America the BattlefieldSent to us by the author.

America the Battlefield – by Timothy A. Pope

The following is a study I’ve done proving that the active militarization of police dramatically increased after the financial crisis of 2008. The U.S. military’s nationwide Civil Disturbance Operations, Jade Helm and ARSOF Operating Concept are all a cohesive preparation for a forthcoming nationwide economic collapse, civil unrest and martial law due to widespread food shortages and lack of emergency services. It’s all connected, ladies and gentlemen, and I’ll show you how.   Continue reading “Police Militarization: Preparation for Economic Collapse, Food Shortages, Civil Unrest and Martial Law”

Orlando Sentinel – by Bethany Rodgers

OCALA — Acting on a tip about a cache of missiles and a rocket-propelled grenade launcher, Marion County authorities said Monday that they might have thwarted a series of attacks against the Eustis Police Department, a church and a youth camp.

Investigators aren’t yet certain what crimes might have been prevented by arresting two men and seizing a weapons stockpile from a shed on a 9-acre site in Marion County about 13 miles north of Eustis.   Continue reading “Arrests made in alleged plan to use rocket launcher to bomb Eustis, Florida Police Department”

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Free Beacon – by Adam Kredo

Law enforcement officials are downplaying reports that a U.S. hacker infiltrated a commercial airliner Wi-Fi network mid-flight and assumed control of the craft’s controls, according to one source who spoke to theWashington Free Beacon.

The FBI is currently investigating U.S. hacker Chris Roberts, who claims he illicitly seized a commercial airline’s flight controls by hacking into it via the in-flight entertainment system, according to a recent affidavit filed by the FBI in federal court.   Continue reading “Cyber Experts: FBI Ignoring Hack Threats to Airplane Wi-Fi”

Texas biker gang shootingYahoo News

WACO, Texas (AP) — Police were on alert Monday for any retaliatory attacks after a chaotic shootout between rival biker gangs left nine people dead and at least 18 more wounded outside a Texas restaurant.

Waco police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said authorities had received threats against law enforcement “throughout the night” from biker groups and stood ready to confront any more violence resulting from Sunday’s gunfire.   Continue reading “Heightened security in Waco after deadly biker gang shootout”

i24 News

As the United States prepares to deploy more robust missile defenses in the Pacific, China has begun re-engineering many of its long-range ballistic missiles.

Federal officials and policy analysts say the move appears to be designed to halt US actions in the area, according to a report in the The New York Times.   Continue reading “China re-engineers ballistic missiles to carry multiple warheads”

No boots on the ground in Syria?

CNN – by Barbara Starr, Laura Smith-Spark and Ray Sanchez

U.S. Special Operations forces killed a key ISIS commander during a daring raid in eastern Syria overnight Friday to Saturday — securing intelligence on how the terror organization operates, communicates and earns money, U.S. government officials said.

Continue reading “Abu Sayyaf, key ISIS figure in Syria, killed in U.S. raid”

dreamersPoliticus USA – by 

On Thursday, the U.S. House voted 221-202 to block a measure that would have permitted the Pentagon to consider allowing young immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally, but who were granted temporary legal status by President Obama’s immigration executive order, to enlist in the military. Although the provision to let DREAMers serve in the military had the support of several Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee, it floundered on the House floor with 221 Republicans voting to block considering DREAMers for military service. 20 House Republicans joined 182 Democrats in supporting allowing DREAMers to serve in the military.   Continue reading “House Republicans Pass Measure To Prevent DREAMers From Serving In The Military”

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LiveLeak by Tahir Sultan

Apart from documents that have outlined supposed terrorist threats, like Al-Qaeda, and their connection to US intelligence agencies, like the CIA, there are a number of whistleblowers that have come out adding more fuel to the fire. Because not many are even aware of these documents, letting people know about a truth that can be hard for people to accept, let alone ponder the possibility is very important. It’s just one aspect of the veil that’s been blinding the masses for quite some time now.   Continue reading “US Intelligence Officer: “Every Single Terrorist Attack In US Was A False Flag Attack””

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.The Guardian

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been sentenced to death for his role in the 2013 bomb attack on the Boston Marathon – an attack that killed three people, left more than 260 wounded and stunned the country.

In April, the same jury at a federal court in Boston found Tsarnaev guilty on 30 charges relating to the attack.   Continue reading “Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sentenced to death”

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Global Research – by Ronda Hauben

“The U.S. effort in Benghazi was at its heart a CIA operation, according to the officials who briefed on intelligence.” WSJ, Nov 1, 2012

Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, finally appeared before the US Senate and House Foreign Relations Committees on Wednesday, January 23, after a long delay. She was asked many questions by the Congress about what had happened in Benghazi on September 11 and how this could happen. The problem with the responses she gave to these questions was that she focused on the narrative presented in the State Department Report that had been released a month earlier, and which is deeply flawed.   Continue reading “The Benghazi Affair: Uncovering the Mystery of the Benghazi CIA Annex”

Fox 31 Denver – by Chris Jose

GLENDALE, Colo. — A Glendale business tackled city officials head-on in a last ditch effort to save their rug store. Authentic Persian and Oriental Rugs, located at 550 South Colorado Boulevard, has been a Glendale business for 25 years.

More than a hundred packed the Glendale City Council Chambers for a public hearing on whether or not to reaffirm the Urban Renewal Authority’s power to exercise eminent domain.   Continue reading “Glendale authorizes use of eminent domain to acquire property of long-time business”

Courtesy WBTVFox News – by Todd Starnes

Folks who live around York County, South Carolina are a patriotic bunch. They drive pickup trucks and they fly American flags – and sometimes they do both – at the same time.

And that’s the sort of behavior that got 18-year-old Peyton Robinson in a bit of hot water with administrators at York Comprehensive High School.

Peyton drove his pickup truck to school on Wednesday with Old Glory and the POW-MIA flag hoisted in the truck bed.   Continue reading “Old Glory to keep on trucking after school reverses ban”

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Yahoo Finance – by James Callan

Shares of Kohl’s Corp. tumbled the most in about 2 1/2 years after the retailer reported quarterly sales that trailed analysts’ estimates.

Kohl’s dropped as much as 10 percent to $66.73 as of 9:30 a.m. in New York, the biggest intraday decline since November 2012. The stock was the worst performer on Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, which was up 0.7 percent.   Continue reading “Kohl’s Shares Tumble After Sales Trail Analysts’ Estimates”

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – by Andrew Goldstein

As many as 10 train cars derailed this morning in Hazelwood, Allegheny County emergency officials said.

The incident was reported around 10 a.m. near the 4100 block of Second Avenue, officials said.

It wasn’t immediately clear if there were any injuries or what the train was carrying. Some of the rail cars were on their side, and their wheel sets separated from the cars.   Continue reading “Freight train derails in Hazelwood, PA”

Bearing Arms – by Bob Owens

Liberty-hating northeastern Democrats are taking another run at your Second Amendment rights by targeting the supply of ammunition.

This time, they are proposing registration scheme that would drive up the price of selling ammunition online and create a database of ammunition purchasers in the Department of Justice:   Continue reading “New Jersey Democrat Pushes Federal Ammunition Registration Scheme”

UPI – by Andrew V. Pestano

WASHINGTON, May 14 (UPI) — Chuck Rosenberg, a top official at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, will replace Michele Leonhart as the head of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Rosenberg, who will become the Acting Administrator of the DEA on Monday, is currently the chief of staff to FBI Director James Comey.   Continue reading “Top FBI official Chuck Rosenberg to become new DEA administrator”


The commuter rail route where an Amtrak train left the track on Tuesday was not governed by an advanced safety technology meant to prevent high-speed derailments, investigators said on Wednesday.

A system called “positive train control” (PTC) automatically slows or even halts trains that are moving too fast or heading into a danger zone. Under current law, the rail industry must adopt the technology by the end of this year.   Continue reading “Derailed Amtrak train lacked latest U.S. safety controls”