Who is next in line? Afghanistan wants Russia’s help too

Fort Russ – TV Zvezda

Translated by Kristina Rus

Kabul needs Russian help in the fight against terrorist group “Islamic state”. This was announced by the first Vice-President of Afghanistan General Abdul Rashid Dostum following the meeting with the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov.

“Dostum said that ISIS is trying to make its foothold in Afghanistan. To prevent this threat Kabul needs Russian support, as in Syria. We are confident that the Russian leadership will make a positive decision in this matter,” — wrote Kadyrov on his social network page.  

He also said that economic, trade and cultural cooperation was discussed at the meeting.

On September 30th, Russian air force at the request of the President of Syria Bashar al-Assad began an air operation with the application of point strikes on ISIS positions.

Today the Ministry of Defense reported that the Russian aircraft over the past day has made 25 sorties against the “Islamic state” in Syria and attacked ten objects of the terrorists. As a result of the six strikes on a terrorist base near the city of Idlib about 30 vehicles have been destroyed, including captured from the Syrian army T-55 tanks.

The general staff of Russia reported that over the three day operation the Russian pilots completed more than 60 sorties in Syria to destroy more than 50 sites of terrorist infrastructure. During this time, the logistical base of the terrorists has been undermined and their combat potential significantly reduced, in addition, the terrorists began to panic and desert.


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