. Hubby’s first impression was some sort of freezer/compressor…
      A not well thought out plan to get a new mega freezer unit to the Blue Bell Ice Cream Plant. Remember all the recalls they had? They desperately needed to upgrade their refrigeration. That route would require trees cut and lights moved.
      My thought was possibly something to do w/ A&M’s Oceanography School/Studies…
      That’s why we were asking the direction it was headed.

    2. Could be refrigeration. Hard to tell by pic. Tried to bring up pic and zoom, my dinoputer wouldn’t zoom in. Maybe for an oil rig in the gulf?

  4. Those two breasts out front could be a covert signal. Quite possibly it’s Trump’s Traveling Bordello.


    1. Thanks Katie. Good job.
      That tells me a lot. 😉 🙂
      I’ll get Hubby’s input tomorrow. He’s out for the night. 🙂
      From what I deducted, it is for “purifying” chemical waste water.

      1. Angel, I did want to thank you for putting so much effort into my question.

        Yes, I know my info. did not help much.
        I did learn a bit about Formosa Plastics though, a Taiwanese company, etc..

        1. Texas is our Home, Katie. Hubby and I were born &raised there. (I’m 6th generation. Given Hubby’s TX Native American ancestry, I can’t tell you how many generations his family goes back to TX and OK)
          NYC is just my location, for now.
          I care deeply about what is going on down there, esp. in our stomping grounds.
          There will come a time when you will see my moniker changed to “Angel-TX”. 😀

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