Information Liberation – by Chris

According to a press release from a small sustainable organic co-op called ‘The Garden of Eden’ out of Arlington, Texas, they were surveilled by unmanned police drones and police helicopters in the days prior to being raided by a SWAT team for supposedly growing marijuana. A group of over a dozen police and a heavily armed SWAT team held those present on site at gunpoint and handcuffed them while they searched their property. No marijuana was found, but the cops forced them to bring their property “up to code,” by among other things, forcing them to “mow their grass” and uproot their blackberries while they stood watch.   Continue reading “SWAT Team Raid Sustainable Organic Co-Op For Drugs, Find None, Force Them To Mow Their Lawn”

Two three-story buildings are affected by the 15-foot deep crater.CNN – by AnneClaire Stapleton

A 60-foot-wide sinkhole formed under a resort in central Florida early Monday morning, causing one building to collapse and another to slowly sink.

Guests at the Summer Bay Resort, about 10 minutes from Walt Disney World, called for help, saying they heard loud noises and windows cracking. The estimated 35 people inside the buildings were evacuated.   Continue reading “Florida sinkhole swallows parts of resort near Disney World”

A view of the West Bank Jewish settlement of Maale Adumim is seen near Jerusalem (Reuters/Ammar Awad)RT News

The Israeli government has backed the construction of nearly 1,200 new apartments for Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, just three days ahead of scheduled peace talks with Palestinians.

Israeli Housing Minister Uri Ariel, a member of the ultranationalist Jewish Home Party, said in a Sunday statement that in order to meet the needs of Israeli citizens, more apartments are going to be built in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.   Continue reading “Israel announces raft of new settlement homes three days ahead of Palestinian peace talks”

New York Post – by PHILIP MESSING

The highly lethal nerve agent VX — used in weapons of mass destruction — appears to have been discovered in a mail facility at JFK Airport where two US customs agents were sickened this morning, a law-enforcement source said.

Both victims suffered respiratory distress and were taken for emergency treatment after being overcome while inside the US Postal Service facility on North Boundary Road at 9:40 a.m., the source said.   Continue reading “Suspected lethal nerve agent discovered at JFK Airport; two customs agents hospitalized”

A selection of credit cards in a fan.The Telegraph – by Andrew Trotman

When Dmitry Argarkov was sent a letter offering him a credit card, he found the rates not to his liking.

But he didn’t throw the contract away or shred it. Instead, the 42-year-old from Voronezh, Russia, scanned it into his computer, altered the terms and sent it back to Tinkoff Credit Systems.   Continue reading “Man who created own credit card sues bank for not sticking to terms”

obama-maliaUSA Today – by David Jackson

Presidential vacations often create hassles for nearby residents, and President Obama’s getaway next week at Martha’s Vineyard will be no exception.

Some locals are starting to complain about the pending closing of a key road near the president’s vacation house Saturday to Aug. 18.   Continue reading “Road closure for Obama vacation upsets locals”

us-military-psyop-social-mediaStory Leak – by Anthony Gucciardi 

It has been common knowledge to anyone paying attention within the alternative news community for years, but once again the media is now admitting that the US military and intelligence agencies are indeed running massive propaganda campaigns that cover a vast array of online networks. 

How many times now has such ‘conspiracy nonsense’ now been reported years later by the mega media as undeniable fact? In the case of the US intelligence propaganda machine that even the New York Times has covered in an article entitled ‘The Real War on Reality‘, we are seeing just that. The New York Times report goes on to detail information uncovered from hacked data regarding the military operation to stage ‘grassroots’ responses and organizations in order to deceive via psyop.  Professor of philosophy Peter Ludlow writes for the Times:   Continue reading “US Military Caught Manipulating Social Media, Running Mass Propaganda Accounts”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

One of the more surprising news to hit the tape yesterday was that Saudi Arabia, exasperated and desperate by Russia’s relentless support of the Syrian regime and refusal to abandon the Syrian army thus facilitating the Qatari plan to pass its natgas pipeline to Europe under Syria, had quietly approached Putin with a proposal for a huge arms deal and a pledge to boost Russian influence in the Arab world if only Putin would abandon Syria’s Assad.   Continue reading “Putin Laughs At Saudi Offer To Betray Syria In Exchange For “Huge” Arms Deal”

08262012_Pioneer_High_School.JPGAnn Arbor – by DANIELLE ARNDT 

Two students and their parents are suing the Ann Arbor Public Schools‘ over its new “tuition-based” seventh-hour program.

A lawsuit was filed Wednesday in Washtenaw County Circuit Court, against the district asking a circuit court judge to prevent AAPS from charging students $100 per semester to take a seventh class.   Continue reading “2 families sue Ann Arbor schools over fees for 7th-hour classes”

The following noticed was seen posted all over the apartment complex. (Photo taken by apartment resident)IntelliHub – by Cassius Methyl

The rights guaranteed by the constitution are being trampled on more, while the public will not stand up yet and demand their rights be returned.

At the Sanger Oaks apartments and other apartment communities in Waco Texas, police officers are participating in a nazi-like ‘Crime Free Housing’ program, where they search apartments, check safety features to make their presence seem necessary, and trample people’s rights while carefully making it seem as if they are doing someone a service. It seems clear that everywhere in the US, the police, agencies of government, DHS, DOJ, DOD, CIA, all of those unnecessary gangs, will expand their powers more and more.    Continue reading “Waco TX Police Search Apartment Complexes, For A ‘Crime Prevention and Safety Inspection’- The Police State Grows”

Nepalese health workers carry sacks of dead chickens at a farm with a suspected bird flu outbreak near Kathmandu, August 1, 2013. (AFP)Raw Story – by Agence France-Presse

Scientists proposed developing a more potent strain of the deadly H7N9 bird flu on Wednesday to examine how mutant forms might spread among humans, a topic that has stoked global alarm in the past.

The announcement came a day after Chinese scientists reported the first likely case of person-to-person transmission of the H7N9 virus, which has killed 43 of the 134 people infected since March according to official figures.   Continue reading “Researchers propose new experiments on mutant bird flu”

Republican Herald – by JOHN E. USALIS

FRACKVILLE – The attorney for Gilberton’s suspended police chief said Tuesday that a councilman went door-to-door last week to encourage opposition to the chief.

Joseph P. Nahas, attorney for Chief Mark Kessler, held a press conference Tuesday at his office in Frackville and said that since the July 31 council meeting at which Kessler was suspended, he has obtained “alarming information” about a councilman.   Continue reading “Gilberton police chief defends his actions”

Screenshot from YouTube user Chief KesslerRT News

The police chief of a small Pennsylvania borough has been temporarily removed from his post, but his opponents are far from satisfied. Now residents of a sparsely populated former coal town are asking the feds to intervene in fear of an armed revolt.

Gilberton, Pennsylvania Police Chief Mark Kessler made international headlines last month when his personal, profanity laced YouTube videos went viral, in turn exposing the world to a lawman seemingly intent with defending his Second Amendment right by any means necessary.   Continue reading “Propaganda Alert: Pennsylvanians ask feds to help disarm intimidating small-town militia”