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CT Post – by Neil Vigdor

Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson are history in Connecticut.

Under pressure from the NAACP, the state Democratic Party will scrub the names of the two presidents from its annual fundraising dinner because of their ties to slavery.   Continue reading “Democrats drop Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson names from annual fundraising dinner”

Thanks to Enemy of the State.

Yahoo News – by Lisa de Moraes

“You don’t have that much time to take away Americans’ guns and declare martial law… if you’re going to do that, you better get started,” Jon Stewart advised President Obama, who Tuesday was making his final visit to Stewart’s The Daily Show.   Continue reading “Jon Stewart Warns Obama Little Time Left To Take Away Americans’ Guns, Declare Martial Law”

Patch – by Liz Taurasi

Massachusetts State Police have been searching the area near Rte. 140 in Mansfield near the Foxboro line, for a suspect who fired a gunshot, possibly from a muzzleloader rifle, at an MSP cruiser overnight.

The cruiser was being operated on Rte. 140 around 2:20 a.m. when the trooper reported a shot fired at him. A subsequent search of the area off the highway led to the discovery of a black powder rifle. Muzzleloader — or black powder — guns are often sold for hunting.   Continue reading “State Police Cruiser Shot at Overnight”

Reuters – by Carey Gillam

The House of Representatives was set to vote Thursday on a hotly debated measure that would block mandatory labeling of foods made with genetically engineered crops, including pre-empting a state law set to take effect next year in Vermont.

Dubbed the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act by supporters, but the “Deny Americans the Right to Know” or DARK Act, by opponents, the measure appeared likely to pass the House, according to lawmakers and lobbyists. It sailed through the House Agriculture Committee last week.   Continue reading “House set to vote on anti-GMO labeling law”


Two teens were taken into custody after five relatives were found stabbed to death at the Oklahoma home where they all lived, police told NBC News early Thursday.

The suspects, aged 18 and 16, allegedly ran out the back door when officers arrived at the scene in the Tulsa suburb of Broken Arrow.   Continue reading “Five Found Dead in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma; Two Teen Relatives Detained”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

In what seems a lot like a strawman for just how much they can pressure the population, AP reports California water regulators proposed a first-of-its-kind, $1.5 million fine for a group of Central Valley farmers accused of illegally taking water during the drought. This would be the first such fine for holders of California’s oldest (most senior) claims to water, and follows suits from the farmers to the government arguing their ‘law changes’ are illegal.   Continue reading “California Regulators Slap Farmers With Record $1.5 Million “Water-Taking” Fine”

i24 News

The European Union on Monday called on Israel to “halt plans for forced population transfer and house demolitions” in the Palestinian village of Sussiya in the West Bank, days after Washington issued a similar call.

Israel’s military ruling authority in the West Bank claims the Palestinians built their homes in the village of Sussiya without permission and lack necessary infrastructure.    Continue reading “EU calls on Israel to halt plans for demolishing Palestinian village”

ABC News – by David Kerley

The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating a video showing a handgun being fired from a drone in Connecticut.

The video – posted to YouTube July 10 and titled “Flying Gun” – shows a quadrotor drone with a semi-automatic handgun mounted and firing remotely in the woods.   Continue reading “Gun-Firing Drone Subject of Federal Investigation”

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Yahoo News

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Police investigating the death of a Los Angeles man uncovered an arsenal inside his home and garage — more than 1,200 guns and about two tons of ammunition, authorities said Monday.

Los Angeles Police Department Cmdr. Andrew Smith called the number of rifles, pistols and shotguns staggering. Many had never been fired and some were still wrapped in boxes, with price tags still attached.   Continue reading “Police probing death in LA find 1,200 guns, 2 tons ammo”

Air Force Times – by Leo Shane III and Andrew Tilghman

The military has a problem with guns.

Following last week’s murder of five service members in a violent and still-unexplained shooting spree in Chattanooga, Tennessee, the Defense Department once again has found itself in the midst of a broader national feud about gun control, gun rights and public safety.   Continue reading “Military caught in crossfire of gun control feuds”

YNet News

US Defense Secretary Ash Carter was warmly welcomed by his Israeli counterpart Monday on the first Cabinet-level US visit to the Jewish state since the Iran nuclear deal was announced.

The Pentagon chief met at Israel’s defense headquarters with Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and on Tuesday is to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has strongly criticized the Iran deal.   Continue reading “US defense secretary: We will help Israel defend itself”

ABC News – by Benjamin Bell

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he does not owe John McCain an apology for saying the Arizona senator is only a war hero “because he was captured.”

Trump told Martha Raddatz on ABC’s “This Week” that he won’t be pulling out of the presidential race over his comments, which he made Saturday during a campaign event in Iowa. Trump said he left to a “standing ovation” after speaking at the Family Leadership Council summit.   Continue reading “Donald Trump Says He Does Not Owe John McCain Apology”

Military Times – by Gary Fineout

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Governors in at least a half-dozen states ordered National Guardsmen to be armed in the wake of an attack on two military facilities in Tennessee, and Florida Gov. Rick Scott went a step further Saturday by immediately relocated recruiters to armories.

In an executive order, the Republican governor said he wants Guard recruiters to move from six storefront locations into armories until state officials can evaluate and make security improvements, including possibly installing bullet-proof glass or enhanced surveillance equipment.   Continue reading “Governors order National Guardsmen to be armed”

Daily Caller – by Derek Hunter

Former Maryland Gov. and Democratic Party presidential candidate Martin O’Malley, along with fellow candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, were shouted off stage at the Netroots Nation conference in Phoenix, Ariz., Saturday. O’Malley’s offense was saying, “Black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter.”

O’Malley has now apologized for including “white lives matter, all lives matter” in his statement.   Continue reading “O’Malley Apologizes For Saying ‘All Lives Matter’”


Cuba’s blue, red and white-starred flag was hoisted Monday at the country’s embassy in Washington in a symbolic move signaling the start of a new post-Cold War era in U.S.-Cuba relations.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez presided over the flag-raising ceremony hours after full diplomatic relations with the United States were restored at the stroke of midnight, when an agreement to resume normal ties on July 20 took effect. Earlier, without ceremony, the Cuban flag was hung in the lobby of the State Department alongside those of other countries with which the U.S. has diplomatic ties. U.S. and Cuban diplomats in Washington and Havana had also noted the upgrade in social media posts.   Continue reading “New Era in Ties Begins as Cuba Raises Flag at Embassy in US”

Fox News

He paid the toll, then paid the price.

A Florida tollbooth worker who had been on the job for nearly three decades was fired for paying a driver’s $5 toll, according to WBBH.

Vladislav Samsonov said that when he realized he charged a tractor-trailer driver too little earlier this month, he paid the difference out of his own pocket.   Continue reading “Tollbooth worker fired for paying driver’s fee”

New York Times – by SOMINI SENGUPTA

UNITED NATIONS — The United Nations Security Council on Monday unanimously approved a resolution that creates the basis for international economic sanctions against Iran to be lifted, a move that incited a furious reaction in Israel and potentially sets up an angry showdown in Congress.

The 15-0 vote for approval of the resolution, 14 pages long, was written in Vienna by diplomats who negotiated a landmark pact last week that limits Iran’s nuclear capabilities in exchange for ending the sanctions.   Continue reading “UN Security Council unanimously endorses nuclear deal between Iran and 6 world powers”

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Daily Mail – by Mia de Graff

Angry clashes have erupted between members of the Ku Klux Klan and the New Black Panther Party as both groups rally at the South Carolina statehouse.

Confederate flags were stolen and ripped up to cheers and applause from the New Black Panther demonstrators – while KKK members stood on the steps of the capitol performing Nazi salutes.   Continue reading “Angry clashes in South Carolina as Ku Klux Klan and New Black Panther Party come face-to-face in battle over Confederate flag”