dhs_dol_troisSent to us by the author, Tracy Turner.

Most everyone in America knows the media are corrupt, but despite all of our collective disdain and distrust Chanel 208 One America News has offered up what is self-touted to be “honest” news.

It got me to thinking… …Never a good thing. For instance, is One America News Network going to keep accurate, detailed Wall Street Charts with numerical values of billions in dollars owed by Raytheon, Lockheed and Boeing as recompense to widows and orphans from hospitals bombed by defective smart bombs? Better yet, accurate Wall Street accountings of dollars owed for loss of life globally from Wall Street/NATO pollution. Or is One America News just another Wall Street/NATO shill journalism gig?   Continue reading “Longest Menage a Trois in American History: Government-Corporate-Media”

KSTP 5 News – by Stphen Tellier

A Minneapolis city council member is demanding answers, asking why the council was kept in the dark regarding recent military helicopter training exercises conducted in the skies over downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul a few weeks ago.

The training went on for four nights in both downtowns, scaring and angering more than a few neighbors. The helicopters came without warning, and under cover of darkness.   Continue reading “Minneapolis City Council Member Demands Answers about Military Helicopter Training”

CongressSovereign Man – by Simon Black

Say hello to the next financial crisis, brought to you courtesy of the dumbest new bill of the week: H.R. 5148: Access to Affordable Mortgages Act.

Ordinarily whenever an individual wants to borrow money for a mortgage, the bank conducts due diligence… both on the borrower as well as the property.

It’s in the banks’ interest (as well as the banks’ depositors) to ensure that the property is at least worth as much as the amount being borrowed. Duh.   Continue reading “New bill: Congress engineering yet another financial crisis”

Iran FlagSF Gate – by Matthew Lee and Robert Burns

WASHINGTON (AP) — A commercial aircraft chartered by the U.S.-led military coalition in Afghanistan for a flight to the Persian Gulf city of Dubai was re-routed to Iran on Friday, apparently because of a mix-up over its flight plan, U.S. officials said.

The plane was flying from Bagram airfield north of Kabul to Dubai. The normal flight path goes through Iranian airspace.   Continue reading “AP sources: Plane lands in Iran amid mix-up”

Plane is now in Cuban air space so the NORAD jets have broken contact and is being monitored by a Cuban jet fighter.

ABC News

Two F-15’s are following a Socata TBM 700 aircraft that’s unresponsive over the Atlantic Ocean, according to the U.S. Air Force.

The single-engine, turboprop aircraft was flying from Rochester, New York, to Naples, Florida. “The plane’s occupants did not respond to attempts to communicate,” the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) said this morning.   Continue reading “NORAD Fighter Jets Following Unresponsive Plane Over Atlantic”

Justin James Rector, 26, of Bullhead City, was arrested Thursday for kidnapping and first-degree murder just hours before police identified a body found as missing 8-year-old, Isabella (Bella) Grogan-Cannella.Reuters – by DAVID SCHWARTZ

A family friend was arrested on Thursday on suspicion of first-degree murder and kidnapping after the body of a missing 8-year-old girl was discovered in a shallow grave in northwest Arizona, police said.

Justin James Rector, 26, who was staying at the girl’s home, was booked into Mohave County jail for the murder of Isabella Grogan-Cannella, said Bullhead City Police Chief Brian Williamson.   Continue reading “Family friend arrested after missing girl found dead in Arizona”

Former Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell returns with family members, including his son Bobby (right), to U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia on Sept. 4 in RichmondBloomberg – by Joshua Green

Former Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell was going to emerge from his bribery and corruption trial as either a convicted felon or a clueless, neglectful husband who didn’t realize a rich political donor was lavishing expensive, illegal gifts on his out-of-control wife. Either way, his political future was doomed. This afternoon a jury decided it: convicted felon.

McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, were convicted on multiple counts of “conspiracy to commit honest-services wire fraud, honest-services wire fraud, conspiracy to obtain property under color of official right, and obtaining the property under color of official right.” The five-week trial in U.S. District Court in Richmond found that the two traded political influence for loans and gifts from a dietary supplement magnate, Jonnie Williams, valued at more than $170,000.   Continue reading “Virginia’s Ex-Governor Is Now a Felon”

A man uses an E-cigarette, an electronic substitute in the form of a rod, slightly longer than a normal cigarette, in this illustration picture taken in Paris, March 5, 2013.  REUTERS/Christian HartmannReuters – by Kate Kelland

A World Health Organisation-commissioned review of e-cigarettes contains errors, misinterpretations and misrepresentations, meaning policymakers may miss their potential health benefits, a group of tobacco addiction experts said.

In a critique of the WHO’s background paper on e-cigarettes, which acted as a blueprint for a WHO report last month calling for more regulation of the devices, the experts said its evaluation of the evidence was inaccurate.   Continue reading “WHO report gives misleading view on e-cigarettes, experts argue”

ABC News – by ERIK SCHELZIG Associated Press

A violent disturbance broke out involving more than 20 teens at the same Nashville juvenile detention center where more than 30 escaped earlier this week.

About 28 teens — some of whom had also escaped during Monday’s massive breakout — were involved in the latest incident that began Wednesday night, Tennessee Department of Children’s Services spokesman Rob Johnson said. The teens had gotten out of their dorm and were roaming the campus.   Continue reading “Disturbance at Detention Center Where 32 Escaped”

Sent to us by the author, Tracy Turner.

Numerous articles about the NSA have been circulated. Any and all that dismiss the AT&T-Israeli-Mossad-Unit 8200-Converse-Boeing connection(s) are either intentionally misleading or unintentionally dilettante whereas this link was merely part of a greater learning curve. This article has sources that cannot be named; however, feel free to ask your elected officials about buckeyball euthanasia vacuum shells…

It is the intention of this article to look at the “intelligence community” in an entirely new way. For starters, Glen Greenwald and the Guardian crew wrote about the NSA a full six years after a friend of mine stumbled across NSA Prism. Let’s look at the NSA/Greenwald/Guardian “intelligence” a bit differently… It is nearly fall 2014: the email. websurfing, cell-phone, land-phone-line snooping and TV channel-surfing data mining mentioned by the Guardian is vintage 1990’s technology. Mining data from internetwork-datagrams is partying like it’s 1999, albeit with only a few new tweaks and perks.   Continue reading “NSA – National Security Agency – Extrapolate Postmodum Prosum”

Jerry Brown 337x244Suggested by Kevin.

EAG News – by Bob Kellogg

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – California legislators have passed a bill that would give immigrant students residing in the country illegally tens of thousands of dollars, in addition to scholarship money they may already be receiving, to attend four-year colleges in The Golden State. But not so fast if you think Democrat Governor Jerry Brown is eagerly waiting to sign the bill.

SB 1210 creates the California Dream Loan Program and was authored by state Senator Ricardo Lara of Bell Gardens. It piggybacks off 2011 legislation that allows illegal immigrant students to apply for scholarships and grants under the California Dream Act. Individual students could apply for up to $4,000 a year. It would make available $9.2 million for University of California and California State University campuses.   Continue reading “California legislature passes bill to give school loans to illegal immigrant students”

Al Arabiya News

A plane from the forces of renegade former Libyan general Khalifa Haftar crashed in the city of Tobruk on Tuesday, killing the pilot and a child, a security official said.

“The pilot was killed when his aircraft hit a building during a demonstration flight,” the official told AFP.

The co-pilot survived, but a child was killed and a number of civilians were injured, the official added.   Continue reading “Libyan war plane crashes, killing the pilot and a child”


NEW YORK/SINGAPORE, Sept 2 (Reuters) – The third cargo of condensate, or ultra-light oil, since the U.S. eased its 40-year export ban has been loaded on a tanker and departed for Japan on Monday, according to shipping sources and data.

Japanese refiner Cosmo Oil chartered Panamax tanker Lian Ping Hu, which loaded the oil at the Teppco Seaways terminal in Texas City, Texas, during the weekend, according to the sources and Reuters AIS live shiptracking.   Continue reading “Third U.S. condensate export cargo loads, heads for Japan – sources, data”

The Desert Sun – by Morris Beschloss

According to the BP 2014 statistical world energy review, the U.S. has achieved world-leading natural gas production, by reaching a new all-time high of 328 billion cubic feet per day (BCPD). World usage of natural gas is about 24% of all primary energy consumed, behind oil’s 33% and coal’s 30%. Over the past five years, U.S. natural gas production has grown over 20%.

This is obviously due to the capturing of natural gas as a by-product to the massive shale expansion, as the shale “fracking” revolution seems to continue its unprecedented growth. No other global energy-producing nation has come close to matching U.S. production gains, while leap-frogging Russia in 2009, along with Qatar and Iran, previous global natural gas leadership aspirants.   Continue reading “U.S. Now World’s Leading Natural Gas Producer”

KVOA 4 News

BULLHEAD CITY, Ariz. (AP) – Authorities in northwestern Arizona are searching for an 8-year-old girl reported missing from her home.

Bullhead City police were called to the home of Isabella Grogan-Cannella about 1:30 a.m. Tuesday.

Her family says “Bella” wasn’t in her bed or anywhere in the house.   Continue reading “8-year-old girl reported missing in Bullhead City, Arizona”

Washington Post – by Fred Barbash

Former House majority leader Eric Cantor is joining a Wall Street investment bank as vice chairman and managing director, the firm announced this morning.

The firm, Moelis & Co., said Cantor will be based in the New York office of the global company and will soon open an office in Washington. Moelis, with 500 employees, is known as a fast-growing “boutique” firm that advises companies and investors on mergers, acquisitions and risk.   Continue reading “Eric Cantor joins Wall Street investment firm, will open Washington office”

Guatemala Gang NightmareCNS News – by Melanie Hunter, June 6, 2014

The State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs has announced a $2.5 million grant for juvenile justice reform and pre-trial detention in Guatemala, El Salvador and Panama.

“Corrections systems in these countries suffer from acute overcrowding and inefficiencies which contribute to poor conditions and, at worst, active criminal recruiting and leadership of criminal activities from within prisons,” the grant announcement said.   Continue reading “Flashback: Feds to Spend $2.5M for Juvenile Justice Reform — in Central America”

Immigration Protest White HouseCNS News – by JOSH LEDERMAN AND ERICA WERNER

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama’s possible delay in taking action on immigration has thrown advocates and lawmakers from both parties a curveball, barely two months before the midterm elections.

Democrats who were bracing for the impact that Obama’s long-awaited announcement would have on their campaigns are now rethinking aspects of their strategy for the fall. Republicans who were considering legislative attempts to block Obama must reconsider whether that’s the best use of the few remaining work weeks before Election Day.   Continue reading “Obama’s delay on immigration creates uncertainty”