6 thoughts on “Who Owns You?

  1. Finely some truth I think everything she said was true.

    This should go viral.

    Nah, digger you love your Beagle and he/she is your friend. Your Beagle will never threaten you, make you pay taxes, toss you in jail, or tell you, you have to do something against your will.

  2. I know Who owns me (God)…the question ought to be this: who owns the criminal psychopathic elites? Who owns Rothschild? Because he is just as owned as us who it is believed are owned by the criminal psychopathic elites…

    I’ll put it this way: I would much rather be me living out here in the mountains with little to no debt (screw the 150,000 dollar bogus debt for every man, woman and child nonsense the US govt. says we owe!) on land I own (yes we pay property taxes because we cannot own it allodially…but doesn’t Rockefeller also pay property taxes?), which is my sane asylum, than be one of the criminal psychopathic elites who think they own the world and have all sorts of body guards to take the bullet meant for them and servants to wipe their butts (and don’t think this is nonsense–they do) and test their food for poisons, but live in fear that their system Rothschild came up with in 1694 is going to collapse and that random events which they cannot control will derail their bogus New World Order. Why do you think these folks do nothing but scheme (unless they are sleeping or pedophiling or partying “eyes wide shut” style? Because they are psychopaths and psychopaths live in constant fear that their consciences will catch up with them.

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