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Bill de Blasio is not the only red coming to power in New York City. He will also be joined by a “progressive” majority City Council. Here is a sampling of three of those he will be working with:

Melissa Mark-Viverito, top contender for City Council Speaker, went down to Bolivia to campaign for that nation’s marxist dictator, Evo Morales, in 2009. Records of the infamous red narco-terrorist organization FARC show that ties between that organization and Morales stretch all the way back to at least 2003, with meetings organized in Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela between senior FARC operatives and Morales. That was two years before Morales’s Chavez-bought “election” in 2005, and the collaboration continues unabated.    Continue reading “NYC Painted Red”

U.S. spying controversyYahoo News – by STEPHEN BRAUN and KIMBERLY DOZIER

WASHINGTON (AP) — A secretive U.S. spy court has ruled again that the National Security Agency can keep collecting every American’s telephone records every day, in the midst of dueling decisions in two other federal courts about whether the surveillance program is constitutional.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court on Friday renewed the NSA phone collection program, said Shawn Turner, a spokesman for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Such periodic requests are somewhat formulaic but required since the program started in 2006.   Continue reading “US spy court: NSA to keep collecting phone records”

Sen. Bernie Sanders is not going to like this. (Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images)Washington Post – by BRIAN FUNG

“Has the NSA spied, or is the NSA currently spying, on members of Congress or other elected officials?”

That’s the question Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) put to the National Security Agency’s chief in a bluntly worded letter Friday. It seems, however, that the agency cannot categorically say no.

Sanders didn’t use the word “spy” lightly. He was careful to define his terms, indicating he meant the collection of phone records from personal as well as official telephones, “content from Web sites visited or e-mails sent,” and data that companies collect but don’t release to the public.   Continue reading “The NSA refuses to deny spying on members of Congress”

ABC News – by ROD McGUIRK Associated Press

A U.S. Coast Guard heavy icebreaker will leave Australia for Antarctica on Sunday to rescue more than 120 crew members aboard two icebreakers trapped in pack ice near the frozen continent’s eastern edge, officials said.

The 122-meter (399-foot) cutter, the Polar Star, is responding to a Jan. 3 request from Australia, Russia and China to assist the Russian and Chinese ships because “there is sufficient concern that the vessels may not be able to free themselves from the ice,” the Coast Guard said in a statement.   Continue reading “US Icebreaker to Rescue 2 Ships in Antarctica”


A single-engine plane made an emergency landing on the Major Deegan Expressway in the Bronx on Saturday afternoon, officials said. No one was seriously injured.

The plane landed in the northbound lane of the expressway around 3:20 p.m. near East 233rd Street, fire officials said.

The plane, which had flown from Danbury, Conn., on a tour of the Statue of Liberty, landed in the northbound lane around 3:20 p.m. near East 233rd Street, officials said. The pilot and his two women passengers were taken to St. Barnabas Hospital with minor injuries.   Continue reading “Small Plane Makes Emergency Landing on Bronx Highway”

Reuters / Chris MillerRT News

Recent misconduct investigations of deputies of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department included rape, smuggling heroin into jail, stealing money from a narcotics arrest and misuse of a department helicopter, an oversight report details.

The Office of Independent Review’s new report on misconduct investigations pertaining to the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department (LASD) outlined administrative discipline cases resolved through Sept. 30, 2013. The Office of Independent Review (OIR) is a civilian oversight body charged with monitoring LASD’s internal investigations.   Continue reading “LA Sheriff’s Department misconduct includes rape, drug smuggling, kidnapping – report”

Breitbart – by MATTHEW BOYLE

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said the grassroots in America will “overwhelm” the federal government and President Barack Obama’s administration by signing up for his class action lawsuit against Obama himself over the National Security Agency (NSA) spying on American citizens.   Continue reading “Rand Paul: ‘Overwhelm the Government’ with Class-Action Suit against Obama’s NSA”

US challenges ruling on Orwellian NSA snoopingAu Yahoo News

Washington (AFP) – The US government said Friday it has lodged an appeal against a judge’s ruling that the National Security Agency’s “almost Orwellian”bulk collection of telephone records is illegal.

Separately, spy chief James Clapper revealed that a secret court had renewed the NSA’s authority to gather call “metadata,” despite the controversy triggered when the program came to light.   Continue reading “US challenges ruling on ‘Orwellian’ NSA snooping”

Gun owners complete paperwork at the State of Connecticut Department of Public Safety office in Middletown, Dec. 30, 2013. Voice of America

The Obama administration has announced two new executive actions aimed at strengthening federal background checks for gun purchasers.

One of the proposed rule changes aims to clarify who is prohibited from purchasing a gun for mental health reasons, while the other would make it easier to add mental health information to the background check system.   Continue reading “Obama Admin Proposes Gun Background Check Changes”

Hospital, Jahi McMath family ordered to meet FridayYahoo News

OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — A judge says the mother of a 13-year-old girl who was declared brain dead after having tonsil surgery can remove the child from a Northern California hospital as long as she assumes full responsibility for the move.

Jahi McMath has been on a ventilator for nearly a month, and her family has been fighting with medical officials to have her transferred out of Children’s Hospital Oakland.   Continue reading “Jahi McMath’s mom clear to take her from hospital”

Female Marine recruits train on the rifle range during boot camp at Parris Island, S.C., on Feb. 25. The Marine Corps said it has postponed new physical standards that would require women to do three pullups, noting that many female recruits were not yet able to do so.NPR – by Tom Bowman

Starting Jan. 1, every woman in the Marines Corps was supposed to meet a new physical standard by performing three pullups. But that has been put off.

The Marine Corps announced it quietly. There was no news conference — just a notice on its social media sites and an item on its own TV show, The Corps Report.

Lance Cpl. Ally Beiswanger explained that the pullup test had been put off until sometime next year, to gather more data and “ensure all female Marines are given the best opportunity to succeed.”   Continue reading “Marines: Most Female Recruits Don’t Meet New Pullup Standard”

Politico – by JOSH GERSTEIN

Federal officials are ticked about a New York Times editorial published Thursday, not so much over its call for clemency or a plea deal for leaker Edward Snowden, but for accusing intelligence agencies of intentionally violating the law.

Drawing the particular ire of Obama administration officials is the Times’s suggestion that Snowden should be off the hook because he revealed that the government set out to act illegally on a broad scale.  Continue reading “Feds steamed at New York Times Snowden editorial”

Obama administration demands Catholic nuns comply with contraception mandateThe Daily Caller – by Caroline May

The Department of Justice called on the Supreme Court to not exempt a group of Catholic nuns from Obamacare’s contraception mandate on Friday.

Tuesday, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor granted the Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the Aged a temporary injunction from the requirement that the nuns offer insurance that covers contraception or face hefty fines.   Continue reading “Obama administration demands Catholic nuns comply with contraception mandate”

PW-TPSThe Daily Sheeple

Whether you’re new to the preparedness community or you’ve been stockpiling for years, information is the most valuable prep item.  That’s why the brand new resource, Top Prepper Sites, is an excellent addition to your bookmarks.

The site introduction states:   Continue reading “Looking for Information on Prepping? Check Out the Brand New “Top Prepper Sites””

Global Warming and the Fickle Finger of Fate

Red Orbit

The 52 people transported off of a stranded research ship in the Antarctic will have to wait a little longer to begin their journey home, as the Australian icebreaker carrying them has been advised that it may be needed to help a Chinese vessel also involved in the rescue effort.

Chinese polar resupply ship Xue Long (Snow Dragon), which provided the helicopter used to transport scientists and passengers from the MV Akademik Shokalskiy to the Aurora Australis Thursday, is now concerned that it could also become trapped in the heavy sea ice, Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) officials told early Friday morning.   Continue reading “Chinese Ship Involved In Antarctic Rescue May Also Become Stranded”