Woman Forces Suspected Arsonist to the Ground at Gunpoint

Breitbart – by Katherine Rodriguez

An Oregon woman forced a suspected arsonist to the ground at gunpoint after she allegedly noticed the suspect had matches in his hands, according to a video.

The video, shared on Kat Cast’s Facebook page, shows Cast driving up to the man while someone in her vehicle is taking footage.

Cast exits the vehicle holding a handgun, walks over to the unidentified man, and orders him to get on the ground.

“What are you doing on my property?” Cast asks. “Did you light anything on fire?”

The man then responded that he was “passing through.”

“What are you doing with those matches in your hands?” she asked.

“I smoke,” he replied.

Later in the video, Cast revealed that the man was not carrying cigarettes and told the man that she placed a phone call to the local police. It is unclear if the police charged the man after the arrest.

According to Cast, the incident took place over the weekend and the man had threatened to burn her property down.

On Facebook, Cast revealed that she received some messages claiming that the whole incident was a setup.

“I read all your messages to me, even the private ones, I can tell you that this truly did happen and there is nothing fake about it,” Cast said in her Facebook post.

“I do not wish to speak to anyone, it doesn’t matter to me if it’s a journalist who wants to put it out on the news, I will not put my family in danger by exposing myself any more than what I have already, besides the media will just twist my words.”


2 thoughts on “Woman Forces Suspected Arsonist to the Ground at Gunpoint

  1. Oh she will get in a lot of trouble messing with the cabals plans
    You can’t go around protecting what’s yours or this country anymore
    Didn’t she get the memo ?

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