Rebels stand guard at the entrance of the Es Sider export terminal where a North Korean-flagged tanker has docked in Ras LanufYahoo News – by Ulf Laessing and Feras Bosalum

TRIPOLI (Reuters) – Libya threatened on Saturday to bomb a North Korean-flagged tanker if it tried to ship oil from a rebel-controlled port, in a major escalation of a standoff over the country’s petroleum wealth.

The rebels, who have seized three major Libyan ports since August to press their demands for more autonomy, warned Tripoli against staging an attack to halt the oil sale after the tanker docked at Es Sider terminal, one of the country’s biggest. The vessel started loading crude late at night, oil officials said.   Continue reading “Libya threatens to bomb North Korean tanker if it ships oil from rebel port”

ABC News

AMHERST, Mass. — A pre-St. Patrick’s Day celebration near the flagship campus of the University of Massachusetts spiraled out of control, pitting police in riot gear against thousands of drunken and unruly revelers at the annual “Blarney Blowout.” There were more than 70 arrests and four officers were injured in the clashes that included some students throwing beer bottles, cans and snowballs, officials said.

Amherst police said early Sunday that 73 people had been arrested after authorities spent most of the day Saturday attempting to disperse several large gathering around the UMass campus for the party traditionally held the Saturday before spring break. The partying carried through Saturday evening into early Sunday, and Amherst Police Capt. Jennifer Gundersen said in a statement that police were busy with numerous reports of fights, noise and highly intoxicated individuals.   Continue reading “73 arrested at Massachusetts pre-St. Pat’s blowout”

After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans was placed under martial law.  Residents were forcibly disarmed and forcibly evacuated.  (Source: Shannon Stapleton / Reuters)Police State USA

In the deepest fears of every freedom-loving American is the sinister thought of government following through with a mass confiscation of firearms — the tools of independence and self-preservation.

Some envision a proverbial “house-to-house” confiscation effort.  Police — perhaps soldiers — would be given an order to collect guns and they would literally go to every house in the country to find the guns and seize them.   Continue reading “What would a large-scale gun confiscation look like?”

Washington’s Blog

Americans Are Sick of War

Polls show that Americans are overwhelmingly opposed to U.S. military involvement in:   Continue reading “Americans Overwhelmingly Oppose US Intervention in Ukraine, Syria, Iran … Or Anywhere Else”

Tenth Amendment Center

EDITOR’S NOTE: Rarely do you get to witness a battle with the line between right and wrong so clearly drawn. The Maryland House Judiciary Committee hearing on the Fourth Amendment Protection Act afforded such an opportunity. One one side, everyday Americans yearning to stop the violations of their rights and the rights of others. On the other side, those concerned only about advancing their own self-interest, and who care nothing about the principles trampled in the process. Following is the story of that hearing. It will take you behind the curtain into a drama most never see play out. It will make you cheer. It will make you scream. But in the end, you will clearly see the triumph of good ideas over evil.   Continue reading “A Clear Divide: Surveillance State on Display During Maryland Fourth Amendment Hearing”

By Robert Quinn

Our legal system criminally protects Obama’s ineligibility

Vetting: to examine or scrutinize, as an expert. Federal judge James Robertson (US District Court-Wash. D.C.) threw out a lawsuit challenging Obama’s “Presidential eligibility” by saying Obama’s citizenship was “thoroughly vetted and massaged by America’s vigilant citizenry during his two year presidential campaign.” This statement was completely false, whether made deliberately or out of ignorance. Obama (then Senator) had his attorneys block the release of any document which, if valid, should have been able to confirm his eligibility. Presidential “vetting” is not exercised by America’s vigilant citizenry”, but by elected representatives who are charged with obeying The Constitution.    Continue reading “Transparency – Barack Obama’s Best-Kept Secret: Part 8”

5464New Eastern Outlook – by Tony Cartlucci

Like the West’s support of sectarian terrorists across the Middle East, including Al Qaeda, it has found the most despicable elements in Ukrainian society to lead “revolution” for the sociopolitical reordering of Eastern Europe. As the dust settles and the West’s proxy regime finds itself safely entrenched in Kiev, Ukraine – the Western media can now finally recuperate some of its lost legitimacy after months of denying the obvious – that armed Neo-Nazis led the so-called “Euromaidan” uprising.   Continue reading “BBC Now Admits: Armed Nazis Led “Revolution” in Kiev, Ukraine”

Fox News

A 64-year-old Japanese-American man is vehemently denying any connection to bitcoin, despite a Newsweek cover story identifying him as the brains behind the bits.

‎Dorian S. Nakamoto, whom Newsweek identifies by his given name, Satoshi Nakamoto, told the Associated Press he has nothing to do with the bitcoin, a digital currency that has no physical form and lacks any ties to a country. Bitcoin is also wildly successful, as far as currencies go, with everyone from football teams to food shops announcing plans to accept the digital currency.   Continue reading “Calif. man denies he’s Bitcoin founder after Newsweek report”

ukrainian womanPaul Craig Roberts

According to a report in Kommersant-Ukraine, the finance ministry of Washington’s stooges in Kiev who are pretending to be a government has prepared an economic austerity plan that will cut Ukrainian pensions from $160 to $80 so that Western bankers who lent money to Ukraine can be repaid at the expense of Ukraine’s poor. It is Greece all over again.   Continue reading “The Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun”

Activist Post – by Nicholas West

In April of last year, Obama announced a $100 million brain-mapping project, which is being promoted as essential to unlocking the secrets behind degenerative brain conditions and kick starting job growth.

Despite a U.S. economy that is sliding ever faster toward complete implosion, Obama is doubling down on the initiative with another $100 million dollar commitment even as very little of the assertions about job growth have been proven.   Continue reading “Obama Doubles Down on BRAIN Project and Military Mind Control”

Putin ammo shortageSilver Doctor

In the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy and fears of new control control legislation from the Obama administration, extreme shortages of ammunition have been sustained over the past 12-24 months, as panicked Americans have raided the shelves of Cabelas and gun-shows across the country buying literally every round they can get their hands on.

Combined with multi-billion round purchases from gov’t 3 letter acronyms such as the DHS and FBI, (including even the USPS and IRS), the shortages have continued even as manufacturers have responded by drastically increasing production.   Continue reading “Ammo Rush Begins Again as Russia Halts Soviet Ammunition Exports to the US!”

LA Times -by Anthony York

MOUNTAIN VIEW — Gov. Jerry Brown and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to the heart of the Silicon Valley on Wednesday and signed a deal that would promote trade and joint research between the Jewish state and California.

The ceremony at the Computer History Museum was the latest international agreement signed by Brown, who led a trade mission to China last year and plans to take a delegation to Mexico this summer.   Continue reading “Jerry Brown, Israeli leader Netanyahu pledge greater cooperation”

A woman display an air soft pistol (WILLIAM WEST/AFP/Getty Images)CBS St. Louis- by Brett Blume

FARMINGTON, Mo. (KMOX) – Some teachers in Farmington balked this week after being told that a school safety drill would require them to wear goggles and be shot at with air soft pellet guns.

A school safety drill in St. Francois County hits a snag after some teachers object to getting shot at with air soft pellet guns.

Four teachers at Farmington High school contacted the Prosecuting Attorney’s office on Tuesday after they were handed goggles during the “active shooter” exercise.   Continue reading “Teachers Become Targets in Active Shooter Drills”

White House


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,    Continue reading “Executive Order — Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine”

Russia Sinks Ship to Block Ukrainian Navy ShipsNaval Today

The Russian Navy Ochakov Kara-class cruiser was sunk last night to block the Ukrainian Navy ships deployed in Novoozerne, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence said in a press release today.

The information was confirmed by the Ukrainian military of the South Naval Base who were observing the operation.   Continue reading “Russia Sinks Ship to Block Ukrainian Navy Ships”

Recessions and recoveriesBusiness Insider – by HENRY BLODGET

The U.S. recovery from the Great Recession is still one of the worst recoveries in history (see red line at left).

Why is the recovery so slow and weak?

One of the main reasons is that average American consumers, who account for the vast majority of the spending in the economy, are still strapped.   Continue reading “WHY THE ECONOMY SUCKS: Because American Companies And Their Owners Are Greedier Now Than At Any Time In History”

Paul Craig Roberts

Gerald Celente calls the Western media “presstitutes,” an ingenuous term that I often use. Presstitutes sell themselves to Washington for access and government sources and to keep their jobs. Ever since the corrupt Clinton regime permitted the concentration of the US media, there has been no journalistic independence in the United States except for some Internet sites.   Continue reading “Propaganda Rules The News”

Sherrie Questioning All

The One and only photo released of children at SH.  Suppose to have happened at 10:47 AM – would have been in front of police dash cam shown below.  Never happened in front of dash cam.  They were not running, but walking.

There is a Police Dash Cam video of the parking lot of Sandy Hook.  I show the official timeline as written out by the Police of what happened and when.     Continue reading “Sandy Hook Police Dash Cam Video does not show children evacuating per Official Timeline.”