Be Your Own Leader – by Dana Gabriel

In March, the Canadian government introduced a bill that would bring about sweeping changes to its copyright and trademark laws. This includes giving more power to customs and border protection agents without any judicial oversight. The move is intended to prevent counterfeit goods from entering the country, but has been criticized for being less about protecting Canadians and more about caving to American demands. With the U.S. dictating global intellectual property standards, the new legislation represents the return of ACTA and would pave the way for Canada to ratify the controversial international treaty.    Continue reading “The Return of ACTA: U.S. Dictating Canada’s Intellectual Property Laws”

<p> FILE - This April 2007 photograph, released by the Tennessee Valley Authority, shows the cooling tower of the single operating reactor at the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant in Spring City, Tenn. It’s a political role reversal: Republicans are blasting a plan by President Barack Obama to consider selling the Tennessee Valley Authority, a New Deal-era agency long targeted by conservatives as an example of government overreach. (AP Photo/Tennessee Valley Authority)Yahoo News – by Jeff Stacklin | The Lookout

A gunman took at least two shots at a security officer outside the Watts Bar nuclear power plant in east Tennessee and then escaped in a boat, a spokesman for the Tennessee Valley Authority said.

The incident, which is being investigated by the FBI and local police authorities, occurred just before 2 a.m. Sunday. TVA spokesman Jim Hopson said the gunman has not been apprehended.   Continue reading “FBI investigating shooting incident at Tennessee nuclear power plant”

A general view shows Khan al-Assal area near the northern city of Aleppo, near the site where forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad say was Tuesday's chemical weapon attack March 23, 2013. REUTERS/George OurfalianReuters – by Maayan Lubell

Syrian government forces have used chemical weapons – probably nerve gas – in their fight against rebels trying to force out President Bashar al-Assad, the Israeli military’s top intelligence analyst said on Tuesday.

Brigadier-General Itai Brun made the comments at a Tel Aviv security conference a day after U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said on a visit to Israel that U.S. intelligence agencies were still assessing whether such weapons had been employed.   Continue reading “Propaganda Alerta: Israel says Syria used chemical arms, probably nerve gas”

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast Press TV

Iran has strongly rejected a recent claim by the Canadian government over alleged links between the suspects in a foiled terrorist attack in Canada and Tehran.

Canada said on Monday that its police had arrested two ‘foreign nationals’ who were planning to derail a VIA passenger train traveling between Toronto and New York, claiming that the suspects had links to “al-Qaeda elements inside Iran.”    Continue reading “Iran rejects Canada’s claim about terror suspects’s links”

Daily Paul – by Pol Pot

A bipartisan bill introduced on Monday will require background checks on pressure cooker sales and set limits on sales of nails and ball bearings.

House Bill 10-289, the ‘Pressure Cooker Prevention of Crime and Protection of Children Act of 2013’ (PCPCPCA) has already gained 391 sponsors spanning both of the two sides of the political spectrum, the Democrats and the Republicans.   Continue reading “Bill To Regulate Pressure Cookers Gaining Steam”

Oil Price – by John Daly

As Boston and U.S. security agencies congratulate themselves over the apparent neutralization of a pair of Chechens that [allegedly] bombed the Boston Marathon, troubling questions are beginning to arise.

First and foremost is, why a pair of Chechens, born in the former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan, apparently committed the attack?   Continue reading “Boston Marathon Attacks, Chechnya and Oil – the Hidden U.S. Connection”

Politicker – by Jill Colvin

In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Monday the country’s interpretation of the Constitution will “have to change” to allow for greater security to stave off future attacks.

“The people who are worried about privacy have a legitimate worry,” Mr. Bloomberg said during a press conference in Midtown. “But we live in a complex word where you’re going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in the olden days, if you will. And our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution, I think, have to change.”  Continue reading “Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution Will ‘Have to Change’ After Boston Bombing”

Liberty Gold and Silver


We are in the midst of experiencing two of the most radical weeks in the history of the precious metals markets.  Paper prices for gold and silver, those prices determined by the fraudulently managed commodities exchanges (namely the COMEX and the London Bullion Marketing Association – LBMA) and regulated by the equally corrupt and complicit Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), have been driven into the basement.   Continue reading “Massive Run on Gold and Silver”

CNN – by Christine Theodorou

Five people died late Sunday in shootings at an apartment complex near Seattle, including one man shot by police, authorities said.

When officers arrived at the scene in Federal Way, Washington, just south of Seattle, they could still hear gunfire, said police spokeswoman Cathy Schrock. They also saw two men lying wounded in a parking lot.   Continue reading “5 dead in shootings near Seattle”

American Everyman – by Scott Creighton

Di$info Jone$ isn’t even worth talking about anymore. The real Truth movement and alternative news crowd has disowned him long, long ago. Contrary to what he tries to tell the uneducated, he was never the “leader” of anything in our movement. He never contributed anything new, he never moved his followers act on anything but making Di$info some money.   Continue reading “Boston Bombing: Di$info Jone$ Praises Mossad’s DEBKAfile – Signs onto “Double Agents” Disinfo”

Citizens for Immigration Law Enforcement

Despite the justification that advocacy groups are able to conjure up those who enter this country without proper authorization are breaking the law, plain and simple.  These ‘Illegal aliens’ are subject to deportation at any time. Their very presence is in direct violation of federal law.

Our laws also hold that even lawful permanent resident aliens (those with a “green card”) can be deported if they are convicted of certain crimes. These criminal alien residents can lose their permanent resident status and be deported just like the illegal aliens if the proper authorities only knew about them.   Continue reading “Reporting Illegal Aliens”

Rense – by Stephen Lendman

Mounting evidence suggests state-sponsored terrorism. Expect more later to confirm it. Cui bono matters most. Powerful interests benefit hugely. Ordinary people lose out.

War on terror 2.0 looms. Innocent people will suffer. Expect more repressive laws. Military spending will increase. Homeland security will be boosted. Fundamental freedoms will die. Full-blown tyranny may follow. It’s already a hair’s breath away.   Continue reading “Boston Black Ops: Manufacturing Terror”

21st Century Wire

Is this video real? Is this suspect Tamerlan in the video?

The following video below is a clip was just released via YouTube. We are told it is from a Brazilian television news channel covering the Boston Bomber suspect chase.

PHOTO: Suspect number one, older brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev – is this the man in the video?   Continue reading “VIDEO: Bomber suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev appears to be alive, naked and handcuffed”

Ryan Dawson acquired the full CNN video, which I have seen; but, when I started circulating links to the YouTube version, the latter version was promptly REMOVED.

You should try to obtain a true and correct copy from CNN yourself.

I realize there are many Americans who may NOT understand the many reasons why a Habeas Corpus Petition is warranted; nevertheless, the older brother is plainly visible in this CNN video. And, if he died in custody, then his body has become one of several instances of “Best Evidence” –i.e. the evidence on a dead body is considered the Best Evidence for purposes of forensic examination and homicide / crime scene reconstruction.   Continue reading “Private Attorney General Requests Boston D.A. to Commence Habeas Corpus Proceedings for Tamerlan Tsarnaev”

Fox News

Blocked by Congress from expanding gun sale background checks, President Obama is turning to actions within his own power to keep people from buying a gun who are prohibited for mental health reasons.

Federal law bans certain mentally ill people from purchasing firearms, but not all states are providing data to stop the prohibited sales to the FBI’s background check system. A federal review last year found 17 states contributed fewer than 10 mental health records to the database, meaning many deemed by a judge to be a danger still could have access to guns.    Continue reading “Obama taking executive action on guns after Senate vote”