Here’s my recommendation for your end-of-summer food preservation.
You need 100 pounds of tomatoes.
100 pounds? Are you insane, Daisy?
Yes – 100 pounds, and more if you can get them. No other item of produce increases in nutrients when cooked and stored like tomatoes. Canning them is like loading your shelves with vitamins. These vitamins have the delicious bonus of providing tasty meals throughout the winter, when fresh fruits and veggies are expensive (and scarce for many of us if you prefer to consume foods grown close to home.) I got most of my tomatoes from local friends who had an over-abundance, so I didn’t pay a lot for them. You can often find tomatoes by the bushel for $1-2 per pound at your local farmer’s market. (Find a farm or market near you at Eat Local Grown.) Continue reading “5 Reasons Why You Need 100 Pounds of Tomatoes”