1. Re: “Human rights is just a fictional story that we have spread around.”

    Finally!! I now clearly see the actual face of THE DEVIL!!

    And curse all the lesser devils who will believe this lie.

    We are being coerced into surrendering our minds and disregarding our common sense. But The Bill of Rights will not let us forget that we are free. And any blockage to that is the real “fiction,” the true fantasy that some form of control can take from us what is rightfully ours.

    Inalienable. Unalienable. Jew-proof!!


    1. If they know the Bill of Rights and they violate it in spite, they may think they are above the law, but when they play with fire and it starts to catch, someone’s gonna get burned really bad. I believe the Bill of Rights is also fire proof.

  2. So, “Noah,” human rights are just fiction, eh? Considering you members of the Synagogue of Satan (Talmudic Jewry) only consider yourselves human? So I guess your “rights” to genocide or enslave us “non-human” goyim are just fiction? Ah…. more BS from the tribe of “walking contradictions”…. Bwahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah!

  3. This has stayed with me for days. I think it’s this sicko’s way of sending us a holiday card. A grand mockery, but with a hidden death-wish. Never have more egregious words been delivered to American Nationals, or to any people who understand true freedom. If he believes we have no rights, does he also believe he has no right to stay alive? Is murder always okay because no one has any rights at all? So many holes in his story, defying not only logic but common sense. And he is touted as a superior intellect, a cutting-edge thinker. He needs to take some time to think about how stupid he is.


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