nrastarbucksgoaMSNBC’s Morning Joe anchor and former Florida Republican Congressman, Joe Scarborough, has been named by the red communists as the tip of the spear aimed at the heart of the 2nd Article to the people’s Bill of Rights, and the rest of the MSNBC communist propaganda broadcasts are the shaft attached to that spear.

Joe Scarborough has stated unequivocally that universal background checks, hence universal registration, will be passed forthwith and that any who stand in the way of this communist dictate will “be destroyed”.    Continue reading “GOA Refuses to Participate in Boycotting Starbucks for Supporting Gun Confiscation”

The communists are making it quite clear that they have no intention of diverting from their drive to disarm the American people.  The background check  legislation that was recently defeated in the Senate is still very much alive and needs only for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to step up to the podium and reintroduce it.

We all saw what happened in New York after the Sandy Hook false flag.  Cuomo and Bloomberg used the confusion to mount an infamous attack on our 2nd Article right, rushing gun legislation through, with zero input from the millions of New Yorkers it has affected.  And of course the new laws were put into effect immediately to get them entrenched before any backlash could occur.    Continue reading “We are One False Flag Away from Gun Confiscation”

The CEO of SiteGround, Tenko Nikolov, has informed us that they have decided to terminate our contract.  They admit that they misdirected our domain name and took From the Trenches out for two days, which has cost us dearly.  This CEO however contends that his organization is not political in any way and that the politics of From the Trenches had nothing to do with the oopsidaisy that drove our site into the ground.  This is an international company with its legal office based in Washington DC and I’m sure they are not involved in politics in any way.

This is the equivalent of hiring someone to clean your expensive carpets.  After they say they are done, you inspect the job and see that one of their machines has tore the hell out of your carpet.  You say, “Hey, you destroyed my carpet” and then they say, “Well if that is your attitude, here is your money back and we don’t want to work for you anymore. And oh yeah, tough shit as for your property we destroyed, your loss.”
Continue reading “From the Trenches to be shut down again by the socialists at SiteGround”

From the Trenches has sustained a major attack as we were making our run to recapture patriot communication.  As we are held down, Alex Jones, Mark Dice, Rush Limbaugh, and Matt Drudge have consolidated in a desperate attempt to maintain their control as the alternate controlled media that has now joined with the mainstream propaganda machine.

The neo-con national socialists have come to an accord with the soviet socialists to retain power following the civil war that they all will work hand in hand to instigate as they attempt to turn our eyes away from the Zionists at the root of our oppression and redirect it toward the Muslims for the invasion of the Middle East and Zionist conquest.

As we have predicted would happen, the two factions are now joined and are working hand in hand toward the ultimate destruction and enslavement of the American nationals as they plan the distribution among themselves of the last of our wealth that they intend to conquer as we kill one another for them.

Tune into the Word From the Trenches at 12:00 Pacific time for more discussion on this matter.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia,, we will prevail.

We have received and continue to receive the official story in reference to the Boston Bombing, yet the question remains, “What is the truth?” and the answer is we are not going to be told the truth because all of the news organizations with the resources that could conceivably force answers to key questions will not ask those questions, leaving the appearance that the powers that control the mainstream propaganda machine are involved in the bombing.

Here are some key questions that would be asked if we had a real mainstream news media. Why were the pictures of the backpack laden team removed from Facebook?  Why is the mainstream demonizing the two suspects, rather than objectively investigating?  To say there are two sides to this story in the mainstream would be a ludicrous assertion.    Continue reading “Boston Bombing and the Mainstream Cover-Up”

As a patsy is still being sought in the Boston Marathon bombing, tell tale signs seem to be indicating that the unlucky candidate will be depicted as a pro gun patriot.  Coincidentally, one day after the bombing, a 600 page report was released affirming US government conducting torture after 9/11.  The question is posed, if as the report indicates, international and US laws were broken, what shall be the consequence?  And the answer is, more torture and further indications that say torture should be directed towards the perpetrator or perpetrators of the Boston bombing.

The communists have come full circle and are plugging in the final elements designed to accomplish the takeover of the US via the overthrow of the US Bill of Rights.   Continue reading “Senator Roger Wicker tied into Boston Bombing”

2nd amendmentLast week we saw an all out propaganda push put forth by the communist insurgency to force new deep reaching infringements upon our 2nd Article, with the end goal clearly being universal registration to be followed by universal confiscation.  The communists’ tag line is gun safety, which is about as open a term as the sleazy attorneys could come up with.

So what is gun safety?  Well if you listen to our enemies, it is every communist armed to the teeth with every American national disarmed absolute.  You see they support the 2nd Article, or so they say and dare any to disagree, that the black uniformed thugs should be armed while their victims should be disarmed.  If there is something different being said here, I for one would like to know what it is.   Continue reading “American Nationals Must Stop Debating with the Communists”

The communist Obama, in a desperate effort to sell his socialist ideals for gun confiscation, traveled to Connecticut on our dollar to speak to his fellow party members, so that they could clap for him and so that the mainstream propaganda machine could televise it.   This was another warped attempt to convince we American sovereigns that they are us and we are they.  In essence, he was pissing up a wet rope.

The insurgent Obama, in speaking of the states that have recently enacted 2nd Article infringements, said, “All these states share a strong tradition of hunting and sports shooting and gun ownership.  It has been a part of the fabric of people’s lives for generations.  Every single one of those states, including here in Connecticut, decided that yes, we can protect more of our citizens from gun violence, while still protecting our 2nd Amendment right.  Those two things don’t contradict each other.”   Continue reading “A Yankee Communist in Connecticut, Hell-Bent on Infringement”

The sleazy little communist parasite, Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy, was talking with Candy Crowley yesterday on CNN.  All one needs to do is watch this guy for about 5 minutes to be put on communist overload.  The sleazy little twit actually had the nerve to put forth the bald faced lie that incidents of gun violence are more predominant in the states with the most lax gun laws.  This pathetic little bastard has zero scruples and no problem with telling a lie, especially when he knows it is a lie.

The sleazy little spineless worm put forth the question, “Tell me why I can’t get on a plane without someone doing a background check, but I can walk into stores or to gun shows in the United States and no background check is done.  It doesn’t make any sense.”   Continue reading “Dan Malloy tells Connecticut Gun Manufacturers to go to Hell”

Armed terrorists descended on Ft. Knox earlier this afternoon and got away with the US gold reserves, as Germany and Texas cried foul.  Apparently a bunch of that gold in Ft. Knox was theirs.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney spoke on the theft at a White House news briefing.  Carney said, “The Germans and the goddamn Texans will just have to get their money back from the terrorists who stole it.”   Continue reading “US Gold Reserves Stolen from Ft. Knox”

The communist insurgents within the United States continue their push to disarm we American nationals, even to the point of presenting poll numbers which have been proven to be false via their own previous admissions.  Captain Mark Kelly, the husband of ex-Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, was making the rounds over the weekend, spouting his sedition while trying to present himself as some kind of American hero.

Let’s look at this logically and ask the question. Does the government grant the people their rights?  Was the Bill of Rights written by the government to outline the privileges they were to bestow upon us, said privileges of course to be revoked, altered, or regulated at the government’s whim?   Continue reading “Communists Stand in Defiance of Bill of Rights”

One Neil Heslin is trying to put himself above every other man and woman in this country.  If you believe the official story of Sandy Hook, Heslin’s son, Jesse, was killed by Adam Lanza and Heslin is now demanding that strict infringements upon our 2nd Amendment right be initiated.  Heslin has become quite the national figure, appearing on multiple networks and at Congressional Hearings where he sobbed uncontrollably as he implored Congress to unconstitutionally infringe upon the 2nd Amendment.

It was interesting to note, I must say it was the first time I have seen anyone sob without producing tears.  I do not know who this guy is or who he thinks he is, but I can tell you what his rights are as they are the same as mine.  If he does not want a gun, he does not have to have one.  But the only way he can take mine away is via a twelve person jury in a common law court, as this government has absolutely zero authority to do so.   Continue reading “Sandy Hook Dad Advocates for Sedition”

So Obama is to hit the campaign trail once again to reignite the push for gun control.  I guess Netanyahu must have straightened him out when he was in Israeli and told him to get his Uncle Tom ass back to the United States and get the confiscations underway, so here comes Obama rope-a-dope across the country, on our dollar, of course.

Yesterday it was reported that the US Senate voted to reject the UN Small Arms Treaty, but don’t be lulled into complacency as they still have four more days to accomplish their sedition, thus the rush to get Obama back in our faces.    Continue reading “Obama to Bring Gun Confiscation Dictates to the Streets”

So, Diane Frankenstein’s assault weapons ban has been squashed and the lullaby has begun, but I would not recommend falling asleep at this particular moment as the removal of the legislation from the main body of the gun confiscation legislation is not but a ploy.  It has been my opinion that the proposed assault weapons and clip ban have been nothing more than a diversion put forth in the expectation that we 2nd Article supporters will consider it a victory when universal background checks become a reality.

We can make no mistake as to the communists’ intent as they have made that intent clear many times over.  They want the American people disarmed.  But how do they achieve this insurmountable goal?  We must consider the larger picture, which is complete disarmament of the American people via UN dictate.   Continue reading “Universal Background Checks and UN Small Arms Treaty, A Two Prong Sneak Attack”

Well the 2016 election is upon us.  Strange, seems like only five months ago that we had our last presidential election.  I’m telling you, we have entered the twilight zone wherein the every four year presidential election process has become like the movie, “Groundhog Day”, with a perpetual campaign to foster perpetual hope for perpetual change.

Then there is reality wherein nothing changes except the faces on the commercials as the international corporate mafia continues to suck out the wealth of our nation.  For the past four years and twenty before that, fewer and fewer have a whole lot more while a whole lot more have a whole lot less.   Continue reading “CPAC Neo-Con Con”

The devastating sequester cuts are going to reduce manpower on the border, bringing new attention to border patrol technology.  Apparently there is a plethora of machines ready to step up, or more precisely roll up, and take on the challenge – cameras, robots, drones, I guess the drones will be flying up.  At any rate, this will all be free equipment…not.

In the end result, the high technology will cost more to do basically the same job, which is no job at all, as ICE Agents have already been told to leave the poor immigrants and their backpacks full of cocaine, heroin, and marijuana, alone, as they are just coming here for a better life.  And if they do wind up being arrested for a crime committed against an American national, well they will be released, as we cannot afford to house them because of the sequester.   Continue reading “Technology to Seal our Southern Border – Yeah, that’s the Ticket”

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, that oily man trapped in an oily woman’s body, put forth the most stupid argument for gun confiscation, yesterday, that I have ever heard.   A picture of a Carcano M91/38 bolt-action rifle appeared on the screen.  Rachel said, “This was the most popular foreign firearm, originally manufactured for military purposes that was sold in the United States at the time that John F. Kennedy introduced the bill that would have banned the sale of this gun.”

A picture of Lee Harvey Oswald then appeared on the screen and Rachel continued, “Want to get a better look at this gun, here’s another view.  The man holding the rifle in this photo, is Lee Harvey Oswald, who went on of course to kill John F. Kennedy with that gun in 1963.  Mr. Oswald bought that gun, by mail, legally, using a coupon that he clipped out of the American Rifleman Magazine, which is the magazine of the NRA.” Continue reading “Rachel Maddow Tells Little White Lies for the Communist Cause of Gun Confiscation”