Facing the Homeless in America

This past week I found myself in the city of Eugene, Oregon, taking care of some personal business, when a chance encounter occurred, which truly brought the magnitude of our current situation front and center.  We had lunch at an Arby’s restaurant and as we were leaving, I saw a lady standing on the sidewalk.  She had two cloth bags with what appeared to be her clothes, hastily packed therein.  She looked confused and this caught my notice.

In the city of Eugene, you will see countless homeless people, carrying signs and pan handling.  For some it has become a way of life, but the lady I encountered was different.  She was obviously brand new to the streets.  I asked my wife, is she homeless?  To which she replied, I think so.  She was not asking for money from anyone.  She was just standing there, scared, cold, and hungry.  She knew the food and warmth were right there and she was desperately in need of both.  But that was apparently as close as she could get.  

We had just eaten and I had enough gas to get home.  I had a $5 bill left in my pocket.  I told my wife I was going to give her the $5 and she agreed.  As I pulled it out of my pocket, I was looking at the lady.  She saw me and as she walked toward me, I could see the pure desperation in her eyes.  She looked disheveled but she was clean.  She was not a drug addict or someone who just decided to migrate to the streets.  As I said earlier, she was new to this.

I handed her the $5 and she thanked me.  I watched her go straight into the restaurant, leaving her possessions on the sidewalk.

This past week, there has been an outpouring of concern for the people devastated by the typhoon in the Philippines; people all of the sudden made homeless and hungry, and it is right that there should be, but what about this lady who is an American national, who probably worked a large portion of her life to support herself and this country?  And there are millions more just like her being put out on the street every day and they are as helpless as the people in the Philippines.

We American nationals should be ashamed of ourselves as we stand by and watch our people being abused.  A lot of the so called conservatives have been praising the $4 billion cut to food stamps, which they pushed via a propaganda campaign centered on fraud and abuse.  But when the cut came, did they cut fraud and abuse?  Oh no.

This was an across the board cut, which means those American nationals, formerly of the middle class, who paid into the so called safety net for 20, 30, or 40 years before being wiped out via the international corporate fraud who are now living in tent cities with only food stamps to feed them, went from $5.68 per day for food to $5.35 per day.

And of course the illegal Mexican national with six children who has never paid one dollar into the system, yet draws not only food stamps but full welfare, might have lost $50 out of $2000 per month.  The true scammers who are sanctioned by the communists will just add another social security number and get even more.

This is not about getting the welfare frauds.  It is about starving American nationals into submission, while further transferring the wealth, not from the middle class to the poor, but rather from the middle class to the corporate elite, who, by contract, get to keep every dollar they can take from the poor through any means.

This is an out and out campaign to turn us away from our own people in need by lumping them in with the fraud being committed by the invasion of foreign nationals.  If we are to endure a judgment it will be for turning our backs on our own people in our pathetic attempt to gain favor with the elite who are intent on enslaving and killing us all.

By the way, giving that poor lady my last $5 did absolutely nothing to ease my conscience as I was headed home with a full stomach to a house to sleep in. Shame on us all for our failure to take care of our own.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

26 thoughts on “Facing the Homeless in America

  1. Good guys Henry and Laura. The town that I live in – less than 1000 people has homeless people , but the lucky homeless have cars to sleep in and to get out of the elements. I didn`t have anyhing to help the guy and his son, but I did have a bit of scrap metal and a bunch of cans that they took to make a few bucks, hell it was almost like they won the lottery. Yea I even invited them in my house made lunch, offered them a beer which they refused – they do not touch alcohol – and they left and I haven`t seen or heard from them sinse. I think that they just needed a chance to get out of town or to go to a warmer part of the country. By the way, they probobly only got about $40. or so for the aluminum and scrap metal but they realy did need it more than I did. And no they were not drinkers or druggies like a lot of people like to think the homeless allare, some are, but there are many that are not….. Excellent article Henry 🙂

      1. Thanks you two. I know what it is like and it is a hard life. Not one single person here in america should have to live on the street, not one. Anyway thanks again you two as I am sure you as well as most here In The Trenches would do the same without even thinking about it.:)

  2. I’ve been making the same argument for years, but my words have often fallen on deaf ears. Perhaps now that many more people are finding themselves in dire straits, some may start listening.

  3. And if the TPP treaty goes thru that the “Stealth Vader” is working so hard on, there will be unemployment and homelessness like never before. NAFTA and GATT will look like a picnic in comparison. Taking down America thru corprotocricy without firing a shot-just killing us by starvation, homelessness, and unemployment.

  4. Not true Mark. Not as long as i’m still here. You’ll always have a place. Although with the way things are going we both could be there.

    1. Thanks REDHORSE,

      I can’t tell you how assuring those words are. Looks like I’ll be returning to work soon, without the hope of work, I would be homeless in about 1 week. So far so good……take care my friend, I’ll let you know how everything is going soon.

  5. I have been noticing more people here begging on the street corners also by the shopping centers. Some are the same ones I have seen for over a year, but some are different faces. It breaks my heart to hear things like this, we need to take care of our own.

    Good job Henry and Laura that was very sweet of you and you put such great kindness to a stranger and she will always remember that!

    If I remember right, back in the day the Church would help the hungry and the homeless, but now these churches are nothing more than feel good lovers of money. They help no one and preach lies.

    I do pray every day for the people who are losing it all, I pray they find the help, comfort and Love they deserve so they can get back on their feet. Like I was telling my husband if we lose our jobs, we will be right there with them, always one paycheck from disaster.

  6. I have a hard time distinguishing between “us” and those damned immigrants – somehow they all look like humans in need. But I guess the criteria is those that have “paid into the system” – if you’ve done that, then I guess you deserve human kindness. But then what about those that pay more than others? Do they deserve MORE human kindness? And what about those American Nationals who haven’t paid into the system, who have lived off the welfare state their entire lives? I guess they still deserve human kindness because somehow they’ve obtained the status of American. You see, the problem I have with your article is that it is selective – some of us deserve your kindness, some of us don’t. Maybe someday we’ll finally take the attitude that ALL humans are part of the family of man and therefore deserve equally our kindness. I wonder what the world would look like if we did?

    1. Tom,
      It has nothing to do with what has been paid in, but everything to do with being an American national. You see this country belongs to us. Its resources and its wealth are our property. But for the international theft of our resources, we are rich beyond our own belief. No American national should ever be cold or hungry.
      As for the people of the rest of the world, they too are being robbed of their resources which would make for a plenty for them in their own country.
      We American nationals are going to fight the international communist elite and retrieve what is ours and these foreigners flooding into our country are assisting the international communists, hell bent on destroying our country. Nothing we have is theirs for the taking, yet these foreigners live high on the hog, get the maximum, while our own people live like animals, getting only the bare minimum because they are the ones the communists intend to displace with the third world hordes they are bringing in. You see they have to displace my people because the reality is we own this country and as long as we exist the taking of our property is a crime with potential punishment behind it.
      If you are so concerned with the rest of the world, get out, go to those countries you care so much about and help their people get back the property that is being stolen from them. Then they won’t have to come here and take what is mine and my people’s.
      I am not a one worlder. I am an American national and my people come first because they are my people, by blood and culture.
      In short, shove your one world socialist farm up your ass.

  7. Glad you did what you could for that lady, Henry and Laura. And you are absolutely right that our neglect of widows and orphans (as stated in various places in the Bible) and the poor in general will bring judgment not only on the criminal psychopathic elites, but all of us. We must especially help our neighbors…surely everyone who posts and comments here knows someone in serious need, whether for food, clothing, rent, dues, paying electric bills, etc. And if you attend a church, surely a separate “poor box” can be set up, because the time has come for US, not the stinkin’ government, to help these people!

  8. That is why we are on FTTWR. You walk the walk, not just talk the talk.
    You and your wife are good people Henry. Karma is gonna pay yall back in a good way. 🙂

  9. Yea, Henry. It’s a shame. I see homeless people around the I-35 in Austin, TX all the time. I try to give as often as I can, but the thing that truly pisses me off is the hypocritical church people who invade in on the beggar’s territory at major intersections EVERY Thursday and Friday afternoon (and sometimes other days, too) during rush hour, asking for donations to save their corporate church (which you know not a penny will go to the homeless) and constantly come up to your car window at the stop light and nearly yelling at you if you don’t give them donations. I always yell at them and asking them, “Would God want you to be begging off the streets for money for his church and using you to play the guilt trip and make those people in their cars feel guilty if they don’t give to the church? I don’t think so. Why don’t you just do a donation drive or activity to raise money for the church, rather than invade on the homeless territory. You’re destroying them in order to help the church. The ends doesn’t justify the means.” They give the fake smile and walk away and you can hear them mutter under their breath. Those same people don’t even look like church folk. It’s almost as if the corporations were working with the corporate churches by using them to help drive away the homeless. I wouldn’t be surprised. It makes me sick.

    Meanwhile, the homeless just walk up and down with a sign saying, “God Bless, Anything helps” and nothing more. They are the ones that get the spare change and money that I have left to give because they are the ones that truly need it and they are the ones that I believe God would want me to give to. Not those other hypocrites claiming to be saving their church.

    Don’t get me wrong. I am all for helping out the church. I’m just not for those who use it and abuse it.

    1. I know what you mean about churches. We have a “poor box” at our church, but while I’ve put money in it, I’d rather help these folks directly by paying their POA dues. A couple of families out here do not have the monthly dues necessary after buying food and the rest (and the food stamp cuts really hurt these folks). I do this because when our kids were young and I homeschooled them, we were close to destitute as well, so we know what that is like.



      Never happened. Zionist lies and propaganda. That why some us refer to it as the Holohoax.

      Now, if you want to talk holocaust, the Bolshevik so-called ‘jews’ murdered 66 million (mostly Christian) Russians. Mao did much the same in China. Why is the ‘alleged’ murder of 6 million ‘jews’ (btw, there weren’t even 6 million ‘jews’ in ALL of Europe at the time of WWll, the math simply does not add up) touted as more heinous than what those other two did? Seriously? Think about it.
      If you want to know the truth about WWll Nazi Germany, I highly recommend you read this book: “A Greater “Miracle” Than The Lost Ten Tribes Discovered…-The Dead “Six Million” Uncovered…!” by Brian Alois Cleraubat. It is exceedingly well-researched, and proves irrefutably that most of the claims made by the so-called ‘jews’ were blatant LIES. For these claims to be true, the laws of physics would have to be suspended – literally.  Also, there is another book by Victor Thorn: “The Holocaust Hoax Exposed: Debunking the 20th Century’s Biggest Lie”. I haven’t read it personally, but have heard from someone who has that it is also well-researched, and beyond reproach. Both can be found @ Power of Prophecy.com for $25 & $20, respectively. Stop believing ‘jewish’ myths and fables.

  11. Like Henry said…”What About Americans”? I dont mind helping others who need it..And I do at every occasion……..but most folks have forgot that Charity start in ones own backyard first! Been times I didnt have the money to help…but I donated time to help in the food bank or the Sheprd’s kitchen. When I had coin or bill..I gave.

    Big bad storm last week in the Phillipines…….many people dead….America will help..as always.
    Sunday nite..73 tornadoes thru the midwest…..who helps us?? I aint saying be selfish…but fockit man…..lets help our brother first before we try and save the dayum ungrateful commie world!

  12. “$8.5 TRILLION In Taxpayer Money Doled Out By Congress To The Pentagon Since 1996 … Has NEVER Been Accounted CMON PEOPLE LETS LAUGH TOGETHER AT THIS TRAGIC COMEDY HAHAHAHAH

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