Words of Wisdom: Flags and Songs do not Represent Freedom and Liberty

By Jack Hinson

Rulers absolutely love when citizens pledge to support a flag or a uniform or a badge or a song!

… because it’s much more simple than asking people to pledge their allegiance and support to actual Government policies and Politicians themselves.

If we made people stand at sporting events and pledge their allegiance to the IRS or sing songs about Reagan, Bush, Obama, Hillary or Trump, we surely wouldn’t see calls to fire, deport, jail or beat those who remained seated during continuing indoctrination ceremonies! In fact, almost no one would stand … other than true, die hard Statist!  

By conditioning the people to focus on symbols that could just as easily be used in any other country … the same countries that the American people have been brainwashed to hate for no real reason at all, (mostly lies in all reality) has been successfully Socially Engineered in to our society, because that line of thinking keeps the people from talking about who their real enemy is … the same enemy of all people throughout history >>> Government!

Governments lock this obedience in to place even further by pretending that mundane things like flags and songs “represent” other things … like Soldiers, Police, Freedom and Liberty. This way, it’s very hard for anyone to question real things, because it seems they are attacking the imaginary representation rather than questioning the pledge or song or flag. After years of Social Engineering like this, the people come to think that it’s perfectly normal to be offended when someone doesn’t stand for something as simple and mundane as a flag or a song!

2 thoughts on “Words of Wisdom: Flags and Songs do not Represent Freedom and Liberty

  1. “This way, it’s very hard for anyone to question real things, because it seems they are attacking the imaginary representation rather than questioning the pledge or song or flag.”

    The end result of LIVING in an imaginary representation.

    “… the same countries that the American people have been brainwashed to hate for no real reason at all, (mostly lies in all reality)…”

    The end result of t.v. ‘programming’.

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