NBC News – by Claudio Lavanga

ROME — A relic containing drops of late Pope John Paul II’s blood has been stolen, and Italian police speculate the thieves may want it for satanic rites.

The vial was stolen from the Church of San Pietro della Ienca in the mountainous Abruzzo region in central Italy on Saturday. Pope John Paul II, who died in 2005, loved to go on skiing holidays in the area.

A relic with a vial containing the late Pope John Paul II’s blood is seen in 2012.   Continue reading “Vial of Pope John Paul II’s blood stolen from Italian church”

BBC News

Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych has accepted the resignation of the prime minister and his cabinet amid continuing anti-government protests.

Mykola Azarov had offered to step down as prime minister to create “social and political compromise”.

The move came after the Ukrainian parliament voted overwhelmingly to annul a controversial anti-protest law.   Continue reading “Ukraine’s PM Azarov and government resign”

A school classroom is pictured. | AP PhotoPolitico – by STEPHANIE SIMON 

The board of the New York state teachers union this weekend unanimously withdrew its support for the Common Core standards as they have been implemented — a major blow for Common Core advocates who have been touting support from teachers as proof that the standards will succeed in classrooms nationwide.

“We’ll have to be the first to say it’s failed,” said Richard Iannuzzi, president of New York State United Teachers.   Continue reading “New York teachers turn on Common Core”

Obama_union2.jpgFox News

President Obama, in the first of potentially many executive actions tied to his State of the Union address, will unilaterally increase the minimum wage for workers under new federal contracts to $10.10 an hour, from $7.25, in an effort to build momentum for a minimum wage hike for all Americans.

The executive order, which has been championed by progressive Democratic lawmakers, applies to all contractors performing services for the federal government and would effect more than 2 million employees, according to an administration official.    Continue reading “Obama to sign executive order raising minimum wage for federal contractors”

NBC News – by Gabe Gutierrez and Tracy Connor

Less than a week after one grand jury declined to charge him, a different one has indicted a Charlotte, N.C., police officer for voluntary manslaughter in the shooting death of an unarmed man who was looking for help after a car crash.

Prosecutors resubmitted the case against Officer Randall Kerrick after learning not all 18 members of the original grand jury were present for last Tuesday’s vote.   Continue reading “New grand jury indicts Charlotte police officer who shot unarmed man”

campFEMAThe Daily Sheeple – by Chris Carrington

Less than two weeks ago, FEMA was seeking contractors who could supply biohazard disposal facilities, tarps and housing units. They have also recently been on the look out for companies who are able to provide food and drinks on a grand scale, presumably to the displaced who are living under the tarps or in the housing units.

Moving on a little, they have now realized they have no way to get all the displaced/forcibly removed people from their homes to the camps housing units, so they are looking for transport companies willing to work on an indefinite time-scale, indefinite quantity basis, to facilitate possible large scale evacuations.   Continue reading “FEMA Soliciting Companies For ‘Motor Coach Evacuation of the General Population’”


A shortage of propane heating fuel during a brutal U.S. cold snap this month threatens to sharpen the year’s most urgent energy policy debate – how much of its newfound shale oil and gas bounty should America export?

Millions felt the pinch last week as another wave of biting, bitter cold strained already low propane supplies in the Midwest, causing prices to surge three-fold over two weeks to record highs and forcing suppliers to ration deliveries.   Continue reading “Analysis: Propane freeze squeeze may harden resistance to U.S. oil exports”

Reuters – by Rod Nickel

Jan 25 (Reuters) – A natural gas pipeline operated byTransCanada Corp exploded and caught fire in a rural area of the western Canadian province of Manitoba early on Saturday, but there were no injuries, a federal regulator said.

The explosion happened near Otterburne, Manitoba, about 25 km (15.5 miles) south of the provincial capital, Winnipeg. The area was evacuated as a precaution, said the National Energy Board, which oversees parts of Canada’s energy industry.   Continue reading “TransCanada gas pipeline explodes in Manitoba, none hurt”

Max Keiser – by Stacy Herbert

Stacy Summary: Many were oh so concerned about the Chinese who owned some bitcoin. LOL. Anyway, there sure are lots of strange things going on over the past few months with ATM ‘malfunctions’ and cash withdrawal limits and now suspension of money transfers (the very essence of bitcoin which no govt can shut down). We shall see where this all leads, all we know for sure is that debt and leverage has GROWN since the last collapse, so can the next one be far behind?   Continue reading “China Halts Bank Cash Transfers”

6a00d83455738b69e2014e8bf47e0e970dBlacklisted News – by Occupy Corporatism

At the World Economic Forum (WEF) the Global Commission on Internet Governance(GCIG) was announced as a “two-year initiative that will present a comprehensive stand on the future of multi-stakeholder Internet governance.”

The GCIG was created by the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA).   Continue reading “Davos 2014: Elite are Launching Global Internet Governance”

Mark Baker poses with his exotic swine on his farm near McBain, Michigan.  (Source: Associated Press / John Flesher)Police States USA – by 

Pigs can be unpleasant, vicious creatures, especially in groups. They are omnivorous, will destroy anything and frequently attack innocent people when given the opportunity. But that is just their nature. Remember the scene from the Wizard of Oz, where Dorothy falls into the pig pen and everyone around her practically has a heart attack? That’s because they knew she could have easily been pig food.  Pig farmers know how difficult the animals can be and take great care to not be in compromising situations including staying on the other side of the fence from them.   Continue reading “Michigan farmer faces $700,000 in fines for raising “wrong” breed of pigs”

PHOTO: Police move in from a parking lot to the Mall in Columbia after reports of a multiple shooting, Saturday Jan. 25, 2014 Howard County, Md. ABC News – by BEN NUCKOLS Associated Press

Police have identified the gunman in the Maryland mall shooting as a 19 year old from suburban Washington.

Howard County Police Chief William McMahon said Darion Marcus Aguilar of College Park, Md., arrived at the mall shortly after 10 a.m. on Saturday armed with a Mossburg 12-gauge shotgun and used it to kill two people at a store on the upper level of the Mall of Columbia before killing himself.   Continue reading “Police Identify Shooter in Maryland Mall Shooting”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Ukrainian protesters erected more street barricades and occupied another government ministry building on Friday after the failure of crisis talks with President Yanukovich, as opposition leader Klitschko feared “more deaths” pointing to a weekend of increasingly violent protests. Reuters reports that Yanukovich’s party stated “the situation has grown sharper throughout the country,” and called on people to disregard the calls of “radical troublemakers” to turn out for protest rallies. Continue reading “Ukrainian Protesters Chant “Yankees Go Home”; Klitschko Warns Of “More Deaths””

Tenth Amendment Center

With the introduction of the Fourth Amendment Protection Act this week, Mississippi became the tenth state in the country to consider legislation to make life difficult for the NSA’s ongoing mass surveillance programs.

Senate Bill 2438 (SB2438), introduced by Sen. Chris McDaniel, would make it the official policy of Mississippi to “refuse material support, participation or assistance to any federal agency which claims the power, or with any federal law, rule, regulation or order which purports to authorize the collection of electronic data or metadata of any person(s) pursuant to any action not based on a warrant that particularly describes the person(s), place(s) and thing(s) to be searched or seized.”    Continue reading “Mississippi Is Tenth State to Consider Legislation to Ban Cooperation with NSA”

SC-DronesBen Swann – by Michael Lotfi

COLUMBIA, S.C., January 24, 2014 – The South Carolina state senate this week is considering a bill to virtually ban the use of drones without a warrant. It recently passed the state house unanimously, with a vote of 100-0.

Introduced in early 2013 by Reps. Hamilton (R), Delleney (R), Taylor (R), Putnam (R) and Loftis (R), House bill 3514 (H3514) would prohibit the operation of drones by an agency of the state unless it is “pursuant to a criminal warrant issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.”   Continue reading “South Carolina House passes legislation 100-0 to ban drones”

All Gov – by Noel Brinkerhoff

The Obama administration has accused the contractor hired to conduct background checks for security clearances of committing fraud, resulting in hundreds of thousands of incomplete reviews.

Among the many investigations conducted by the firm, United States Investigations Services LLC(USIS), were those for National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden and Washington Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis.   Continue reading “U.S. Charges with Fraud the Security Firm that Approved Snowden and Navy Yard Murderer”

Johann Deffert discovers what its like to exercise your rights in America. (Source: mlive.com)Police State USA

GRAND RAPIDS, MI — A man was forced to the concrete at gunpoint, handcuffed, and held with a pistol aimed at his back by an officer who didn’t approve of him exercising his right to bear arms.

Johann Deffert, 28, was simply walking down the street — breaking no laws — while wearing a holstered pistol on his waistband.   Continue reading “Michigan man gets proned out at gunpoint for exercising 2nd amendment”

aerostat.jpgFox News

The Pentagon plan to deploy two large blimplike aircraft 10,000 feet into the sky about 45 miles northeast of Washington, D.C., has raised new privacy concerns even though the Army says there is nothing to be worried about.

The aircraft was described as aerostats, which means they are lighter than air while being tethered to the ground, The Washington Post reported. These aircraft have been employed in Iraq, Afghanistan and on the Mexican border because they can be equipped with radars and high-altitude surveillance systems that are capable of spotting flying objects up to 340 miles away. These systems are militarily valuable because they are capable of tracking low-flying missiles and movement on the ground.   Continue reading “Is a blimp watching you? New surveillance craft raises privacy questions”

Screen Shot 2014-01-23 at 8.14.47 AMLiberty Blitzkrieg – by Michael Krieger

One of the most disturbing and relentless trends over the past several years has been the redirection of war technology and equipment from the battlefield abroad toward domestic use in the USA. This has resulted in a militarization of police across the nation and has encouraged small towns to use Department of Homeland Security (DHS) grants to purchase ridiculous items such as tanks.   Continue reading “Why is a Gigantic War-Blimp About to Fly Above the Skies of Suburban Baltimore?”