Fox News – by Catherine Herridge

At least five CIA personnel, including government contractors, were asked to sign a second non-disclosure agreement after the Benghazi terrorist attack, Fox News has learned.

While the three-page NDA, obtained by Fox News, does not contain specific references to the 2012 attack which killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, it does contain standard language that unauthorized disclosures could lead to “temporary loss of pay or termination” and “in some circumstances, constitute a criminal offense.”   Continue reading “CIA personnel asked to sign additional non-disclosure form after Benghazi attack”

jim rogers birch gold groupPR Web

Legendary investor and financial commentator tells Birch Gold Group that everyone should own precious metals as an insurance policy against a stock market crash and the declining dollar.

“We’re all losing the currency wars,” says legendary investor Jim Rogers in an exclusive interview released by Birch Gold Group. And he predicts that “as long as the politicians can continue to print money,” the problem will get worse.   Continue reading “Jim Rogers Warns of “Serious Collapse” of Financial Markets in Interview With Birch Gold Group”

There is no "fix" for ObamaCareHuman Events – by John Hayward

I think – well, to be forthright, I know, with actuarial certainty – that any of the various “Keep Your Plan” legislative fixes floating around Congress would kill ObamaCare.  President Obama and the rest of the Affordable Care Act con artists know it, too.  There’s a reason he told the biggest lie in modern history, over and over again.  More to the point, there’s a reason ObamaCare includes the insurance-slaying regulations and requirements Obama kept lying about.  This bill, like all socialist failure, is a massive exercise of compulsive force.  It won’t work if there’s an escape valve.   Continue reading “There is No ‘Fix’ for Obamacare”

Sgt. Report

If you, like I, have brainwashed, intellectually dishonest, “liberal” friends who still insist on giving Barack Obama a pass for every horrible, often criminal thing he has ever done, you might want to make them aware of this additional fact.

According to Senator Rand Paul, who spoke at a luncheon in Charleston, South Carolina on Monday, November 11, the President of the United States himself wrote the regulation to cancel the health insurance of MILLIONS of Americans. And every single Democrat voted for it.   Continue reading “Sen. Rand Paul Reveals: Barack Obama Wrote the Regulation to Cancel your Insurance, and Every Democrat Voted for It!”

web1_court_justice_gavel_01_thinkstock_2.jpgLas Vegas Review Journal – by SEAN WHALEY

CARSON CITY — Three Las Vegas siblings who saw their summer job, birthday and scholarship money taken by a bank after their parents defaulted on a loan are getting a chance to get their money back.

A three-justice panel of the Nevada Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that a Clark County District Court judge erred when she did not hold a hearing on whether the $11,910 garnished by Nevada State Bank from accounts held by Haley, Tyson and Trey Brooksby was proper.   Continue reading “Las Vegas children win court skirmish over garnished savings”

arafat-580x326Global Research – by Jonathan Cook

It seems there are still plenty of parties who would prefer that Arafat’s death continues to be treated as a mystery rather than as an assassination.

It is hard, however, to avoid drawing the logical conclusion from the finding last week by Swiss scientists that the Palestinian leader’s body contained high levels of a radioactive isotope, polonium-210. An inconclusive and much more limited study by a Russian team published immediately after the Swiss announcement also suggests Arafat died from poisoning.   Continue reading “Why Israel Wanted Arafat Dead”

c1Infowars – by Kurt Nimmo

Wikileaks has released a 95 page, 30,000 word document spelling out details on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). The secret globalist agreement will have a significant effect on a wide range of issues including internet freedom, medicine, patents, and civil liberties. The cabal will meet in Salt Lake, Utah, between November 19 and 24.

The draft text for the TPP Intellectual Property Rights Chapter spells out provisions for implementing a transnational “enforcement regime” designed to supplant national laws and sovereignty with a globalist construct. The TPP is by far the largest and most oppressive economic treaty devised thus far. It will have an impact on a staggering 40 percent of worldwide GDP. The TPP is the forerunner to the equally secret US-EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Both treaties combined will cover 60 percent of world GDP and exclude China.   Continue reading “Secret Globalist Treaty Threatens Internet Freedom”

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Chinese Minister of National Defense Gen. Chang WanquanThe Examiner – by Renee Nal

Soldiers from the Chinese Army, called the “People’s Liberation Army,” are now in Hawaii for what the local news outlet, the Star Advertiser, referred to yesterday as “disaster relief exercises,” coinciding with the little reported Grid Ex II exercises.

Michelle Tan of the Army Times reported today that this will be the first time ever that the Chinese Army will be teaming with American forces.   Continue reading “Chinese troops land in Hawaii for ‘disaster relief exercises’ during Grid Ex II”

Chicago sinkhole: Gobbling up tree, sinkhole expands and floods some residencesExaminer –  by Ryan Arciero

Chicago sinkhole, that’s the threat that has gobbled up a tree and flooded some homes with up to two feet of water and counting this week. Appearing on the Chicago South Side between 124th Street and Wentworth on Saturday night, the expanding sinkhole has become a major cause for concern, though city officials believe that they will have the issue fixed before the end of the month, the Christian Post reports this Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2013.

The Chicago sinkhole is thought to have spanned a broken water main underneath the ground, causing the giant pit to continue crumbling. It is now posing a real danger to some South Side homes as well, gobbling up a tree on a lawn and inundating a few residents’ basements with at least two feet of water.   Continue reading “Chicago sinkhole: Gobbling up tree, sinkhole expands and floods some residences”

Psychiatric Group Backtracks on Pedophilia ClassificationThe New American – by Dave Bohon

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has backtracked on its designation of pedophilia as a “sexual orientation,” following backlash from conservative family organizations. In May the APA, which according to its website represents more than 33,000 psychiatrists in the United States and elsewhere, released the fifth edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM-5), in which pedophilia is described as a sexual “orientation.”

According to, the designation went largely unnoticed until an online news site called uncovered the updated listing. The news site noted that in DSM-5 the APA “drew a very distinct line between pedophilia and pedophilic disorder. Pedophilia refers to a sexual orientation or profession of sexual preference devoid of consummation, whereas pedophilic disorder is defined as a compulsion and is used in reference to individuals who act on their sexuality.”   Continue reading “Psychiatric Group Backtracks on Pedophilia Classification”

Fox News – by Peter Schweizer

Take a quick glance at ObamaCare’s busted multimillion-dollar website and the 3.5 million health insurance cancelation notices hitting American mailboxes and you might be tempted to dub the whole thing a disaster. But it’s not — at least not for the politically-connected crony companies and big money Obama fundraisers poaching your tax dollars to fix the debacle they helped create.

As CNBC recently put it: “Thanks to ObamaCare, the health-care industry is going to get a big makeover during the coming years and venture capitalists have wasted no time looking for ways to cash in.” Put simply, ObamaCare’s complexity and catastrophic rollout create rivers of cash for Obama’s cronies.   Continue reading “At least one group of Americans loves ObamaCare” – by Marion Hammer

The Leon County Commission is trying to pressure gun dealers into helping to implement a proposed gun control ordinance.

Recently, commissioners were telling us there wasn’t any action going on with regard to a proposed “gun show loophole” ordinance. In fact, some even claimed “there is no proposed ordinance at all.” Some even suggested they simply wanted to receive our comments for discussion at the January commission meeting.   Continue reading “Florida County wants Dealers to Help Implement Gun Control”

All Gov – by Noel Brinkerhoff, Danny Biederman

One of the nation’s leading banks wants Congress to amend federal law adopted in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis so it and other Wall Street institutions can go back to gambling with risky investments and have taxpayers cover the losses again if they bet wrong.

Under the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 (pdf), banks can no longer use monies backed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to invest in high-risk derivatives, such as “swaps.” This prohibition was adopted because derivatives crippled numerous key players on Wall Street five years ago, including Countrywide Mortgages, Bear Stearns, AIGLehman Brothers, Washington Mutual, Wachovia and others.   Continue reading “House Votes to Protect Citigroup if It Gambles and Loses”

Breitbart- by DR. SUSAN BERRY

Though President Obama said he was “sorry” that more than 4.2 million Americans have had their health insurance policies cancelled due to his signature health law, that did not stop him from instituting additional regulations and mandates for services in ObamaCare, this time for mental health and substance abuse.

On Friday, the Obama administration announced new rules that place mental health and substance abuse services on par with medical and surgical benefits.   Continue reading “New ObamaCare Mental Health Regs Tied to Gun Control”