Educate Yourself – by Ken Adachi

[Editor’s Note. ZS Livingstone was likely the first reporter on the Internet to promptly alert the public on March 12, 2011 and again on March 14, 2011, of the heinous crimes of sabotage, destruction, and murder inflicted on the people of Japan on March 11, 2011 by the US government, with Israeli/Illuminati cabal collusion. There was no natural 9.0 earthquake and there was no “tsunami” that caused the massive destruction and loss of life in northern Japan on 3/11. There was only high tech sabotage and a media propaganda blitz carried out by the psychopathic, satanic criminals who control the US government and its military. Someday, the true story of the 3/11 attack on Japan will be told in full. In the meantime, we continue to cherish the remarkable insights offered by ZSl to enlighten and educate…Ken Adachi]   Continue reading “In Praise of Tokyo Electric Power Company TEPCO”

AFP_523486727USA Today – by Doug Stanglin

A car chase that began with a car ramming a barricade near the White House on Thursday ended with gunfire on Capitol Hill and the brief lockdown of the U.S. Capitol.

“There are reports of injuries,” said Terrance Gainer, the Senate’s Sergeant at Arms. CNN quotes Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid as saying there has been “one injury.”   Continue reading “Lockdown lifted after shooting near U.S. Capitol”

View image on TwitterUpdate: Tribune news wire reports

2:07 p.m. CDT, October 3, 2013

Gunshots were fired outside the U.S. Capitol this afternoon, injuring several people including a law enforcement officer, according to reports. A lockdown order was issued for the Capitol, but it was lifted later.

The U.S. House of Representatives and Senate were in session when the gunshots were heard. Police called in a Medevac helicopter, a Senate aide and a U.S. Capitol policeman said.   Continue reading “U.S. Capitol placed on lockdown after shots fired”

Preston Police Chief Ken GeddesStoryLeak – by Michael Thalen

Several police departments across Idaho have joined the growing number of states receiving armored military vehicles from the federal government.

Canyon County, Ada County, Post Falls and Preston are among the departments now equipped with bulletproof, Mine Resistance Ambush Protected Personnel Carrier (MRAP) vehicles, normally seen on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq.   Continue reading “Idaho Police Join Growing Number Of Departments With Military Vehicles”

Washington’s Blog

DHS Pretends It Still Has Privacy Officers … When They’ve All Quit In Disgust

Wall Street Journal reporter Jennifer Valentino tweets:

Former DHS Privacy Officer Mary Ellen Callahan: DHS Privacy Office was accused monthly of being “terrorists” by DHS, IC   Continue reading “Chief DHS Privacy Officer: Government Called Privacy Office “Terrorists””

NSA Utah Data Center ribbon cutting ceremonyNSA.GOV

The Utah Data Center, code-named Bumblehive, is the first Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cyber-security Initiative (IC CNCI) data center designed to support the Intelligence Community’s efforts to monitor, strengthen and protect the nation. NSA is the executive agent for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and is the lead agency at the center.   Continue reading “NSA Utah Data Center Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Canceled”

News 10 ABC

LOS ANGELES (AP) – Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to sign a bill adding California to a growing list of states that grant driver licenses to immigrants in the country illegally.

Brown is scheduled to sign the legislation at a ceremony in Los Angeles Thursday morning.   Continue reading “Gov. Brown to sign bill giving licenses to illegal immigrants”

Economic Policy Journal- by Chris Rossini

Just about every single media outlet has been plastered with “shutdown” propaganda. It’s so thick that you can almost feel their fear, which is Americans may not really give a sh*t.

I know that in my circle, I haven’t heard even the slightest peep about it. Not even for conversation’s sake. No one has said, “Hey did you hear about….?”   Continue reading “Shutdown-palooza Is Sickening”

Breitbart – by Mike Flynn

The Obama Administration has decided to block access to public memorials on the National Mall as a result of the government shutdown. Like its decision to end White House tours when the sequester cuts took effect, there is no rational reason for this. The Park Police, nominally in charge of monitoring these spaces, isn’t even effected by the shutdown. Shutting off access to these sites is gratuitous and petulant.   Continue reading “Obama Administration Decided to Block Access to Memorials”

FedBid logoThe Weekly Standard – by JERYL BIER

Sometimes timing is everything. Yesterday was day one of the federal government shutdown, and one of the biggest stories of the day was the barricading of the World War II memorial in Washington, D.C., nearly preventing a group of 92 veterans from Mississippi who had been flown in on an Honor Flight from visiting the site. But it was also the day that the U.S. Army chose to award a $2,163 contract for a “massage chair”:   Continue reading “Despite Gov’t Shutdown, Army Awards $2,163 Contract for ‘Massage Chair’”

ObamaNatural News – by Mike Adams

All across America yesterday, people were running into frustrating technical problems because the online Obamacare exchanges are full of glitches. Over fifty percent of the exchanges demonstrated critical failures, CNN reported. This is astonishing because CNN has long taken a pro-Obamacare stance.

“The CNN medical team branched out. We tried in about 20 different state states. In 12 of them we hit glitches,” CNN reported. “Sometimes it made it impossible to sign up. There were error messages or that little annoying kind of twirly thing.” (SOURCE)   Continue reading “Obamacare exchanges hit with over 50 percent fail rate; feds claim the worse the glitches, the bigger the success!”

	Christmas Decorations in the Hobby Lobby store, Marlboro Township. New York Daily News – by DAVID KNOWLES

Happy holidays?

Hobby Lobby, the Oklahoma-based arts and crafts company founded by Christian evangelical David Green, stands accused of anti-Semitism because its stores do not carry Jewish holiday decorations.

The controversy erupted Friday after blogger Ken Berwitz posted an article on political website Hopelessly Partisan after receiving word that Hobby Lobby stores in Marlboro Township, N.J., refused to sell menorahs and other Jewish holiday items.   Continue reading “Hobby Lobby accused of anti-Semitism over lack of menorahs, Chanukah decorations”

Petitions 24

To: The President & Congress

This petition of course will not motivate Congress to take any real action, as they are controlled by special interests and not accountable to the people. Rather lets begin the discussion about shutting down large segments of the federal government and the transfer of these powers and programs back to the individual states and localities where they can benefit the unique needs of the people and at a far lower cost.   Continue reading “A Petition To Permanently Shutdown Washington”

CNBC – by Steve Liesman

Administration officials now live in fear of a 19th-century law that could get them fired, penalized or even imprisoned if they make the wrong choices while the government is shut down.

The law is the Antideficiency Act, passed by Congress in 1870 (and amended several times), which prohibits the government from incurring any monetary obligation for which the Congress has not appropriated funds.   Continue reading “143-year-old law puts fear in officials during shutdown”

Irish Times

UN experts charged with starting the process of verifying and eliminating chemical weapons arrived in Syria today for the mission endorsed by the UN Security Council.

A convoy of about 20 United Nations vehicles carrying the experts, equipment and security personnel crossed the border from Lebanon shortly after 1130 GMT, a Reuters television cameraman said.   Continue reading “UN experts begin weapons dismantling process in Syria”

Former child soldiers in the CongoAnti-War – by John Glaser

Ask any policymaker in the White House or Congress, what’s more important than human rights? Their response: “Our government, of course.”

The Obama administration yesterday issued blanket waivers exempting three countries from a federal law banning U.S. military aid to countries that use child soldiers. Think Progress:   Continue reading “Obama Waives Ban on Sending Military Aid to Countries With Child Soldiers”

The six-and-a-half minute chase was uploaded online Monday morning.National Post

A six-minute video posted online Monday morning shows a terrifying high-speed confrontation in New York as a black SUV was chased by dozens of motorcyclists before the SUV’s driver was pulled out of his vehicle and beaten in front of his wife and child.

Sunday’s confrontation appears to have started after the Range Rover made contact with a motorcycle. After the apparent collision, dozens of riders stopped and surrounded the SUV — and the driver took off, running over several bikes in the process.   Continue reading “Video shows violent high-speed chase through New York City as motorcycle gang surrounds SUV, attacks driver”