2 thoughts on “Why most of the population went along with the scamdemic he cannot tell you the full truth wake up

  1. He makes a powerful point. I know I experience that social stigma in my own life.

    A comment I came across: “A lot of people are just shells of their former selves after the pandemic: It’s really weird how we all moved on from the pandemic like it wasn’t a big deal. I can’t help to notice how peoples personalities have changed since the pandemic. I have found that a lot of people who used to be full of joy, and had a little sparkle in their eye now are pretty melancholy, and just dulled down. I have to admit that I feel this way as well. I’m somebody who chose not to get vaccinated and I kind of feel like the whole world turned on me, so maybe that contributes towards it but to be honest, I’m still not over what happened and it really bothers me that life just carried on like they didn’t try to steal our livelihoods by taking our jobs away if you didn’t want to get the experimental vaccine. So many friendship dynamics changed during this time in a lost trust in most people.”


    1. We’re in the fall-out, and some keep going their merry way, probably already Christmas shopping.

      I vow to never forget what their scam and their shots have done to our world and especially to many that I personally love. Now they turn to wider war. How many more ugly monsters will be at the Thanksgiving Table?


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