Newsmax – by Cathy Burke

Three ATF officials let a key figure in the flubbed Fast & Furious gun-running operation collect his government paycheck while on leave and working for financial giant JP Morgan, a Justice Department report has found.

The Washington Times reported Monday that the department’s inspector general’s findings, released last week, determined that former ATF official William McMahon’s bosses “exercised poor judgment” in approving his paid leave while he worked elsewhere, and created potential conflicts of interest.    Continue reading “Justice Dept: ATF Paid Agent on Leave While He Worked Elsewhere”

KTVB 7 News – by Jamie Grey

PAYETTE COUNTY — A Washington state man driving a car with Colorado license plates says police sought him out and accused him of having illegal drugs because he’s from a state where marijuana is legal. On Wednesday, he filed a lawsuit in federal court.

Darien Roseen says he was driving through Idaho on a snowy winter day in January 2013 when an Idaho State Police trooper stopped him, and Roseen claims, violated the driver’s civil rights.   Continue reading “Wash. man says ISP profiled him for being from state with legalized marijuana”

Sent to us by Dorothy who said: This is all with the North American Union.  I expect to see Chinese Troops coming down this road that is being built by American dollars.

Sierra Vista Herald – by CAROL BROEDER

WILLCOX — A district engineer from the Arizona Department of Transportation is scheduled to speak in Sunsites April 8 regarding changes to Highway 191.

ADOT Senior Engineer Bill Harmon, who will make a presentation at the The Pearce/Sunsites Chamber of Commerce meeting beginning at 5:45 p.m. at the Sunsites Community Center, 1270 Treasure Road, in Sunsites.   Continue reading “Increase in border truck traffic due to NAFTA will impact Arizona highway”

Creativity and Non-Conformity Now listed as a Mental Illness by PsychiatristsReady Chimp – by Code Breaker

What happens to a society when thinking outside of the box or being righteously enraged about your government going in the wrong direction becomes an excuse to be sedated and re-educated? It seems we don’t have to go too far back in history to find out.

The Soviet Union used new mental illness for political repression. People who didn’t accept the beliefs of the Communist Party developed a new type of schizophrenia. They suffered from the delusion of believing communism was wrong. They were isolated, forcefully medicated, and put through repressive “therapy” to bring them back to sanity.   Continue reading “Creativity and Non-Conformity Now listed as a Mental Illness by Psychiatrists”

StopShootFirstProgressNow NM, March 5, 2014

With two major law enforcement agencies under criticism for their uses of force – including the Albuquerque Police Department under DOJ investigation – the state board responsible for police training has hired a new “paramilitary” director who dumped responsible use of force training in favor of more “shoot first” scenarios.

A New Mexico State Police officer made national news in October when he opened fire on a van full of children after the mother drove away from a rural traffic stop.   Continue reading “New militarized police training introduces “shoot first” policy for New Mexico cops”

Breitbart- by MATTHEW BOYLE

President Obama’s Department of Homeland Security caught then released 68,000 aliens who had previously been convicted of a crime, a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies shows.

The report, provided to Breitbart News ahead of its late Sunday evening release, reviews internal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) metrics to conclude that the Obama administration released 35 percent—or 68,000—convicted criminal aliens back into the U.S. general population when they could have been deported. “The criminal alien releases typically occur without formal notice to local law enforcement agencies and victims,” CIS’s Jessica Vaughan, the report’s author, added.   Continue reading “Report: Obama Admin Released Tens of Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Criminals”

What started as a peaceful protest against the Albuquerque Police Department quickly turned violent by nightfall with officers in riot gear breaking out the tear gasDaily Mail – by ASHLEY COLLMAN

What started as a peaceful protest against the Albuquerque Police Department quickly turned violent by nightfall with officers in riot gear breaking out the tear gas.

At least 500 people gathered on the steps of the Albuquerque Police department on Sunday to condemn the recent police killing of 38-year-old James Boyd. Earlier this week hacktivist group Anonymous posted a video online calling for locals to occupy police headquarters and take a stand against Boyd’s ‘cold blooded’ murder.   Continue reading “Protesters storm Albuquerque police HQ as Anonymous targets department over killing of homeless man by ‘cold blooded’ officers that was caught on video”

Colorado man claims license plate led to pot searchSent to us by a reader who said: 

They are doing this to everyone for either having an out of state plate from a state that has legalized the stuff or if you have Idaho plates and are entering Idaho.

I have heard (I do not have any first hand conformation) that if you refuse to consent to a search they arrest you on the spot and search anyway (without a warrant).   Continue reading “Colorado man claims license plate led to pot search”

blog post photoAviation Week – by Bill Sweetman

As far as I know, this sort of thing has happened only once since 1956.

That was when British magazines started getting eyewitness accounts and grainy photos of the Lockheed U-2, then operating out of RAF Lakenheath on its first spy flights over the Soviet Union. Classified programs have been exposed in all sorts of ways since then – for example, the A-12 Blackbird was disclosed under a degree of pressure – but until the RQ-170 Sentinel was seen at Kandahar in 2007-09 there has been no such aircraft photographed before it was declassified. (And in the case of the RQ-170, the operational security people were not trying too hard.)   Continue reading “Mystery Aircraft Over Texas”

	Tucson Police arrest an unruly man as students riot after Arizona loses in the Elite Eight.New York Daily News

Students at the University of Arizona apparently did not take Saturday night’s loss to Wisconsin in the Elite Eight well.

According to student newspaper Daily Wildcat’s Twitter account (@dailywildcat): “Dozens of students shot with beanbags” by law enforcement who were wearing riot gear and gas masks.   Continue reading “Arizona students riot after losing to Wisconsin in NCAA Tournament, 15 people arrested”

Common Dreams – by Jacob Chamberlain

For the first time in history the Israeli Supreme Court will hear evidence next week against officials who are accused of committing war crimes in Lebenon and Gaza.

The charges against senior Israeli political and military officials, including Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and his Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni among others, will call into question the attack on Lebanon in summer 2006, Operation Cast Lead in Gaza in late 2008, and an attack on a humanitarian aid flotilla in May 2010, according to Al JazeeraContinue reading “Israeli Officials Face War Crimes Charges in Supreme Court”

Web of Debt – by Ellen Brown

As things stand, the banks are the permanent government of the country, whichever party is in power.

– Lord Skidelsky, House of Lords, UK Parliament, 31 March 2011)

On March 20, 2014, European Union officials reached an historic agreement to create a single agency to handle failing banks. Media attention has focused on the agreement involving the single resolution mechanism (SRM), a uniform system for closing failed banks. But the real story for taxpayers and depositors is the heightened threat to their pocketbooks of a deal that now authorizes both bailouts and “bail-ins” – the confiscation of depositor funds. The deal involves multiple concessions to different countries and may be illegal under the rules of the EU Parliament; but it is being rushed through to lock taxpayer and depositor liability into place before the dire state of Eurozone banks is exposed.   Continue reading “Banking Union Time Bomb: Eurocrats Authorize Bailouts AND Bail-Ins”

1st_Boston_Marathon_blast_seen_from_2nd_floor_and_a_half_block_awayPhantom Report – by stratagem

Editor’s Note: Once again the FBI is intimately involved with recruiting and coercing people into bombing innocent people to promote fear based propaganda on the American people. The FBI’s job is to stop terrorism not create it through intimidation. FBI’s personal relationship with Tamerlan Tsarnaev , the monitoring of his communications is a major red flag and should be investigated by public congressional hearings.   Continue reading “Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Lawyers Say FBI Tried to Recruit Tamerlan as an Informant”

Breitbart – by DR. SUSAN BERRY

As Common Core champions like Jeb Bush, Bill Gates, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce continue to attack parents, teachers, and taxpayers for what they claim are “myths” spread about the centralized standards initiative, many parents across the nation are not convinced.

They are refusing to subject their children to the stress, pressure, and confusion associated with the Common Core by opting out of the assessments aligned with the standards, or by withdrawing them from school and choosing homeschooling instead.   Continue reading “More Parents Choose Homeschooling due to Common Core”

U.S. President Barack Obama meets with King Abdullah at Rawdat al-Khraim (Desert Camp) near Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, March 28, 2014.(Reuters / Kevin Lamarque)RT News

President Barack Obama may authorize the shipment of new air defense systems to rebel forces in Syria’s ongoing civil war, a new Associated Press report states.

Citing an unnamed US official, the AP stated Obama is mulling over the idea of sending man-portable air-defense systems, also known as MANPADs, to Syrian opposition groups, a move that would mark a notable shift compared to the White House’s past statements.   Continue reading “Obama considers sending anti-aircraft weapons to Syrian opposition”

Israel Rondon (Cuyahoga County Sheriff)RT News

An attempt to service an arrest warrant turned deadly in Middleburg Heights, Ohio, when a self-described “sovereign citizen” was killed in a shootout with local deputies.

The incident involved 65-year-old Israel Rondon, who had been convicted of carrying concealed weapons without a permit and of assaulting a police officer. As a proclaimed sovereign citizen, however, Rondon believed strictly in limited to no government and did not consider himself subject to federal, state, or municipal law.   Continue reading “‘Sovereign citizen’ killed by Ohio deputies”

Weekly Standard – by DANIEL HALPER

A top of advisor to President Barack Obama is in Los Angeles to try to get Obamacare written into scripts of TV shows and movies. Valerie Jarrett explained in an appearance on Top That! on   Continue reading “Valerie Jarrett to Hollywood to Get Obamacare in Movie, TV Scripts”

Gina McCarthy testifies before a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing on her nomination to be administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency on Capitol Hill in Washington April 11, 2013. (REUTERS/Joshua Roberts)The Daily Caller – by Michael Bastasch

A reporter has been detained by Capitol Hill police for trying to ask a question of Environmental Protection Agency administrator Gina McCarthy.

Bloomberg BNA energy reporter Ari Natter tweeted about being detained.   Continue reading “Reporter detained by Capitol Hill police for trying to ask EPA chief a question”